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Created September 24, 2019 07:19
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Vue-i18n + ruby i18n-tasks unused scanner
require 'i18n/tasks/scanners/file_scanner'
# finds v-t="" and $t/$tc usages and prefixed that usages with the given prefix, e.g.
# so i18n-tasks unused / i18n-tasks missing will work and scan vue files correctly
# - no advanced v-t="{ ... }" syntax supported
# - of course, no dynamic loading of $t(some_data_property) does not work
class VueI18nScanner < I18n::Tasks::Scanners::FileScanner
include I18n::Tasks::Scanners::OccurrenceFromPosition
KEY_IN_QUOTES = /(?<in>["'])(?<key>[\w\.]+)(?<in>["'])/.freeze
WRAPPED_KEY_IN_QUOTES = /(?<out>["'])#{KEY_IN_QUOTES}(?<out>["'])/.freeze
# @return [Array<[absolute key, Results::Occurrence]>]
def scan_file(path)
text = read_file(path)
# single file component translation used
return [] if text.include?('<i18n')
out = []
# v-t="'key'" v-t='"key"'
text.to_enum(:scan, /v-t=#{WRAPPED_KEY_IN_QUOTES}/).each do |_|
key = Regexp.last_match[:key]
occurrence = occurrence_from_position(
path, text, Regexp.last_match.offset(:key).first
out << [key, occurrence]
text.to_enum(:scan, /\$tc?\(#{KEY_IN_QUOTES}/).each do |_|
key = Regexp.last_match[:key]
occurrence = occurrence_from_position(
path, text, Regexp.last_match.offset(:key).first
out << [key, occurrence]
I18n::Tasks.add_scanner 'VueI18nScanner', only: %w(*.vue *.js)
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