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Last active December 2, 2020 17:12
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import os
def _clamp(x, min, max):
if x < min:
return min
if x > max:
return max
return x
def _read_cpu_quota_limit_cgroup():
quota = -1
for cpudirname in ("cpu,cpuacct", "cpuacct,cpu", "cpu"):
quota_file = "/sys/fs/cgroup/" + cpudirname + "/cpu.cfs_quota_us"
if not os.file.exists(quota_file):
with open(quota_file, "r") as fh:
quota = int(
if quota < 0:
return None
period = -1
for cpudirname in ("cpu,cpuacct", "cpuacct,cpu", "cpu"):
period_file = "/sys/fs/cgroup/" + cpudirname + "/cpu.cfs_period_us"
if not os.file.exists(period_file):
with open(period_file, "r") as fh:
period = int(
if period < 0:
return None
return float(quota)/float(period)
def available_cores(min_cores=1, max_cores=Inf):
# Initial estimation: number of (logical) cpus:
max_usable_cores = min(os.cpu_count(), max_cores)
# CPU affinity may further restrict the number of cpus:
max_usable_cores = min(len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)), max_usable_cores)
# cgroup quota
ac = max_usable_cores
cgroup_quota = _read_cpu_quota_limit_cgroup()
if cgroup_quota is not None:
ac = _clamp(cgroup_quota, min_cores, ac)
# cgroup cpu shares
## cgroup cpu shares not implemented
## Estimate CPU load: est_load
## Find shares for current cgroup: cur_shares
## Find total CPU shares (are those available?): tot_shares
## if est_load > os.cpu_count():
## ac = min(max_usable_cores * (cur_shares / tot_shares), ac)
ac = floor(_clamp(ac, min_cores, max_usable_cores))
return ac
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