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title: $:/boot/boot.js
type: application/javascript
The main boot kernel for TiddlyWiki. This single file creates a barebones TW environment that is just sufficient to bootstrap the modules containing the main logic of the application.
On the server this file is executed directly to boot TiddlyWiki. In the browser, this file is packed into a single HTML file along with other elements:
# bootprefix.js
# <module definitions>
require 'rubygems'
require 'css_parser'
include CssParser
parser =
parser.load_file!('bootstrap-theme.css', 'bootstrap/dist/css/')
parser.load_file!('bootstrap.css', 'bootstrap/dist/css/')
arr = []
parser.each_selector() do |selector, declarations, specificity|
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" customization {{{
function! s:getg(name, default)
return get(g:, 'operator#surround#'.a:name, a:default)
let g:operator#surround#blocks = s:getg('blocks', {})
@echo off
mkdir %DATE:/=%%TIME::=%
zeero / ruboty-helloworld.gemspec
Last active December 17, 2016 10:30
#ruboty #rubygems do |spec| = "ruboty-helloworld"
spec.version = "0.0.2"
spec.authors = ["zeero"] = [""]
spec.summary = "Hello world!"
spec.files = ["ruboty-helloworld.rb"]
spec.require_path = "."
zeero / EnumTable.swift
Created June 28, 2019 02:52
Enum Table
protocol EnumTable {
associatedtype TableSectionImpl: TableSection
extension EnumTable where Self: UITableViewController {
func tableRow(indexPath: IndexPath) -> TableRow? {
let section = TableSectionImpl(rawValue: indexPath.section)
return section?.tableRow(index: indexPath.row)
App Review
OverviewApp Review Guidelines
App Review Guidelines
Apps are changing the world, enriching people’s lives, and enabling developers like you to innovate like never before. As a result, the App Store has grown into an exciting and vibrant ecosystem for millions of developers and more than a billion users. Whether you are a first-time developer or a large team of experienced programmers, we are excited that you are creating apps for our platforms, and want to help you understand our guidelines so you can be confident your app will get through the review process quickly.
Before You Submit
App Store
App Store Reviewガイドライン
Appは世界を変え、人々の生活を豊かにし、皆さまのようなデベロッパが今までにない方法で変革をもたらすことを可能にしています。結果としてApp Storeは、数百万というデベロッパと10億人以上のユーザーが集まる、興奮と活気にあふれた場所に成長してきました。今では、初心者のデベロッパも経験豊富なプログラマで構成された大規模なチームもApp Store向けにAppを開発しています。Appleでは、Appの審査プロセスをスムーズに通過していただくために、皆さまがガイドラインを理解できるようサポートしたいと考えています。
zeero / DragZoomPinch.swift
Created March 9, 2022 04:07 — forked from sketchytech/DragZoomPinch.swift
Using Auto Layout Constraints for Drag, Pinch, Zoom and Tap
import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var redView:UIView!
var movedRight:Bool = false
var verticalConstraint:NSLayoutConstraint!
var horizontalConstraint:NSLayoutConstraint!
var widthConstraint:NSLayoutConstraint!
var heightConstraint:NSLayoutConstraint!
zeero / .gitignore
Last active December 21, 2023 08:10
Auto-generate mermaid class diagram powered by Sourcery