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Last active September 25, 2015 09:37
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Firefox Vimperator Resource File
"2.2 (created: 2009/10/28 19:04:27)
set toolbars=addons,nobookmarks,menu,navigation,tabs
set hlsearch
set newtab=all
set runtimepath=$HOME\\vimperator
source! $HOME\\_vimperatorrc.local
" ページロード時にテキストボックスにフォーカスするのを防ぐ
set focuscontent
" :[tab]open の補完対象と順番
set complete=slS
" カラースキーム導入
colorscheme ZeeroBlue
" キー設定
" OSのキーバインドを再現
"noremap <C-a> <C-v><C-a>
"noremap <C-c> <C-v><C-c>
"inoremap <C-a> <C-v><C-a>
"inoremap <C-c> <C-v><C-c>
"inoremap <C-v> <C-v><C-v>
"inoremap <C-x> <C-v><C-x>
"inoremap <C-z> <C-v><C-z>
"inoremap <C-Space> <C-v><C-Space>
"cnoremap <C-a> <C-v><C-a>
"cnoremap <C-c> <C-v><C-c>
"cnoremap <C-v> <C-v><C-v>
"cnoremap <C-x> <C-v><C-x>
"cnoremap <C-z> <C-v><C-z>
noremap <C-p> :ha<CR>
noremap h <A-Left>
noremap l <A-Right>
noremap H gT
noremap L gt
noremap <C-l> :tabm 100<CR>
" プラグインの設定
" feedSomeKeys_2.js
"autocmd LocationChange .* fmapc
"autocmd LocationChange mail\.google\.com/mail fmap! c / j k n p o u e x s r a # [ ] z ? gi gs gt gd ga gc f l U I .
"autocmd LocationChange www\.google\.com/reader fmap! -vkey j k n p m s v A r S N P X O gh ga gs gt gu u / ? J K D T
"autocmd LocationChange code\.google\.com/p/ fmap! j k n p o x u r / c s ?
"autocmd LocationChange github\.com/zeero/xpash/issues fmap! j k o x u / c s ? e l i
" feedSomeKeys_3.js
:command! -nargs=+ lazy autocmd VimperatorEnter .* &lt;args>
:lazy fmaps -u='mail\.google\.com/mail' c / j k n p o u e x s r a # [ ] ? gi gs gt gd ga gc
:lazy fmaps -u='mail\.google\.com/mail/.*/[0-9a-f]+$' c / j,n k,p n,j p,k o u e x s r a # [ ] ? gi gs gt gd ga gc
:lazy fmaps -u='www\.google\.co\.jp/reader' -events=vkeypress j k n p m s v A r S N P X O gh ga gs gt gu u / ? J K
:lazy fmaps -u='(fastladder|livedoor)\.com/reader' j k s a p o v c i,p &lt;Space> &lt;S-Space> z b &lt; > q w e,g
:lazy fmaps -u='https?://www\.rememberthemilk\.com/home/' j k m i c t ? d F,f G,g S,s L,l Y,y H,h M,m &lt;Del> &lt;C-S-Left> &lt;C-S-Right>
:lazy fmaps -u='' o j k
:lazy fmaps -u='' u
" copy.js
javascript <<EOM
liberator.globalVariables.copy_templates = [
{ label: 'titleAndUrl', value: '%TITLE% %URL%' },
{ label: 'url', value: '%URL%' },
{ label: 'title', value: '%TITLE%' },
{ label: 'wiki', value: '[[%TITLE%|%URL%]]' },
{ label: 'hatena', value: '[%URL%:title=%TITLE%]' },
{ label: 'hatenacite', value: '>%URL%:title=%TITLE%>\n%SEL%\n<<' },
{ label: 'markdown', value: '[%SEL%](%URL% "%TITLE%")' },
{ label: 'htmlLink', value: '<a href="%URL%">%TITLE%</a>' },
{ label: 'htmlLinkSelect', value: '<a href="%URL%" title="%TITLE%">%SEL%</a>' },
{ label: 'htmlBlockquote', value: '<blockquote cite="%URL%" title="%TITLE%">%HTMLSEL%</blockquote>' }
" vim: set ft=vim:
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