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Created July 18, 2009 16:11
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Save zed9h/149603 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
semi-automatic scheduler for rio int'l film festival, former riocine
mkdir -p site
cd site
for i in $(seq 1 99)
file=$(printf list%02d.html $i)
wget -c -O $file $url
grep id_filme $file || break
# <td class="class4"><A href="filme.asp?id_filme=227">A Legítima esposa</a>
for i in $( sed -n "s/.*id_filme=\([0-9]\+\).*/\1/p" list*.html)
file=$(printf film%03d.html $i)
wget -c -O $file $url
use strict;
my $movie;
my $session;
my $dir=shift || "site";
my %out;
if(open F, glob("ignore.txt")) {
while(<F>) {
close F;
my $accent = do "" or die $!;
sub norm($) {
local $_ = shift;
s/\&\#(\d+)\;/ my $c=chr($1); defined($accent->{$c}) ? $accent->{$c} : $c /eg;
s/./ defined($accent->{$&}) ? $accent->{$&} : $& /eg;
s/[\r\n]+/ /g; #?
s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//;
opendir D, "$dir" || die "$!";
foreach my $file ( sort grep /^film\d+\.html/, readdir D ) {
print STDERR "$dir/$file ... ";
open F, "$dir/$file" || die "$!";
undef $/;
$_ = <F>;
close F;
my $id = ($file =~ m/\d+/ && $&);
my $m={id=>$id};
$m->{title_pt} = norm $1
if m|<td class="headlines2">\s*(.*?)\s*</td>|ms;
$m->{title_orig} = norm $1
if m|<td colspan="2" class="class4"><font size="2">Titulo Original: (.*?)\s*</font></td>|ms;
$m->{title_en} = norm $1
if m|<td colspan="2"class="class4"><font size="2">Titulo\s+em Inglês: (.*?)\s*</font></td>|ms;
$m->{censorship} = norm $1
if m|<td colspan="2" class="class4"><font size="2">Classificação:(.*?)\s*</font></td>|ms;
$m->{picture} = norm $1
if m|<td height="33"><img src="fotos/(.*?)"></td>|ms;
%$m = (%$m, map { norm $_ } ( m|<td width="74" bordercolor="#FF0033"(?: height="9")? align="left" class="class4"><font size="2">(.*?):</font></td>\s+<td width="355"(?: height="9")?(?: bgcolor="#CCCCCC")?(?: height="9")? class="class4"><font size="2">(.*?)</font></td>|msg ));
($m->{plot_pt}, $m->{plot_en}, $m->{bio_pt}, $m->{bio_en}) = map { norm $_ } ( m|<td bordercolor="#CCCCCC" colspan="3" class="class4">\s+<div ALIGN="JUSTIFY"><font size="2">(.*?)</font></div>|msg );
$m->{group} = norm $1
if m|<td colspan="3" background="imagens/linha.gif" class="headlines" height="20"><font size="2">Mostra:\s*(.*?)</font></td>|ms;
@_ = map { norm $_ } m{
<td class="class4" valign="top"><font size="2"><img src="imagens/g_clear\.gif" width="8" height="8">(.*?)\s*-?\s*(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)</font></td>\s+
<td class="class4"><font size="2"><img src="imagens/g_clear\.gif" width="8" height="8">(.*?)</font></td>\s+
<td class="class4"><font size="2"><img src="imagens/g_clear\.gif" width="8" height="8">(\d+)(?::(\d+))?\s*hs </font></td>\s+
<td class="class4"><font size="2">(.*?)\s*</font></td>\s+
print STDERR "sessoes ", scalar(@_), "\n";
while (@_) {
my $wday=shift @_;
my $mday=shift @_;
my $mon=shift @_;
my $year=shift @_;
my $theater=shift @_;
my $hour=shift @_;
my $min=shift(@_) || "00";
my $code=shift @_ || "$theater $mon-$mday $hour:$min";
->{$theater} = $code;
my $ss = $session->{$code}||={};
push @{$ss->{movie}}, $m;
$movie->{$id}=$m if exists $m->{session};
#TODO dont rotate it they are equal (size/md5?)
#rename "", "" || die "$!";
#rename "", "" || die "$!";
#rename "", "" || die "$!";
open F, ">" || die "$!";
use Data::Dumper;
print F "package riocine;\n";
print F "our (\$movie, \$session);\n";
print F Data::Dumper->Dump(
[$movie, $session, ],
['movie', 'session', ]);
print F "1;\n";
close F;
print STDERR "./ written.\n";
use strict;
use riocine;
my $accent = do "";
sub norm($) {
local $_ = shift;
s/./ defined($accent->{$&}) ? $accent->{$&} : $& /eg;
s/^(.*),\s*(\S*?)$/$2 $1/i;
s/[^a-z0-9']+/ /gi;
s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//;
lc $_
my $m = $riocine::movie;
my $ref={};
foreach my $id (keys %$m) {
my $rate = 0;
my $mm = $m->{$id};
push @{$ref->{int $mm->{Ano}}->{norm $mm->{title_orig}}}, $id;
#printf STDERR "! %4d %s\n", int $mm->{Ano}, norm $mm->{title_orig};
my $imdb={};
print STDERR "reading ./ratings.list\n";
open R, "ratings.list" || die "$!";
while(<R>) {
last if ( /^MOVIE RATINGS REPORT/ );
while(<R>) {
# 0000011112 359 6.6 "'60s, The" (1999) (mini)
if(/^\s*([\.0-9\*]{10})\s+(\d+)\s+([0-9\.]+)\s+\"?(.*?)\"?\s+\((\d+)\)(?:\s+\(.*\))?\s*$/) {
my ($demo, $num, $rate, $title, $year) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5);
#printf STDERR "? %4d %s\n", int $year, norm $title;
my $t = norm $title;
my $y = int $year;
if(exists $ref->{$y}->{$t}) {
my $id = $ref->{$y}->{$t};
printf STDERR "= %4d %s\n", int $year, norm $title;
foreach (@$id) {
$imdb->{$_} = {
close R;
sub dumpfile($$) {
my $file = shift;
my $data = shift;
#TODO dont rotate it they are equal (site/md5?)
rename "$", "$" || die "$!";
rename "$", "$" || die "$!";
rename "$", "$" || die "$!";
open F, ">$" || die "$!";
use Data::Dumper;
print F Data::Dumper->Dump([$data],[$file]);
close F;
print STDERR "./$ written.\n";
dumpfile "imdb", $imdb;
use strict;
use riocine;
my $keyword = do("") or die $!;
my $theater = do("") or die $!;
my $imdb = do("") or die $!;
my $imdb_factor=5;
my $accent = do "" or die $!;
sub norm($) {
local $_ = shift;
s/./ defined($accent->{$&}) ? $accent->{$&} : $& /eg;
s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//;
my $m = $riocine::movie;
my $rating={};
foreach my $id (keys %$m) {
my $rate = 0;
my $mm = $m->{$id};
$rate += $rating->{$id}->{kw}->{imdb}
= int($imdb->{$id}->{rate} || 5) * $imdb_factor;
# print "$id $rate imdb $rating->{$id}->{kw}->{imdb}\n";
foreach my $f (keys %$keyword) {
my $ff = $mm->{$f};
foreach my $k (keys %{$keyword->{$f}}) {
my $pat = norm $k;
if($ff =~ /\b$pat/i) {
$rate += $rating->{$id}->{kw}->{"$f:$k"}
= $keyword->{$f}->{$k};
# print "$id $rate $f:$k ".$rating->{$id}->{kw}->{"$f:$k"}."\n";
# printf STDERR "%4.1f %20s | %s\n", ($rate,
# $m->{$id}->{Direcao},
# $m->{$id}->{title_orig},
# );
#$m->{$id}->{rate} = $rate;
$rating->{$id}->{rate} = $rate;
foreach my $Y (keys %{$mm->{session}}) {
foreach my $M (keys %{$mm->{session}->{$Y}}) {
foreach my $D (keys %{$mm->{session}->{$Y}->{$M}}) {
foreach my $h (keys %{$mm->{session}->{$Y}->{$M}->{$D}}) {
foreach my $m (keys %{$mm->{session}->{$Y}->{$M}->{$D}->{$h}}) {
foreach my $r (keys %{$mm->{session}->{$Y}->{$M}->{$D}->{$h}->{$m}}) {
$theater->{$r}=0 unless exists $theater->{$r};
sub dumpfile($$) {
my $file = shift;
my $data = shift;
#TODO dont rotate it they are equal (site/md5?)
rename "$", "$" || die "$!";
rename "$", "$" || die "$!";
rename "$", "$" || die "$!";
open F, ">$" || die "$!";
use Data::Dumper;
print F Data::Dumper->Dump([$data],[$file]);
close F;
print STDERR "./$ written.\n";
dumpfile "rating", $rating;
dumpfile "theater", $theater; # add new theaters
use strict;
system "./3dig"; #TODO only re-rate if weights changed
use riocine;
my $keyword = do("") or die $!;
my $theater = do("") or die $!;
my $rating = do("") or die $!;
my $imdb = do("") or die $!;
die "insuficient data" unless $keyword && $theater && $rating && $imdb;
my $m = $riocine::movie;
my $rat = $rating || $imdb; #rating mix imdb already
my @id =
# sort {norm($m->{$a}->{title_pt}) cmp norm($m->{$b}->{title_pt})} # alt
sort {$rat->{$b}->{rate} <=> $rat->{$a}->{rate}}
grep {$rat->{$_}->{rate} >= 10} #strict
keys %$rat;
sub short($) {
local $_ = shift;
s/^competicao de curtas (\d): //i;
s/^curta hors concours: //i;
s/^(A|O|Um|Uma|As|Os|Uns|Umas) (.)(.*)$/uc($2)."$3, $1"/ei;
sub norm($) {
local $_ = short shift;
lc $_
open TXT, ">rating.txt" || die "$!";
select TXT;
sub imdb_link($) {
local $_ = shift;
s/[^a-z0-9\+]/sprintf "%%%02x", ord($&)/ige;
use Text::Wrap;
my $i;
if(1) {
printf "%3s %4s %4s %s %s\n", qw(idx rate imdb name +keywords);
foreach my $id (@id) {
# printf "%03d %4d %s %s\n",
# printf "%03d %4d %4s %-40s %s %s\n",
printf "%03d %4d %4s %s %s\n",
defined($imdb->{$id}->{rate}) ?
sprintf("%4.1f", $imdb->{$id}->{rate}) : "",
# $m->{$id}->{Ano},
short $m->{$id}->{title_pt},
# $m->{$id}->{title_orig},
# imdb_link($imdb->{$id}->{title}),
join(' ',map {
"$rat->{$id}->{kw}->{$_}=$_" } keys %{$rat->{$id}->{kw}||{}}),
#($rat->{$id}->{kw}->{$_} > 0 ? '+':'-' ).$_ } grep {$_ ne 'imdb'} keys %{$rat->{$id}->{kw}||{}}),
print "\n",'#' x 60, "\n\n";
foreach my $id (@id) {
my $mm = $m->{$id};
printf "%s [%4d] %04d\n", '=' x 50, $rat->{$id}->{rate}, ++$i;
print "$m->{$id}->{group}", "\n";
print wrap("","",short($mm->{title_pt}), "\"$mm->{title_orig}\"", $mm->{Direcao}, $mm->{Ano}, $mm->{Pais}, $mm->{Duracao}), "\n";
if($imdb->{$id}->{rate}) {
printf "IMDB: %4.1f (%d votes) %s (%% votes per notes [0-10])\n",
print " ",imdb_link($imdb->{$id}->{title}),"\n";
print wrap("ELENCO: "," ",$mm->{Elenco}), "\n";
print wrap("RESUMO: "," ",$mm->{plot_pt}), "\n";
print wrap("DIRETOR: "," ",$mm->{bio_pt}), "\n";
my $s = $mm->{session};
foreach my $Y (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$s}) {
foreach my $M (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$s->{$Y}}) {
foreach my $D (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$s->{$Y}->{$M}}) {
foreach my $h (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$s->{$Y}->{$M}->{$D}}) {
foreach my $m (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$s->{$Y}->{$M}->{$D}->{$h}}) {
foreach my $t (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$s->{$Y}->{$M}->{$D}->{$h}->{$m}}) {
my $c = $s->{$Y}->{$M}->{$D}->{$h}->{$m}->{$t};
print wrap("HORARIO: "," ","$Y-$M-$D $h:$m $c $t"),
(($theater->{$t} ||= 0) < 0.5 ? "*" : ""),
close TXT;
print STDERR "./rating.txt written.\n";
select STDOUT;
use strict;
my $redig =
(-M '') < (-M 'schedule.txt') ||
(-M '') < (-M 'schedule.txt');
system "./3dig" if $redig;
use riocine;
my $rating = do ("") or die $!;
my $imdb = do ("") or die $!;
my $theater = do ("") or die $!;
my $rat = $rating;# || $imdb; #rating mix imdb already
my $min_rate = 30; # 10;
my $m = $riocine::movie;
my $enable = {
sub short($) { #title_pt
local $_ = shift;
s/^competicao de curtas (\d): //i;
s/^curta hors concours: //i;
s/^(A|O|Um|Uma|As|Os|Uns|Umas) (.)(.*)$/uc($2)."$3, $1"/ei;
# feedback
if(!$redig) {
print STDERR "reading schedule.txt\n";
my $keyword = do ("") or die $!;
open TXT, "schedule.txt" || die "$!";
sub apply_rate_change($$)
my ($rate, $title_pt) = @_;
# TODO detect redundant keywords, like multiple title substrings (?)
my ($id) = grep {short($riocine::movie->{$_}->{title_pt}) eq short($title_pt)}
keys %$riocine::movie;
return unless $id;
$title_pt = $riocine::movie->{$id}->{title_pt}; # not-norm
$rate -= $rating->{$id}->{rate};
return unless $rate;
$rating->{$id}->{rate} += $rate;
$rating->{$id}->{kw}->{"title_pt:$title_pt"} += $rate;
$keyword->{title_pt}->{$title_pt} += $rate;
print " CHANGE: $id $title_pt += $rate\n";
while(<TXT>) {
#002 Sat 09-27 17:00 Espaco Unibanco 2 UN093 57.1 Teknolust 85'
#001 Fri 09-26 24:00 Estacao Botafogo 1 EB006 -7.0 Comp. Curtas 1: "Amor So de Mae" 21'; 4.8 Jovem Adao, O 99'
#024 Mon 10-06 22:00 Espaco Unibanco 2 UN149 46 Interstella 5555 67'
if(/^\d{3} [A-Z][a-z]{2} \d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2} .{20} [A-Z]{2}[0-9]{3} ((?:\s*[\-\d]+ .*? \d+')+)$/) {
foreach (split /;\s*/, $1) {
/([\-\d]+) (.*?) \d+'/ && apply_rate_change $1,$2;
#*** 104.0 MARCO TULLIO GIORDANA 2003 Melhor da Juventude - Parte 2, O
# 3.0 Sam Green, Bill Siegel 2003 Tempo de Protesto
#elsif(/^(?:\*{3})?\s*([\d\.]+) .*? \d{4} \[(.*?)\]$/) {
#elsif(/^(?:\*{3})?\s*([\d\.]+) \[(.*?)\] \d{4} .*?$/) {
elsif(/^\s*([\-\d]+) \[(.*?)\] \d+/) {
apply_rate_change $1,$2;
close TXT;
sub dumpfile($$) {
my $file = shift;
my $data = shift;
#TODO dont rotate it they are equal (site/md5?)
rename "$", "$" || die "$!";
rename "$", "$" || die "$!";
rename "$", "$" || die "$!";
open F, ">$" || die "$!";
use Data::Dumper;
print F Data::Dumper->Dump([$data],[$file]);
close F;
print STDERR "./$ written.\n";
dumpfile "rating", $rating;
dumpfile "keyword", $keyword;
# output
rename "schedule.txt.4", "schedule.txt.5";
rename "schedule.txt.3", "schedule.txt.4";
rename "schedule.txt.2", "schedule.txt.3";
rename "schedule.txt.1", "schedule.txt.2";
rename "schedule.txt", "schedule.txt.1";
open TXT, ">schedule.txt" || die "$!";
select TXT;
sub norm($) { #session_code
local $_ = shift;
m/OD|JF|MAM|PL/ && 5 or
m/SL|PA/ && 3 or
m/UN|CB|EB/ && 1 or
m/RX|LB|IP/ && -5 or
#print STDERR "rating count: ", scalar(keys %$rat), "\n";
#print STDERR "minimum rate: ", $min_rate, "\n";
my $candidate;
foreach my $id (
sort {$rat->{$b}->{rate} <=> $rat->{$a}->{rate}}
grep {$rat->{$_}->{rate} > $min_rate}
keys %$rat
) {
my $mm = $m->{$id};
my $s = $mm->{session};
foreach my $Y (keys %{$s}) {
foreach my $M (keys %{$s->{$Y}}) {
foreach my $D (
#grep {$_ != 25} #janja
keys %{$s->{$Y}->{$M}}) {
foreach my $h (
grep {$_ >= 16 && $_ < 24 || $rat->{$id}->{rate} > 200} #sono
# grep {$_ >= 19 && $_ <= 21}
keys %{$s->{$Y}->{$M}->{$D}}) {
foreach my $m (
#grep {$h > 16 || $_ >= 30} #sono
keys %{$s->{$Y}->{$M}->{$D}->{$h}}) {
foreach my $t (keys %{$s->{$Y}->{$M}->{$D}->{$h}->{$m}}) {
my $cod = $s->{$Y}->{$M}->{$D}->{$h}->{$m}->{$t};
my $prio =
$rat->{$id}->{rate} + #rating
1-$mm->{session_count}/10 + #less sessions
1-abs(norm($a))/10 + #closer to core (?)
$theater->{$t} + #place rating
$h/24 + #later in day
($h<16 ? (16-$h) * -10 : 0) + #not too early
($h<13 ? (13-$h) * -50 : 0) + #not too early
next if $prio < 0;
push @{$candidate->{$prio}}, $cod;
# print "$prio: $dd $hh $mm->{title_pt}\n";
my $s = $riocine::session;
my $map={};
my $schedule={};
my $place={};
sub insert($;$) {
my $c = shift;
my $force = shift;
my $ss = $s->{$c};
return unless $ss;
return if $ss->{allocated};
return if $ss->{movie}->[0]->{allocated};
my $dd = "$ss->{mon}-$ss->{day}";
my $hh = "$ss->{hour}:$ss->{min}";
my $st = int(($ss->{hour}*60+$s->{min})/10);
my $en = $st + int($ss->{len}/10)+1;
unless($force) {
# print "0: $c\n";
for my $d (4,3,2,1,0) { # time/distance hit?
# print "A($st,$en,$d):", @{$map->{$dd}}{($st-$d)..($en+$d)}, "\n";
# print "B:", (grep {$_ && abs(norm($_) - norm($c)) >= $d}
# @{$map->{$dd}}{($st-$d)..($en+$d)}), "\n";
return if
grep {$_ && abs(norm($_) - norm($c)) >= $d}
# print "=Ok\n";
@{$map->{$dd}}{$st..$en} = (
$c,$c,$c,$c,$c,$c, # 60min
$c,$c,$c,$c,$c,$c, #120min
$c,$c,$c,$c,$c,$c, #240min
foreach my $mm (@{$ss->{movie}}) {
push @{$place->{$ss->{theater}}},$c;
foreach my $p (sort {$b<=>$a} keys %{$candidate}) {
foreach my $c (sort @{$candidate->{$p}}) {
insert $c;
} }
if(open INS, "insert.txt") {
while (<INS>) {
next unless $_;
insert $_, 1;
close INS;
#debug map
if($enable->{debug_map}) {
foreach my $d (sort keys %$map) {
foreach my $h (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$map->{$d}}) {
my $c = $map->{$d}->{$h};
next unless $c;
printf "%5s %03d0m %s %s\n",
$d, $h, $c,
join "; ",
map {
short($_->{title_pt})." ($_->{Duracao})"
sort {$a->{Duracao} <=> $b->{Duracao}}
} }
print "\n",'=' x 60,"\n\n";
#exclusion verification
if($enable->{excluded}) {
print uc "excluded\n";
foreach my $id (
sort {$rat->{$b}->{rate} <=> $rat->{$a}->{rate}}
grep {$rat->{$_}->{rate} > $min_rate*.8 && !$m->{$_}->{allocated}}
keys %$rat
) {
my $mm = $m->{$id};
# print "*** " if $rat->{$id}->{rate} > $min_rate;
# printf "%4d %20s %4s [%s]\n",
printf "%4d [%s] %4d %s\n",
local $_ = $mm->{plot_pt};
use Text::Wrap; $Text::Wrap::columns=75;
my $pre = ' ' x 5;
$_ = wrap($pre,$pre,$_);
s/^((?:.*?\n){2}.*?)\n.*$/$1 ::/ms;
print "$_\n";
print "\n",'=' x 60,"\n\n";
#session list
sub imdb_link($) {
local $_ = shift;
s/[^a-z0-9\+]/sprintf "%%%02x", ord($&)/ige;
if($enable->{session}) {
print "SESSION LIST (order by datetime)\n\n";
my $i=0;
foreach my $d (sort keys %$schedule) {
my $last=undef;
use Time::Local;
$d =~ /-/;
my $wday = (qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat))
print "--- $wday $d -------------------------------------\n";
foreach my $h (sort keys %{$schedule->{$d}}) {
my $c = $schedule->{$d}->{$h};
#if($last && norm($last) ne norm($c)) {
if($last) {
my $c0 = $riocine::session->{$last};
my $c1 = $riocine::session->{$c};
my $st = $c0->{hour}*60 + $c0->{min} + $c0->{len};
my $en = $c1->{hour}*60 + $c1->{min};
my $gap = $en - $st;
my $exp = 10*abs(norm($last) - norm($c)); # expected
if($gap < $exp - 5 || $gap > $exp + 45) {
$gap = sprintf("%dh%02d",int($gap/60),$gap%60) if $gap>60;
$exp = sprintf("%dh%02d",int($exp/60),$exp%60) if $exp>60;
$exp = $exp ? ", and need ${exp}m" : "";
print "------------ (${gap}m${exp})\n"
printf "%03d %3s %5s %5s %20s %s %s\n",
++$i, $wday, $d, $h,
$riocine::session->{$c}->{theater}, substr($c,0,5),
join ";",
map {
# sprintf("%s %d'",
sprintf("%4d %s %d'",
sort {$a->{Duracao} <=> $b->{Duracao}}
if(0) { #imdb link
foreach (
grep {$imdb->{$_->{id}}->{title}}
sort {$a->{Duracao} <=> $b->{Duracao}}
) {
print " ",imdb_link($imdb->{$_->{id}}->{title}),"\n";
$last = $c
print "\n";
print "\n",'=' x 60,"\n\n";
#ticket list
if($enable->{ticket}) {
print "TICKET BUY LIST (order by theater)\n\n";
my $i=0;
foreach my $t (sort keys %$place) {
print '-'x60,"\n";
foreach my $c (sort @{$place->{$t}}) {
my $ss = $riocine::session->{$c};
use Time::Local;
my $wday = (qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat))
printf "%03d %3s %02d-%02d %02d:%02d %20s %s %s\n",
++$i, $wday,
$ss->{mon}, $ss->{day},
$ss->{hour}, $ss->{min},
$ss->{theater}, $c,
join ";",
map {
sprintf("%s %d'",
sort {$a->{Duracao} <=> $b->{Duracao}}
print "\n";
close DATA;
close TXT;
print STDERR "./schedule.txt written.\n";
select STDOUT;
use riocine;
my $theater = do("") or die $!;
sub short($) {
local $_ = shift;
s/.*?\bcurtas?\b.*?: //i;
s/^(A|O|Um|Uma|As|Os|Uns|Umas) (.)(.*)$/uc($2)."$3, $1"/ei;
my $mm = $riocine::movie;
my $plain=1;
# FIXME not showing when more than one movie share the same session :((
my $cc = {}; # session by code
my $dd = {}; # session by time
foreach my $id (sort {short($mm->{$a}->{title_pt}) cmp short($mm->{$b}->{title_pt})} keys %$mm) {
my $mmm = $mm->{$id};
# print "TITULO: $mmm->{title_pt}\n" if $plain;
my $s = $mmm->{session};
foreach my $Y (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$s}) {
foreach my $M (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$s->{$Y}}) {
foreach my $D (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$s->{$Y}->{$M}}) {
foreach my $h (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$s->{$Y}->{$M}->{$D}}) {
foreach my $m (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$s->{$Y}->{$M}->{$D}->{$h}}) {
foreach my $t (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$s->{$Y}->{$M}->{$D}->{$h}->{$m}}) {
next unless $theater->{$t} > 0;
my $cod = $s->{$Y}->{$M}->{$D}->{$h}->{$m}->{$t};
my $ccc = $cc->{$cod} ||= {};
$ccc->{$id} ||= ++$mmm->{n};
$dd->{$Y}->{$M}->{$D}->{$t}->{$h}->{$m} ||= $cod;
# print "HORARIO: $Y-$M-$D $h:$m $cod $t\n" if $plain;
foreach my $Y (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$dd}) {
foreach my $M (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$dd->{$Y}}) {
foreach my $D (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$dd->{$Y}->{$M}}) {
print "----\n";
foreach my $t (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$dd->{$Y}->{$M}->{$D}}) {
foreach my $h (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$dd->{$Y}->{$M}->{$D}->{$t}}) {
foreach my $m (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$dd->{$Y}->{$M}->{$D}->{$t}->{$h}}) {
my $cod = $dd->{$Y}->{$M}->{$D}->{$t}->{$h}->{$m};
my $ccc = $cc->{$cod};
printf "%4d-%02d-%02d %2d:%02d %5s %s\n",
join("; ",
map { "$mm->{$_}->{title_pt} $mm->{$_}->{Duracao} $ccc->{$_}/$mm->{$_}->{n}"}
sort {int($mm->{$b}->{Duracao}) <=> int($mm->{$a}->{Duracao})}
keys %{$ccc||{}}
$accent = {
'á'=>'a','ä'=>'a','à'=>'a','â'=>'a','ã'=>'a', 'å'=>'a',
'ç'=>'c', 'ñ'=>'n',
'Á'=>'A','Ä'=>'A','À'=>'A','Â'=>'A','Ã'=>'A', 'Å'=>'A',
'Ç'=>'C', 'Ñ'=>'N',
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