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Created December 9, 2009 11:55
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#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Solve Sergey's puzzle.
$ wget
$ python [matrix size (should be perfect square)]
$ ./ 4
|3 1|0 2|
|0 2|3 1|
|2 0|1 3|
|1 3|2 0|
|3 0|1 2|
|2 1|0 3|
|0 3|2 1|
|1 2|3 0|
import math, sys
from operator import itemgetter
from constraint import AllDifferentConstraint, MinConflictsSolver, Problem
try: N = int(sys.argv[1])
except IndexError:
N = 4 # NxN matrix
M = int(math.sqrt(N) + .5) # block size (M*M blocks in the matrix)
assert M*M == N
R = range(N)
# each cell in the matrix is a variable (name of the variable is its number)
v = [[N*i + j for j in R] for i in R]
def get_block_indexes(i, cond=lambda x,y: True):
"""Yields indexes that belong to `i'th matrix block."""
top, left = divmod(i, M)
# e.g., 7th block (zero-based): top, left = 2, 1 -> (j+6, k+3)
return ((j+M*top, k+M*left) for j in range(M) for k in range(M)
if cond(j, k))
problem = Problem()
# variables values are in [0, N)
problem.addVariables(sum(v, []), R)
# add constraints
add_adc = lambda vars_: problem.addConstraint(AllDifferentConstraint(), vars_)
for i in R:
# all variables in the `i'th row are different
add_adc([v[i][j] for j in R])
# all variables in the `i'th column are different
add_adc([v[j][i] for j in R])
# all variables in the `i'th block are different
# (there are MxM blocks in the matrix)
add_adc([v[j][k] for j, k in get_block_indexes(i)])
# all variable on the main blocks' diagonals are different
add_adc([v[j][k] for j, k in get_block_indexes(i, lambda x,y: x == y)])
add_adc([v[j][k] for j, k in get_block_indexes(i, lambda x,y: x == (M - 1 - y))])
# all variables on the main diagonals are different
add_adc([v[i][j] for i in R for j in R if i == j])
add_adc([v[i][j] for i in R for j in R if i == (N - 1 - j)])
def print_solution(solution):
# solution: varname -> value
w = sys.stdout.write
for i in R:
for j in R:
if j % M == 0: w('|')
else: w(' ')
print '|'
# find & print solutions
try: solutions = problem.getSolutionIter()
except NotImplementedError:
try: solutions = problem.getSolutions()
except NotImplementedError:
solutions = [problem.getSolution()]
for i, solution in enumerate(solutions):
if solution is None:
i = -1
if i == 10:
print i+1
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