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Created March 28, 2016 17:50
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import itertools
from kivy.factory import Factory
from kivy.compat import string_types
from kivy.uix.spinner import Spinner, SpinnerOption
from import ListProperty, ObjectProperty, StringProperty
from kivy.logger import Logger
class HVSpinnerOption(SpinnerOption):
"""Represents an option in HVSpinner. It adds :attr:`value` to represent a hidden value not shown to user."""
value = ObjectProperty(None)
class HVSpinner(Spinner):
"""Implements a spinner that keeps hidden values associated with
options and displays a human readable text.
hidden_values = ListProperty()
"""Values associated with every item generated from :attr:`values`.
:attr:`hidden_values`: is a :class:`` and defaults to `range(len(self.values))`.
The list may contain any kind of object.
selected_text = StringProperty()
"""Text representation of the selected item. By default, this is `None`. Upon selection of an item,
it will be the corresponding element of :attr:`values`.
selected_value = ObjectProperty(None)
"""Representation of the selected item. Defaults to `None`. Upon selection of an item,
it will be the corresponding element of :attr:`hidden_values`.
option_cls = ObjectProperty(HVSpinnerOption)
'''Extension of class to display options. It must conform to requirements laid out for :attr:`~kivy.uix.spinner.option_cls`. In addition, the class must have a `value` property (should be :class:``).
Additional :parameter:
`text_transformer`: `None` or `callable`. Function that is used to set the :attr:`text` of :class:`HVSpinner` once
an item has been selected. It should return a string and it should take 3 arguments:
- :attr:`caller`: instance of :class:`HVSpinner` making the call
- :attr:`text`: same as :attr:`selected_text`
- :attr:`value`: same as :attr:`selected_value`
from kivy.base import runTouchApp
from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
def print_current_val(obj, *largs):
print "Spinner {} has text [{}], selected_text [{}] and hidden value [{}]".format(obj, obj.text, obj.selected_text, obj.selected_value)
def transformator(caller, text, value):
return "Now at >{}< ({})".format(text, value)
vals = ["item {}".format(i) for i in range(8)]
hvals = ["<{}>".format(i + 17) for i in range(len(vals)) ]
gl = GridLayout(rows=1)
hvs1 = HVSpinner(values=vals, hidden_values=hvals, text='Select Me',
size_hint=(.3, None), height="30dp")
hvs2 = HVSpinner(values=vals, text='No, Me', size_hint=(.3, None), height="40dp")
hvs3 = HVSpinner(values=vals, hidden_values=range(len(vals)), text='Please, me!', size_hint=(.3, None), height="30dp",
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.text_transformer = kwargs.pop('text_transformer', None)
super(HVSpinner, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _update_dropdown(self, *largs):
dp = self._dropdown
cls = self.option_cls
if isinstance(cls, string_types):
cls = Factory.get(cls)
if len(self.hidden_values) == 0:
self.hidden_values = range(len(self.values))
if len(self.values) != len(self.hidden_values):
Logger.warning("HVSpinner: 'values' and 'hidden_values' have different lengths.")
for tv, hv in itertools.izip(self.values, self.hidden_values):
item = cls(text=tv, value=hv)
item.bind(on_release=lambda option:, option.value)))
def _on_dropdown_select(self, instance, data, *largs):
if callable(self.text_transformer):
self.text = self.text_transformer(self, data[0], data[1])
self.text = data[0]
self.selected_text = data[0]
self.selected_value = data[1]
self.is_open = False
Factory.register('HVSpinner', cls=HVSpinner)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from kivy.base import runTouchApp
from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from kivy.uix.button import Button
def print_current_val(obj, *largs):
print "Spinner {} has text [{}], selected_text [{}] and hidden value [{}]".format(obj, obj.text, obj.selected_text, obj.selected_value)
def transformator(caller, text, value):
return "Now at >{}< ({})".format(text, value)
vals = ["item {}".format(i) for i in range(8)]
hvals = ["<{}>".format(i + 17) for i in range(len(vals)) ]
gl = GridLayout(rows=3)
hvs1 = HVSpinner(values=vals, hidden_values=hvals, text='Select Me',
size_hint=(.3, None), height="30dp")
hvs2 = HVSpinner(values=vals, text='No, Me', size_hint=(.3, None), height="40dp")
hvs3 = HVSpinner(values=vals, hidden_values=range(len(vals)), text='Please, me!', size_hint=(.3, None), height="30dp",
def change_values(sender):
hvs3.values = ["new item {}".format(i) for i in range(8)]
b1 = Button(text='Change values', on_press=change_values)
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