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Created March 8, 2012 20:52
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Parsing Morse code with haskell
data MorseNode = MorseNode
{ mnVal :: Char
, mnDit :: Maybe MorseNode
, mnDah :: Maybe MorseNode
deriving (Eq)
instance Show MorseNode where
showsPrec _ (MorseNode val dit dah) = ('\'':) . (val:) . ("<."++)
. (maybe (' ':) shows $ dit) . ('-':) . (maybe (' ':) shows $ dah)
. ('>':)
toJSON = flip toJSONs []
toJSONs (MorseNode val dit dah) = ("[\""++) . (val:) . ("\","++)
. (maybe ('0':) toJSONs $ dit) . (',':)
. (maybe ('0':) toJSONs $ dah) . (']':)
mkMorseNode = MorseNode ' ' Nothing Nothing
insertCode :: (String, Char) -> MorseNode -> MorseNode
insertCode ("", ch) (MorseNode _ dit dah) = (MorseNode ch dit dah)
insertCode ('.':rest, ch) mn@MorseNode{mnDit=dit} =
mn{mnDit=Just $ insertCode (rest, ch) $ maybe mkMorseNode id dit}
insertCode ('-':rest, ch) mn@MorseNode{mnDah=dah} =
mn{mnDah=Just $ insertCode (rest, ch) $ maybe mkMorseNode id dah}
insertCode _ _ = error "morse: Invalid character"
morseCode = foldr insertCode mkMorseNode
[ (".-",'a')
, ("-...",'b')
, ("-.-.",'c')
, ("-..",'d')
, (".",'e')
, ("..-.",'f')
, ("--.",'g')
, ("....",'h')
, ("..",'i')
, (".---",'j')
, ("-.-",'k')
, (".-..",'l')
, ("--",'m')
, ("-.",'n')
, ("---",'o')
, (".--.",'p')
, ("--.-",'q')
, (".-.",'r')
, ("...",'s')
, ("-",'t')
, ("..-",'u')
, ("...-",'v')
, (".--",'w')
, ("-..-",'x')
, ("-.--",'y')
, ("--..",'z')
, (".-.-.-",'.')
, ("--..--",',')
, ("..--..",'?')
, ("-..-.",'/')
, (".--.-.",'@')
, (".----",'1')
, ("..---",'2')
, ("...--",'3')
, ("....-",'4')
, (".....",'5')
, ("-....",'6')
, ("--...",'7')
, ("---..",'8')
, ("----.",'9')
, ("-----",'0')
parseMorseSegment :: Maybe MorseNode -> String -> (String -> String, String)
-- Indicates invalid morse sequence
parseMorseSegment Nothing rest = (('~':), rest)
parseMorseSegment (Just MorseNode{mnDit=dit}) ('.':rest) =
parseMorseSegment dit rest
parseMorseSegment (Just MorseNode{mnDah=dah}) ('-':rest) =
parseMorseSegment dah rest
parseMorseSegment (Just MorseNode{mnVal=val}) ("") = ((val:), "")
parseMorseSegment (Just MorseNode{mnVal=val}) (_:rest) = ((val:), rest)
parseMorseCode :: String -> String
parseMorseCode message = case parseMorseSegment (Just morseCode) message of
(strS, "") -> strS []
(strS, rest) -> strS $ parseMorseCode rest
main = do
line <- getLine
if null line
then return ()
else do
putStrLn $ parseMorseCode line
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