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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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F# Compiler Serviceでソースコードからすべての型のFullNameを取得
// F# Compiler Service
#r @"..\packages\FSharp.Compiler.Service.0.0.57\lib\net45\FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll"
open System
open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices
open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.Ast
let checker = InteractiveChecker.Create()
let getUntypedTree (file, input) =
let checkOptions = checker.GetProjectOptionsFromScript(file, input, otherFlags = [| "--define:DEBUG" |]) |> Async.RunSynchronously
let untypedRes = checker.ParseFileInProject(file, input, checkOptions) |> Async.RunSynchronously
match untypedRes.ParseTree with
| Some tree -> tree
| None -> failwith "failed to parse"
let rec getAllFullNameOfType modulesOrNss =
modulesOrNss |> moduleOrNs ->
let (SynModuleOrNamespace(lid, isModule, moduleDecls, xmlDoc, attribs, synAccess, m)) = moduleOrNs
let topNamespaceOrModule = String.Join(".",(lid.Head::lid.Tail))
//inner modules
let modules = moduleDecls.Head::moduleDecls.Tail
getDeclarations modules |> (fun x -> String.Join(".", [topNamespaceOrModule;x]))
) |> Seq.collect id
and getDeclarations moduleDecls =
Seq.fold (fun acc declaration ->
match declaration with
| SynModuleDecl.NestedModule(componentInfo, modules, _isContinuing, _range) ->
match componentInfo with
| SynComponentInfo.ComponentInfo(_,_,_,lid,_,_,_,_) ->
let moduleName = String.Join(".",(lid.Head::lid.Tail))
let children = getDeclarations modules
seq {
yield! acc
yield! children |> child -> moduleName + "+" + child) }
| SynModuleDecl.Types(typeDefs, _range) ->
let types =
typeDefs |> typeDef ->
match typeDef with
| SynTypeDefn.TypeDefn(componentInfo,_,_,_) ->
match componentInfo with
| SynComponentInfo.ComponentInfo(_,typarDecls,_,lid,_,_,_,_) ->
let typarString = typarDecls |> function | [] -> "" | x -> "`" + string x.Length
let typeName = String.Join(".",(lid.Head::lid.Tail))
typeName + typarString)
seq {
yield! acc
yield! types }
| _ -> acc
) Seq.empty moduleDecls
let input = """
// Sets the hello wrold variable
namespace Test.Namespace1
open System
open PiyoPiyo
type TestClass1<'T1, 'T2> = class end
type DU1 =
| Item1 of int
| Item2 of string
type DU2<'a> =
| Item1 of 'a
| Item2 of string
module Hoge =
type TestClass2 () =
inherit TestClass1 ()
let hello = "Hello world"
module Fuga =
type TestClass3 = class end
let add x y = x + y
type TestClass4 = class end
module Piyo =
type TestClass5<'a,'b,'c> = class end
let tree = getUntypedTree("/dummy.fsx", input)
match tree with
| ParsedInput.ImplFile(ParsedImplFileInput(file, isScript, qualName, pragmas, hashDirectives, modules, b)) ->
getAllFullNameOfType modules |> Seq.iter(fun x -> printfn "%s" x)
| _ -> failwith "(*.fsi) not supported."
System.Console.ReadKey () |> ignore
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yukitos commented Jul 1, 2014


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