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Last active October 4, 2022 23:32
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Compile jsx from any language to any view format like hmtl, json
import (
func main() {
tpl, err := messages.SlackMessage(&messages.SlackMessageData{
event: "NetError",
statusCode: 400,
url: ""
msg, err := jsxx.New(tpl) // msg is valid JSON for slack but can be also html or protobuf
import {methodDescByCode, methodNameByCode} from "@livesession/shared"
function Field1() { // some field
function Field2() { // some field 2
export function SlackMessage({data: {event, statusCode, url}}) {
return <attachments>
<text mrkdwn>
You have a new alert for event: \n *{event}*
<text mrkdwn>
{methodNameByCode[statusCode]} {url} \n {statusCode} - {methodDescByCode[statusCode]}
{event === "NetErrror" ? <Field1/> : <Field2/>}
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