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Created September 22, 2011 18:14
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Build 1d array of unknown size in Cython
#cython: boundscheck=False, wraparound=False
from libc.math cimport log
from cython.parallel cimport prange
import numpy as pynp
cimport numpy as np
# copy declarations from libcpp.vector to allow nogil
cdef extern from "<vector>" namespace "std":
cdef cppclass vector[T]:
void push_back(T&) nogil except+
size_t size()
T& operator[](size_t)
def makearray(Py_ssize_t t):
cdef vector[np.float_t] v
cdef Py_ssize_t i
with nogil:
for i in range(t):
if i % 10 == 0:
cdef np.ndarray[np.float_t] a = pynp.empty(v.size(), dtype=pynp.float)
for i in prange(a.shape[0], nogil=True):
a[i] = v[i]
return a
.PHONY: test clean
NAME = build1darray
test: $(NAME).so
python test_$(NAME).py
$(NAME).so: $(NAME).pyx
python build_ext -i
git clean -x -d -f
from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
"build1darray", # name of extension
["build1darray.pyx"], # our Cython source
language="c++", # causes Cython to create C++ source
cmdclass={'build_ext': build_ext})
import math
import numpy as np
from profilestats import profile # pip install profilestats
from build1darray import makearray
def test():
N = int(1e7)
assert np.allclose(makearray(N),
np.vectorize(lambda i, l=math.log: l(i+1))(np.arange(0, N, 10)))
if __name__=="__main__":
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