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Last active January 25, 2016 01:04
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Synchronize database between 2 apps at Scalingo
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'uri'
require 'pty'
require 'expect'
if ARGV.length == 2
app = ARGV[0]
dump = ARGV[1]
puts "Syntax: #{__FILE__} <scalingo app name> <database dump>"
abort('Crash Protection : you cannot run this script on production applications') if app =~ /production/
puts "Stopping application..."
puts `scalingo --app #{app} scale web:0 workers:0 clock:0`
puts "Recreate PostgreSQL addon..."
addons = `scalingo --app #{app} addons`
addon_line = addons.split("\n").grep(/PostgreSQL/).first
if addon_line
puts " > Remove actual PostgreSQL addon"
addon_id = addon_line.split('|')[2].strip
PTY.spawn("scalingo --app #{app} addons-remove #{addon_id}") do |reader, writer|
reader.expect(/To confirm, type the ID of the addon/, 5) # cont. in 5s if input doesn't match
puts reader.gets
puts " > Create new PostgreSQL addon"
puts `scalingo --app #{app} addons-add scalingo-postgresql free`
puts "Starting the tunnel..."
master, slave =
read, write = IO.pipe
tunnel_pid = spawn("scalingo -app #{app} db-tunnel SCALINGO_POSTGRESQL_URL", :in=>read, :out=>slave)
read.close # we dont need the read
slave.close # or the slave
line, host, port = master.expect(/You can access your database on '(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+):(\d+)'/, 5)
puts line
at_exit {
puts "Close the tunnel"
Process.kill('TERM', tunnel_pid)
puts "Find Database connection params"
env = `scalingo --app #{app} env`
url = env.split("\n").grep(/^SCALINGO_POSTGRESQL_URL=/).first.split('=')[1].strip
uri = URI.parse(url)
db_name = uri.path[1..-1]
puts "Restoring database..."
puts "PGPASSWORD=#{uri.password} pg_restore -U #{uri.user} -h #{host} -p #{port} -d #{db_name} -O #{dump}"
puts `PGPASSWORD=#{uri.password} pg_restore -U #{uri.user} -h #{host} -p #{port} -d #{db_name} -O #{dump}`
puts "Patching database for use in testing environment..."
psql_cmd="PGPASSWORD=#{uri.password} psql -U #{uri.user} -h -p #{port} -d #{db_name} -c"
puts `#{psql_cmd} \"update COMPANY_URLS set main=false where COMPANY_ID=2\"`
puts `#{psql_cmd} \"insert into COMPANY_URLS(company_id, url, subdomain, main) values(2, '#{app}', false, true)\"`
puts "Migrate database..."
puts `scalingo --app #{app} run rake db:migrate`
puts "Restart application..."
puts `scalingo --app #{app} scale web:1:S`
puts 'Done!'
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