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Last active September 1, 2019 09:54
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(INCOMPLETE) Installing Wordpress + PHP-fpm from scratch on ubuntu

Install PHP

sudo apt-get install php-fpm # installs php7.2-fpm
sysctl status php7.2-fpm # checks status

Install NGINX to serve the PHP-fpm endpoint

# It's on ubuntu repos
# alternatives here:
sudo apt-get install nginx
# backup init conf
cp /etc/nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.backup-original

# restart nginx
nginx -s reload

Install Go to compile Caddy

tar -xvf go1.12.9.linux-amd64.tar.gz
mv go /opt
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/go/bin:$GOPATH/bin
go get

Install and configure MySQL 8.0.17

# install apt repo
sudo dpkg -i mysql-apt-config_0.8.13-1_all.deb
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mysql-server

Working with MySQL

sudo service mysql status
sudo service mysql stop
sudo service mysql start

Authenticate via Unix Sockets

Add the following to /etc/mysql/my.cnf:


And then restart mysql:

sudo service mysql stop && sudo service mysql start

This automatically loads the auth_socket plugin on start.

Then, create an account for your unix user for msql:

# log into unix system as root
CREATE USER 'userland'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH auth_socket;

Then, log into the 'userland' account on your unix system. You should be able to log into mysql by just running mysql.

NOTE: If things go wrong and you can't authenticate with 'userland':

# log into unix system as root
DROP USER 'userland';
CREATE USER 'userland'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH auth_socket;

Figure out where the unix socket is located:

netstat -ln | grep "unix.*mysql"

Get Wordpress

tar -xvf latest.tar.gz

If using passwordless/socket connection to MySQL, edit the DB_HOST directive in your wp_config.php file so that it looks like this:

define('DB_HOST', 'localhost:/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock');

Set up Caddyfile

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