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Last active December 17, 2015 17:59
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Compare time performance of recursive vs. generator powerset versions.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import inspect
import sys
import timeit
from functools import partial, wraps
from timeit import default_timer as timer
__version__ = "0.3.0"
def measure_func(func, args):
"""Measure how long `func(*args)` takes in seconds."""
n = 1
f = partial(func, *args) # pylint: disable=W0142
while True:
start = timer()
r = timeit.repeat(f, number=n, repeat=1)
if timer() - start > 1: # at least 1 second per measurement
n *= 2
return min(r + timeit.repeat(f, number=n, repeat=2)) / n
def accept_funcs(func):
"""Add function names if necessary.
Decorator for functions that accept either a sequence of functions
or (name, function) pairs.
def wrapper(funcs, *args, **kwargs):
if hasattr(funcs[0], '__name__'):
funcs = [(f.__name__, f) for f in funcs]
return func(funcs, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def human_seconds(seconds, fmt="%.3g %s"):
"""Return human-readable string that represents given seconds."""
t = 1e6 * seconds # start with µsec
for suff in "usec msec".split():
if t < 1000:
return fmt % (t, suff)
t /= 1000
return fmt % (t, " sec")
def measure(funcs, args, comment='', verbose=False):
"""Report how long `f(*args)` takes for each f in funcs."""
if not comment:
comment = repr(args)
# measure performance
results = []
w = max(len(name) for name, _ in funcs)
for name, f in funcs:
results.append((measure_func(f, args), name))
if verbose:
print("{:{}s} {:>9s} {}".format(
name, w, human_seconds(results[-1][0]), comment))
# print sorted results
mint = results[0][0] # minimal time
ratios = ["%5.2f" % (t / mint,) for t, _ in results]
maxratio_width = max(len(r) for r in ratios)
# header
print("{:{}s} {:>9s} {:>{}s} {}".format(
"name", w, "time", "ratio", maxratio_width, "comment"))
ratios = [s.rjust(maxratio_width) for s in ratios]
for (t, name), ratio in zip(results, ratios):
print("{:{}s} {:>9s} {} {}".format(
name, w, human_seconds(t), ratio, comment))
return results
def get_functions_with_prefix(prefix, module=None):
if module is None: # use caller's module
modname = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_globals['__name__']
module = sys.modules[modname]
all_funcs = inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isfunction)
return [f for name, f in all_funcs if name.startswith(prefix)]
#!/usr/bin/env python
import functools
import sys
from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import combinations
from reporttime import accept_funcs, get_functions_with_prefix, measure
def subsets_rec(seq):
# adapt rec_subsets() to return result
def rec_subsets(ms, i=0, s=[]):
if i == len(ms):
rec_subsets(ms, i+1, s)
rec_subsets(ms, i+1, s + [ms[i]])
result = []
return result
def subsets_gen(ms, i=0, s=[]):
if i == len(ms):
yield s
for a in subsets_gen(ms, i+1, s): yield a
for a in subsets_gen(ms, i+1, s + [ms[i]]): yield a
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
exec("""def subsets_gen_pep380(ms, i=0, s=[]):
if i == len(ms):
yield s
yield from subsets_gen_pep380(ms, i+1, s)
yield from subsets_gen_pep380(ms, i+1, s + [ms[i]])""")
def subsets_ipowerset(lst):
if not lst: # empty list
yield ()
for subset in subsets_ipowerset(lst[1:]):
yield subset
yield (lst[0],) + subset
def subsets_comb(lst):
return (comb for r in range(len(lst)+1) for comb in combinations(lst, r))
def consume_result(func):
def wrapper(*args):
return list(func(*args))
return wrapper
def test_funcs(funcs, args, normalize=lambda L: sorted(list(x) for x in L)):
"""Check that all functions produce the same result.
Each function should accept a readonly sequence as an argument
orig_args = deepcopy(args)
expected = normalize(funcs[0][1](*args))
for name, f in funcs:
r = normalize(f(*args))
assert r == expected, (name, args, r, expected)
assert orig_args == args, name
if __name__ == "__main__":
funcs = list(map(consume_result, get_functions_with_prefix('subsets_')))
for f in funcs[:]:
except Exception:
funcs.remove(f) # exclude from comparison
test_funcs(funcs, [range(10)])
measure(funcs, args=[range(20)])
Python 3.3:
name time ratio comment
subsets_comb 224 msec 1.00
subsets_ipowerset 483 msec 2.16
subsets_rec 967 msec 4.32
subsets_gen_pep380 2.27 sec 10.13
subsets_gen 2.62 sec 11.71
Python 2.7:
name time ratio comment
subsets_comb 172 msec 1.00
subsets_ipowerset 294 msec 1.71
subsets_rec 789 msec 4.59
subsets_gen 1.77 sec 10.31
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