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Created May 23, 2016 21:15
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$ make test
/usr/local/lib/go/bin/go test -v
/usr/local/lib/go/bin/go test -v
Running shaping tests as root.
sudo PATH=/home/zeal/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551/bin:/home/zeal/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551@global/bin:/home/zeal/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p551/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/opt/android-sdk/platform-tools:/opt/android-sdk/tools:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/opt/opencascade/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl:/home/zeal/bin:/usr/local/lib/go/bin:/home/zeal/go/bin:/home/zeal/.rvm/bin GOROOT=/usr/local/lib/go GOPATH=/home/zeal/go /usr/local/lib/go/bin/go test -v
=== RUN TestCreatesRootQdisc
2016/05/23 14:14:13 warning: Could not delete root qdisc (foo): no such file or directory
--- PASS: TestCreatesRootQdisc (0.01s)
shaping_linux_test.go:386: run_cmd "tc qdisc show dev foo"
qdisc htb 1: root refcnt 2 r2q 10 default 0 direct_packets_stat 0 direct_qlen 0
shaping_linux_test.go:386: run_cmd "tc class show dev foo"
shaping_linux_test.go:386: run_cmd "tc filter show dev foo"
=== RUN TestShapeOn
2016/05/23 14:14:13 warning: Could not delete root qdisc (foo): no such file or directory
--- PASS: TestShapeOn (0.01s)
shaping_linux_test.go:386: run_cmd "tc qdisc show dev foo"
qdisc htb 1: root refcnt 2 r2q 10 default 0 direct_packets_stat 0 direct_qlen 0
qdisc netem 800f: parent 1:5 limit 1000 delay 10.0ms 15.0ms 1% loss 10% 6.3% reorder 6% 0.6% corrupt 3.4% gap 1
shaping_linux_test.go:386: run_cmd "tc class show dev foo"
class htb 1:5 root leaf 800f: prio 0 rate 10Kbit ceil 10Kbit burst 1601b cburst 1601b
shaping_linux_test.go:386: run_cmd "tc filter show dev foo"
filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 1 fw
filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 1 fw handle 0x5 classid 1:5
filter parent 1: protocol ipv6 pref 2 fw
filter parent 1: protocol ipv6 pref 2 fw handle 0x5 classid 1:5
=== RUN TestShapeRate0
2016/05/23 14:14:13 warning: Could not delete root qdisc (foo): no such file or directory
--- PASS: TestShapeRate0 (0.04s)
shaping_linux_test.go:386: run_cmd "tc qdisc show dev foo"
qdisc htb 1: root refcnt 2 r2q 10 default 0 direct_packets_stat 0 direct_qlen 0
qdisc netem 8010: parent 1:5 limit 1000
shaping_linux_test.go:386: run_cmd "tc class show dev foo"
class htb 1:5 root leaf 8010: prio 0 rate 34359Mbit ceil 34359Mbit burst 4294967b cburst 4294967b
shaping_linux_test.go:386: run_cmd "tc filter show dev foo"
filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 1 fw
filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 1 fw handle 0x5 classid 1:5
filter parent 1: protocol ipv6 pref 2 fw
filter parent 1: protocol ipv6 pref 2 fw handle 0x5 classid 1:5
=== RUN TestShapeOff
2016/05/23 14:14:13 warning: Could not delete root qdisc (foo): no such file or directory
--- PASS: TestShapeOff (0.08s)
shaping_linux_test.go:386: run_cmd "tc qdisc show dev foo"
qdisc htb 1: root refcnt 2 r2q 10 default 0 direct_packets_stat 0 direct_qlen 0
shaping_linux_test.go:386: run_cmd "tc class show dev foo"
shaping_linux_test.go:386: run_cmd "tc filter show dev foo"
=== RUN TestShapeTwice
2016/05/23 14:14:13 warning: Could not delete root qdisc (wan): no such file or directory
2016/05/23 14:14:13 warning: Could not delete root qdisc (lan): no such file or directory
2016/05/23 14:14:13 Could not temporarily unshape lan(lan) interface: Could not delete fw filter: invalid argument
2016/05/23 14:14:13 Could not temporarily unshape wan(lan) interface: Could not delete fw filter: invalid argument
--- PASS: TestShapeTwice (0.01s)
shaping_linux_test.go:386: run_cmd "tc qdisc show dev wan"
qdisc htb 1: root refcnt 2 r2q 10 default 0 direct_packets_stat 0 direct_qlen 0
qdisc netem 8014: parent 1:7 limit 1000 delay 10.0ms loss 10%
shaping_linux_test.go:386: run_cmd "tc class show dev wan"
class htb 1:7 root leaf 8014: prio 0 rate 100Kbit ceil 100Kbit burst 1611b cburst 1611b
shaping_linux_test.go:386: run_cmd "tc filter show dev wan"
filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 1 fw
filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 1 fw handle 0x7 classid 1:7
filter parent 1: protocol ipv6 pref 2 fw
filter parent 1: protocol ipv6 pref 2 fw handle 0x7 classid 1:7
shaping_linux_test.go:386: run_cmd "tc qdisc show dev lan"
qdisc htb 1: root refcnt 2 r2q 10 default 0 direct_packets_stat 0 direct_qlen 0
qdisc netem 8015: parent 1:7 limit 1000 delay 10.0ms loss 10%
shaping_linux_test.go:386: run_cmd "tc class show dev lan"
class htb 1:7 root leaf 8015: prio 0 rate 100Kbit ceil 100Kbit burst 1611b cburst 1611b
shaping_linux_test.go:386: run_cmd "tc filter show dev lan"
filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 1 fw
filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 1 fw handle 0x7 classid 1:7
filter parent 1: protocol ipv6 pref 2 fw
filter parent 1: protocol ipv6 pref 2 fw handle 0x7 classid 1:7
=== RUN TestGroupCreateJoin
2016/05/23 14:14:13 warning: Could not delete root qdisc (wan): no such file or directory
2016/05/23 14:14:13 warning: Could not delete root qdisc (lan): no such file or directory
=== RUN TestIndex
--- PASS: TestIndex (0.01s)
=== RUN TestGetsServerInfo
--- PASS: TestGetsServerInfo (0.00s)
=== RUN TestCreatesGroup
--- PASS: TestCreatesGroup (0.00s)
=== RUN TestGetsToken
--- PASS: TestGetsToken (0.00s)
=== RUN TestJoinsGroup
--- PASS: TestJoinsGroup (0.00s)
=== RUN TestLeavesGroup
--- PASS: TestLeavesGroup (0.00s)
=== RUN TestCreatesProfile
--- PASS: TestCreatesProfile (0.00s)
=== RUN TestGetsProfiles
--- PASS: TestGetsProfiles (0.00s)
=== RUN TestDeletesProfiles
--- PASS: TestDeletesProfiles (0.00s)
=== RUN TestDBCreatesSchema
--- PASS: TestDBCreatesSchema (0.00s)
=== RUN TestDBInsertsProfile
--- PASS: TestDBInsertsProfile (0.00s)
=== RUN TestDBGetsProfiles
--- PASS: TestDBGetsProfiles (0.00s)
=== RUN TestDBDeletesProfiles
--- PASS: TestDBDeletesProfiles (0.00s)
=== RUN TestNoSuchItem
--- PASS: TestNoSuchItem (0.00s)
=== RUN TestHandlesReturnedError
2016/05/23 14:14:13 Error: This message is okay in tests!
--- PASS: TestHandlesReturnedError (0.00s)
=== RUN TestHandlesThrownError
2016/05/23 14:14:13 panic: this message is okay in tests!
--- PASS: TestHandlesThrownError (0.00s)
=== RUN TestGetsProxiedAddr
2016/05/23 14:14:13 Unexpected non-proxied request from
2016/05/23 14:14:13 Unexpected proxied request from on behalf of
--- PASS: TestGetsProxiedAddr (0.00s)
ok 0.043s
/usr/local/lib/go/bin/go test -v
=== RUN TestAtcdCreatesGroup
int64 string []uint8 int64--- PASS: TestAtcdCreatesGroup (0.00s)
=== RUN TestAtcdJoinGroup
int64 string []uint8 int64--- PASS: TestAtcdJoinGroup (0.00s)
=== RUN TestAtcdLeaveGroup
int64 string []uint8 int64--- PASS: TestGroupCreateJoin (1.55s)
ok 1.709s
--- PASS: TestAtcdLeaveGroup (1.00s)
=== RUN TestAtcdCleansEmptyGroups
--- SKIP: TestAtcdCleansEmptyGroups (0.00s)
atcd_test.go:49: something changed with how goroutines were run and this is broken in 1.6. Deferring fixing until we refactor the cleanup logic
=== RUN TestAtcdBadTokenJoin
int64 string []uint8 int64--- PASS: TestAtcdBadTokenJoin (0.00s)
=== RUN TestAtcdBadTokenLeave
int64 string []uint8 int64--- PASS: TestAtcdBadTokenLeave (0.00s)
=== RUN TestAtcdGetGroupWith
int64 string []uint8 int64--- PASS: TestAtcdGetGroupWith (0.00s)
=== RUN TestAtcdGetGroupWithCIDR
int64 string []uint8 int64--- PASS: TestAtcdGetGroupWithCIDR (0.00s)
=== RUN TestDBCreatesSchema
--- PASS: TestDBCreatesSchema (0.00s)
=== RUN TestDBInsertsGroup
int64 string []uint8 int64--- PASS: TestDBInsertsGroup (0.00s)
=== RUN TestDBDeletesGroup
int64 string []uint8 int64int64 string []uint8 int64--- PASS: TestDBDeletesGroup (0.00s)
=== RUN TestDBGetsAllGroups
int64 string []uint8 int64int64 string []uint8 int64--- PASS: TestDBGetsAllGroups (0.00s)
=== RUN TestDBUpdatesGroup
int64 string []uint8 int64int64 string []uint8 int64--- PASS: TestDBUpdatesGroup (0.00s)
=== RUN TestDBInsertsMember
int64 string []uint8 int64--- PASS: TestDBInsertsMember (0.00s)
=== RUN TestDBGetsMember
int64 string []uint8 int64--- PASS: TestDBGetsMember (0.00s)
=== RUN TestDBGetsMembersForGroup
int64 string []uint8 int64--- PASS: TestDBGetsMembersForGroup (0.00s)
=== RUN TestDBCleansEmptyGroups
int64 string []uint8 int64int64 string []uint8 int64--- PASS: TestDBCleansEmptyGroups (0.00s)
=== RUN TestDBCleansOldGroups
int64 string []uint8 int64int64 string []uint8 int64--- PASS: TestDBCleansOldGroups (0.00s)
ok 1.116s
/usr/local/lib/go/bin/go test -v
=== RUN TestOnlyIPV4Provided
--- PASS: TestOnlyIPV4Provided (0.00s)
=== RUN TestOnlyIPV6Provided
--- PASS: TestOnlyIPV6Provided (0.00s)
=== RUN TestIPV4IPV6Provided
--- PASS: TestIPV4IPV6Provided (0.00s)
=== RUN TestNoIPProvided
--- PASS: TestNoIPProvided (0.00s)
ok 0.020s
? [no test files]
$ echo $?
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