Here's a macro to get coordinates of all currently selected objects in corel draw.
Sub MultiGetOriginXY()
Dim Ox As Double
Dim Oy As Double
Dim OxOy As String
Dim savePath As String
Dim fileName As String
Dim sr As ShapeRange
Dim s As Shape
savePath = InputBox$("Enter save-location here", "Copy from folder-explorer Dialogue")
fileName = InputBox$("Enter fileName", "FileName plus Extension")
OxOy = ""
Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange
If sr.Shapes.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "You need to select a shape first"
Exit Sub
End If
For Each s In sr.Shapes
s.GetPosition Ox, Oy
'convert-to px
Ox = ConvertUnits(Ox, cdrInch, cdrPixel)
Oy = ConvertUnits(Oy, cdrInch, cdrPixel)
'round-off 2dp
Ox = Round(Ox, 2)
Oy = Round(Oy, 2)
OxOy = OxOy & Ox & "," & Oy & "|"
Next s
MsgBox OxOy
'save as text file
Dim FsO As Object
Set FsO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim textFile As Object
Set textFile = FsO.CreateTextFile(savePath & "\" & fileName, True, True)
textFile.Write OxOy
If FsO.FileExists(savePath) Then
MsgBox "Done"
End If
End Sub