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Created January 18, 2022 15:24
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export type GoogleFontName =
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| "inspiration"
| "inter"
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| "italiana"
| "italianno"
| "itim"
| "jacquesfrancois"
| "jacquesfrancoisshadow"
| "jaldi"
| "jetbrainsmono"
| "jimnightshade"
| "jockeyone"
| "jollylodger"
| "jomhuria"
| "jomolhari"
| "josefinsans"
| "josefinslab"
| "jost"
| "jotione"
| "jua"
| "judson"
| "julee"
| "juliussansone"
| "junge"
| "jura"
| "justanotherhand"
| "justmeagaindownhere"
| "k2d"
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| "kiteone"
| "kiwimaru"
| "kleeone"
| "knewave"
| "koho"
| "kodchasan"
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| "kolkerbrush"
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| "kosugimaru"
| "kottaone"
| "koulen"
| "kranky"
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| "kristi"
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| "kurale"
| "labelleaurore"
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| "lancelot"
| "langar"
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| "lato"
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| "librebarcode39text"
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| "livvic"
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| "lobstertwo"
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| "macondoswashcaps"
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| "magra"
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| "michroma"
| "milonga"
| "miltonian"
| "miltoniantattoo"
| "mina"
| "miniver"
| "miriamlibre"
| "mirza"
| "missfajardose"
| "mitr"
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| "mochiypoppone"
| "modak"
| "modernantiqua"
| "mogra"
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| "molengo"
| "molle"
| "monda"
| "monofett"
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| "monsieurladoulaise"
| "montaga"
| "montaguslab"
| "montecarlo"
| "montez"
| "montserrat"
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| "montserratsubrayada"
| "moolahlah"
| "moondance"
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| "mountainsofchristmas"
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| "mukta"
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| "museomoderno"
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| "neuton"
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| "newscycle"
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| "niramit"
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| "nobile"
| "nokora"
| "norican"
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| "notable"
| "nothingyoucoulddo"
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| "notosans"
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| "notosansarmenian"
| "notosansavestan"
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| "notosansbamum"
| "notosansbassavah"
| "notosansbatak"
| "notosansbengali"
| "notosansbhaiksuki"
| "notosansbrahmi"
| "notosansbuginese"
| "notosansbuhid"
| "notosanscanadianaboriginal"
| "notosanscarian"
| "notosanscaucasianalbanian"
| "notosanschakma"
| "notosanscham"
| "notosanscherokee"
| "notosanscoptic"
| "notosanscuneiform"
| "notosanscypriot"
| "notosansdeseret"
| "notosansdevanagari"
| "notosansdisplay"
| "notosansduployan"
| "notosansegyptianhieroglyphs"
| "notosanselbasan"
| "notosanselymaic"
| "notosansgeorgian"
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| "notosansgothic"
| "notosansgrantha"
| "notosansgujarati"
| "notosansgunjalagondi"
| "notosansgurmukhi"
| "notosanshk"
| "notosanshanifirohingya"
| "notosanshanunoo"
| "notosanshatran"
| "notosanshebrew"
| "notosansimperialaramaic"
| "notosansindicsiyaqnumbers"
| "notosansinscriptionalpahlavi"
| "notosansinscriptionalparthian"
| "notosansjp"
| "notosansjavanese"
| "notosanskr"
| "notosanskaithi"
| "notosanskannada"
| "notosanskayahli"
| "notosanskharoshthi"
| "notosanskhmer"
| "notosanskhojki"
| "notosanskhudawadi"
| "notosanslao"
| "notosanslepcha"
| "notosanslimbu"
| "notosanslineara"
| "notosanslinearb"
| "notosanslisu"
| "notosanslycian"
| "notosanslydian"
| "notosansmahajani"
| "notosansmalayalam"
| "notosansmandaic"
| "notosansmanichaean"
| "notosansmarchen"
| "notosansmasaramgondi"
| "notosansmath"
| "notosansmayannumerals"
| "notosansmedefaidrin"
| "notosansmeeteimayek"
| "notosansmeroitic"
| "notosansmiao"
| "notosansmodi"
| "notosansmongolian"
| "notosansmono"
| "notosansmro"
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| "notosansnewtailue"
| "notosansnewa"
| "notosansnushu"
| "notosansogham"
| "notosansolchiki"
| "notosansoldhungarian"
| "notosansolditalic"
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| "notosansoldsoutharabian"
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| "notosanspahawhhmong"
| "notosanspalmyrene"
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| "notosansrejang"
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| "notosanssogdian"
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| "notosanssymbols"
| "notosanssymbols2"
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| "notosanstamil"
| "notosanstamilsupplement"
| "notosanstelugu"
| "notosansthaana"
| "notosansthai"
| "notosansthailooped"
| "notosanstifinagh"
| "notosanstirhuta"
| "notosansugaritic"
| "notosansvai"
| "notosanswancho"
| "notosanswarangciti"
| "notosansyi"
| "notosanszanabazarsquare"
| "notoserif"
| "notoserifahom"
| "notoserifarmenian"
| "notoserifbalinese"
| "notoserifbengali"
| "notoserifdevanagari"
| "notoserifdisplay"
| "notoserifdogra"
| "notoserifethiopic"
| "notoserifgeorgian"
| "notoserifgrantha"
| "notoserifgujarati"
| "notoserifgurmukhi"
| "notoserifhebrew"
| "notoserifjp"
| "notoserifkr"
| "notoserifkannada"
| "notoserifkhmer"
| "notoseriflao"
| "notoserifmalayalam"
| "notoserifmyanmar"
| "notoserifnyiakengpuachuehmong"
| "notoserifsc"
| "notoserifsinhala"
| "notoseriftc"
| "notoseriftamil"
| "notoseriftangut"
| "notoseriftelugu"
| "notoserifthai"
| "notoseriftibetan"
| "notoserifyezidi"
| "nototraditionalnushu"
| "novacut"
| "novaflat"
| "novamono"
| "novaoval"
| "novaround"
| "novascript"
| "novaslim"
| "novasquare"
| "numans"
| "nunito"
| "nunitosans"
| "odibeesans"
| "odormeanchey"
| "offside"
| "oi"
| "oldstandardtt"
| "oldenburg"
| "ole"
| "oleoscript"
| "oleoscriptswashcaps"
| "ooohbaby"
| "opensans"
| "opensanscondensed"
| "oranienbaum"
| "orbitron"
| "oregano"
| "orelegaone"
| "orienta"
| "originalsurfer"
| "oswald"
| "otomanopeeone"
| "outfit"
| "overtherainbow"
| "overlock"
| "overlocksc"
| "overpass"
| "overpassmono"
| "ovo"
| "oxanium"
| "oxygen"
| "oxygenmono"
| "ptmono"
| "ptsans"
| "ptsanscaption"
| "ptsansnarrow"
| "ptserif"
| "ptserifcaption"
| "pacifico"
| "padauk"
| "palanquin"
| "palanquindark"
| "palettemosaic"
| "pangolin"
| "paprika"
| "parisienne"
| "passeroone"
| "passionone"
| "passionsconflict"
| "pathwaygothicone"
| "patrickhand"
| "patrickhandsc"
| "pattaya"
| "patuaone"
| "pavanam"
| "paytoneone"
| "peddana"
| "peralta"
| "permanentmarker"
| "petemoss"
| "petitformalscript"
| "petrona"
| "philosopher"
| "piazzolla"
| "piedra"
| "pinyonscript"
| "pirataone"
| "plaster"
| "play"
| "playball"
| "playfairdisplay"
| "playfairdisplaysc"
| "podkova"
| "poiretone"
| "pollerone"
| "poly"
| "pompiere"
| "pontanosans"
| "poorstory"
| "poppins"
| "portlligatsans"
| "portlligatslab"
| "pottaone"
| "pragatinarrow"
| "praise"
| "prata"
| "preahvihear"
| "pressstart2p"
| "pridi"
| "princesssofia"
| "prociono"
| "prompt"
| "prostoone"
| "prozalibre"
| "publicsans"
| "puppiesplay"
| "puritan"
| "purplepurse"
| "qahiri"
| "quando"
| "quantico"
| "quattrocento"
| "quattrocentosans"
| "questrial"
| "quicksand"
| "quintessential"
| "qwigley"
| "qwitchergrypen"
| "racingsansone"
| "radley"
| "rajdhani"
| "rakkas"
| "raleway"
| "ralewaydots"
| "ramabhadra"
| "ramaraja"
| "rambla"
| "rammettoone"
| "rampartone"
| "ranchers"
| "rancho"
| "ranga"
| "rasa"
| "rationale"
| "raviprakash"
| "readexpro"
| "recursive"
| "redhatdisplay"
| "redhatmono"
| "redhattext"
| "redrose"
| "redacted"
| "redactedscript"
| "redressed"
| "reemkufi"
| "reeniebeanie"
| "reggaeone"
| "revalia"
| "rhodiumlibre"
| "ribeye"
| "ribeyemarrow"
| "righteous"
| "risque"
| "roadrage"
| "roboto"
| "robotocondensed"
| "robotomono"
| "robotoslab"
| "rochester"
| "rock3d"
| "rocksalt"
| "rocknrollone"
| "rokkitt"
| "romanesco"
| "ropasans"
| "rosario"
| "rosarivo"
| "rougescript"
| "rowdies"
| "rozhaone"
| "rubik"
| "rubikbeastly"
| "rubikmonoone"
| "ruda"
| "rufina"
| "rugeboogie"
| "ruluko"
| "rumraisin"
| "ruslandisplay"
| "russoone"
| "ruthie"
| "rye"
| "stixtwotext"
| "sacramento"
| "sahitya"
| "sail"
| "saira"
| "sairacondensed"
| "sairaextracondensed"
| "sairasemicondensed"
| "sairastencilone"
| "salsa"
| "sanchez"
| "sancreek"
| "sansita"
| "sansitaswashed"
| "sarabun"
| "sarala"
| "sarina"
| "sarpanch"
| "sassyfrass"
| "satisfy"
| "sawarabigothic"
| "sawarabimincho"
| "scada"
| "scheherazadenew"
| "schoolbell"
| "scopeone"
| "seaweedscript"
| "secularone"
| "sedgwickave"
| "sedgwickavedisplay"
| "sen"
| "sevillana"
| "seymourone"
| "shadowsintolight"
| "shadowsintolighttwo"
| "shalimar"
| "shanti"
| "share"
| "sharetech"
| "sharetechmono"
| "shipporiantique"
| "shipporiantiqueb1"
| "shipporimincho"
| "shipporiminchob1"
| "shizuru"
| "shojumaru"
| "shortstack"
| "shrikhand"
| "siemreap"
| "sigmarone"
| "signika"
| "signikanegative"
| "simonetta"
| "singleday"
| "sintony"
| "sirinstencil"
| "sixcaps"
| "skranji"
| "slabo13px"
| "slabo27px"
| "slackey"
| "smokum"
| "smooch"
| "smythe"
| "sniglet"
| "snippet"
| "snowburstone"
| "sofadione"
| "sofia"
| "solway"
| "songmyung"
| "sonsieone"
| "sora"
| "sortsmillgoudy"
| "sourcecodepro"
| "sourcesans3"
| "sourcesanspro"
| "sourceserif4"
| "sourceserifpro"
| "spacegrotesk"
| "spacemono"
| "spartan"
| "specialelite"
| "spectral"
| "spectralsc"
| "spicyrice"
| "spinnaker"
| "spirax"
| "splinesans"
| "squadaone"
| "sreekrushnadevaraya"
| "sriracha"
| "srisakdi"
| "staatliches"
| "stalemate"
| "stalinistone"
| "stardosstencil"
| "stick"
| "sticknobills"
| "stintultracondensed"
| "stintultraexpanded"
| "stoke"
| "strait"
| "stylescript"
| "stylish"
| "sueellenfrancisco"
| "suezone"
| "sulphurpoint"
| "sumana"
| "sunflower"
| "sunshiney"
| "supermercadoone"
| "sura"
| "suranna"
| "suravaram"
| "suwannaphum"
| "swankyandmoomoo"
| "syncopate"
| "syne"
| "synemono"
| "synetactile"
| "tajawal"
| "tangerine"
| "taprom"
| "tauri"
| "taviraj"
| "teko"
| "telex"
| "tenaliramakrishna"
| "tenorsans"
| "textmeone"
| "texturina"
| "thasadith"
| "thegirlnextdoor"
| "thenautigal"
| "tienne"
| "tillana"
| "timmana"
| "tinos"
| "titanone"
| "titilliumweb"
| "tomorrow"
| "tourney"
| "tradewinds"
| "trainone"
| "trirong"
| "trispace"
| "trocchi"
| "trochut"
| "truculenta"
| "trykker"
| "tulpenone"
| "turretroad"
| "twinklestar"
| "ubuntu"
| "ubuntucondensed"
| "ubuntumono"
| "uchen"
| "ultra"
| "uncialantiqua"
| "underdog"
| "unicaone"
| "unifrakturcook"
| "unifrakturmaguntia"
| "unkempt"
| "unlock"
| "unna"
| "urbanist"
| "vt323"
| "vampiroone"
| "varela"
| "varelaround"
| "varta"
| "vastshadow"
| "vesperlibre"
| "viaodalibre"
| "vibes"
| "vibur"
| "vidaloka"
| "viga"
| "voces"
| "volkhov"
| "vollkorn"
| "vollkornsc"
| "voltaire"
| "vujahdayscript"
| "waitingforthesunrise"
| "wallpoet"
| "walterturncoat"
| "warnes"
| "waterfall"
| "wellfleet"
| "wendyone"
| "windsong"
| "wireone"
| "worksans"
| "xanhmono"
| "yaldevi"
| "yanonekaffeesatz"
| "yantramanav"
| "yatraone"
| "yellowtail"
| "yeonsung"
| "yesevaone"
| "yesteryear"
| "yomogi"
| "yrsa"
| "yujiboku"
| "yujihentaiganaakari"
| "yujihentaiganaakebono"
| "yujimai"
| "yujisyuku"
| "yuseimagic"
| "zcoolkuaile"
| "zcoolqingkehuangyou"
| "zcoolxiaowei"
| "zenantique"
| "zenantiquesoft"
| "zendots"
| "zenkakugothicantique"
| "zenkakugothicnew"
| "zenkurenaido"
| "zenloop"
| "zenmarugothic"
| "zenoldmincho"
| "zentokyozoo"
| "zeyada"
| "zhimangxing"
| "zillaslab"
| "zillaslabhighlight";
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