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Created July 23, 2019 06:57
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Filter ARG Multistep Checkout Plugin Option
add_filter("option_arg-mc-options", "myprefix_filter_arg_plugin_options");
function myprefix_filter_arg_plugin_options( $option ){
$option = array (
'btn_next_text' => 'Next Step',
'btn_prev_text' => 'Previous',
'btn_submit_text' => 'Place Order',
'btn_skip_login_text' => 'Skip Login',
'error_required_text' => 'This field is required',
'error_required_checkbox' => 'You must accept the terms and conditions',
'error_email' => 'Invalid email address',
'error_phone' => 'Invalid phone number',
'error_zip' => 'Please enter a valid postcode/ZIP',
'overwrite_form_checkout' => 0,
'remove_all_hooks' => 0,
'scrollTopDesktops' => 0,
'scrollTopMobiles' => 0,
'steps' =>
array (
'login' =>
array (
'text' => 'Login',
'class' => 'argmc-login-step argmc-skip-validation',
'data' => 'login-step',
'coupon' =>
array (
'text' => 'Coupon',
'class' => 'argmc-coupon-step argmc-skip-validation',
'data' => 'coupon-step',
'billing_shipping' =>
array (
'text' => 'Billing & Shipping',
'class' => 'argmc-billing-shipping-step',
'data' => 'billing-shipping-step',
'billing' =>
array (
'text' => 'Billing',
'class' => 'argmc-billing-step',
'data' => 'billing-step',
'shipping' =>
array (
'text' => 'Shipping',
'class' => 'argmc-shipping-step',
'data' => 'shipping-step',
'order_payment' =>
array (
'text' => 'Order & Payment',
'class' => 'argmc-order-payment-step',
'data' => 'order-payment-step',
'order' =>
array (
'text' => 'Order',
'class' => 'argmc-order-step',
'data' => 'order-step',
'payment' =>
array (
'text' => 'Payment',
'class' => 'argmc-payment-step',
'data' => 'payment-step',
'order_review' =>
array (
'text' => 'Order Review',
'class' => 'argmc-order-review-step argmc-skip-validation',
'data' => 'order-review-step',
'footer_text' => 'Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia.',
'wizard_max_width' => '900px',
'secondary_font' => '',
'secondary_font_weight' => '600',
'show_login' => 1,
'show_register' => 1,
'login_layout' => 'register-switched-with-login',
'login_heading' => 'Login',
'register_heading' => 'Register',
'force_login_message' => '',
'login_register_top_message' => '',
'show_coupon' => 1,
'show_order' => 1,
'show_additional_information' => 1,
'show_customer_details_review' => 0,
'show_order_review' => 0,
'show_order_review_table' => 0,
'show_product_image' => 0,
'coupon_position' => 'default',
'merge_billing_shipping' => 1,
'merge_order_payment' => 1,
'tabs_layout' => 'tabs-square',
'tabs_template' => 'tabs-default',
'tabs_width' => 'tabs-equal-width',
'wizard_color' => '#555',
'accent_color' => '#e23636',
'border_color' => '#d9d9d9',
'overwrite_wizard_buttons' => 0,
'wizard_text_errors_color' => '#e23636',
'wizard_button_text_color' => '#fff',
'wizard_button_text_opacity' => '0.7',
'next_button_bkg' => '#e23636',
'prev_button_bkg' => '#b4b4b4',
'place_order_button_bkg' => '#96c457',
'tab_text_color' => '#bbb',
'tab_bkg_color' => '#eee',
'tab_border_left_color' => '#dcdcdc',
'tab_border_bottom_color' => '#c9c9c9',
'number_text_color' => '#999',
'tab_number_bkg_color' => '#fff',
'tab_number_color_hover' => '#e23636',
'tab_number_bkg_color_hover' => '#fff',
'tab_text_color_hover' => '#000',
'tab_bkg_color_hover' => '#f8f8f8',
'tab_border_bottom_color_hover' => '#e23636',
'show_number_checkmark' => 0,
'tab_before_arrow_color' => '#fff',
'tab_adjust_number_position' => '0px',
'tab_adjust_checkmark_position' => '0px',
'tab_adjust_text_position' => '0px',
'tab_arrow_alt_hide_number_bkg' => 0,
'tab_arrow_alt_hide_tails' => 0,
'tab_arrow_alt_orientation' => 'horizontal',
'tab_arrow_alt_text_color' => '#bbb',
'tab_arrow_alt_bkg_color' => '#eee',
'tab_arrow_alt_border_bottom_color' => '#c9c9c9',
'tab_arrow_alt_number_text_color' => '#999',
'tab_arrow_alt_number_bkg_color' => '#fff',
'tab_arrow_alt_number_color_hover' => '#000',
'tab_arrow_alt_number_bkg_color_hover' => '#fff',
'tab_arrow_alt_text_color_hover' => '#fff',
'tab_arrow_alt_bkg_color_hover' => '#e23636',
'tab_arrow_alt_border_bottom_color_hover' => '#c9c9c9',
'tab_arrow_alt_completed_bkg_color' => '#afafaf',
'tab_arrow_alt_before_arrow_color' => '#fff',
'tab_arrow_alt_show_number_checkmark' => 0,
'tab_arrow_alt_adjust_number_position' => '1px',
'tab_arrow_alt_adjust_checkmark_position' => '1px',
'tab_arrow_alt_adjust_text_position' => '1px',
'tab_progress_bar_text_color' => '#aaa',
'tab_progress_bar_number_text_color' => '#fff',
'tab_progress_bar_number_bkg_color' => '#afafaf',
'tab_progress_bar_border_bottom_color' => '#c9c9c9',
'tab_progress_bar_bkg_color' => '#f9f9f9',
'tab_progress_bar_number_color_hover' => '#fff',
'tab_progress_bar_number_bkg_color_hover' => '#000',
'tab_progress_bar_text_color_hover' => '#000',
'tab_progress_bar_border_bottom_color_hover' => '#000',
'tab_progress_bar_show_number_checkmark' => 0,
'tab_progress_bar_adjust_number_position' => '1px',
'tab_progress_bar_adjust_checkmark_position' => '1px',
'tab_progress_bar_adjust_text_position' => '0px',
'tab_outline_orientation' => 'vertical',
'tab_outline_text_color' => '#999',
'tab_outline_number_text_color' => '#999',
'tab_outline_border_color' => '#ddd',
'tab_outline_text_color_hover' => '#000',
'tab_outline_bkg_color_hover' => '#f7f7f7',
'tab_outline_number_color_hover' => '#fff',
'tab_outline_number_bkg_color_hover' => '#333',
'tab_outline_current_border_left' => '#333',
'tab_outline_number_color_completed' => '#fff',
'tab_outline_number_bkg_color_completed' => '#afafaf',
'tab_outline_show_number_checkmark' => 0,
'tab_outline_adjust_number_position' => '0px',
'tab_outline_adjust_checkmark_position' => '1px',
'tab_outline_adjust_text_position' => '0px',
'overwrite_woo_styles' => 0,
'woo_text_color' => '#555',
'woo_label_color' => '#4b4b4b',
'woo_input_border_color' => '#ddd',
'woo_input_bkg_color' => '#f9f9f9',
'woo_invalid_required_field_border' => '#e23636',
'woo_invalid_required_field_bkg' => '#ffefee',
'woo_validated_field_border' => '#ddd',
'woo_button_bkg_color' => '',
'woo_button_bkg_color_login' => '#444',
'woo_field_border_radius' => '0px',
return $option;
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