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Last active October 9, 2017 07:46
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role client(
A, B : agent, H, PRF, KeyGen: hash_func, V: text,
Ka,Ks, KaikA,Kca: public_key,
%% Ks is the public key of a T3P (ie. CA)
SND, RCV: channel (dy)
played_by A
local Na, Nb, Sid, Pa, Nw: text,
State: nat,
Finished: hash(hash(text.text.text).agent.agent.text.text.text),
ClientK, ServerK: hash(agent.text.text.hash(text.text.text)),
Kb,KaikB: public_key,
% certificates for the private key inv(KaikA)
CertAikA: {agent.public_key.text}_inv(public_key),
% certificates for the private key inv(KaikB)
CertAikB: {agent.public_key.text}_inv(public_key),
KaikSetA, KaikSetB:public_key set,
KcaSet:public_key set,
PCRa, PCRb:{hash(agent.nat.text.text)}_inv(public_key),
M: hash(text.text.text)
State := 0
0. State = 0 /\ RCV(start) =|>
State' := 2 /\ Na' := new() /\ Pa' := new() /\ Sid' := new() /\ SND(A.Na'.Sid'.Pa')
2. State = 2 /\ RCV(Nb'.Sid.Pa.{B.Kb'}_(inv(Ks))) =|>
State' := 4 /\ Nw' := new() /\ M' := PRF(Nw'.Na.Nb')
/\ Finished' := H(PRF(Nw'.Na.Nb').A.B.Na.Pa.Sid)
/\ ClientK' := KeyGen(A.Na.Nb'.PRF(Nw'.Na.Nb'))
/\ ServerK' := KeyGen(B.Na.Nb'.PRF(Nw'.Na.Nb'))
/\ SND(
/\ witness(A,B,na_nb2,Na.Nb')
4. State = 4 /\ RCV({Finished}_ServerK) =|>
State' := 6 /\ request(A,B,na_nb1,Na.Nb) /\ secret(ClientK,sec_clientk,{A,B}) /\ secret(ServerK,sec_serverk,{A,B})
6. State=6 /\ RCV(B.PCRb'.SMLb'.CertAikB'.{PRF(PCRa'.SMLb'.CertAikB')}_ClientK)
/\ CertAikB'={B.KaikB'.KaikSetB'}_inv(Kca)
/\ in(Kca,KcaSet)
/\ request(A,B,smlb_verify,SMLb) =|>
State' := 8
/\ SMLa':= new()
/\ PCRa':= {SMLa'}_inv(KaikA)
/\ KaikA' := new()
/\ KaikSetA' := new()
/\ CertAikA':={A.KaikA'.KaikSetA'}_inv(Kca)
/\ SND(A.PCRa'.SMLa'.CertAikA'.{PRF(PCRa'.SMLa'.CertAikA')}_ClientK)
/\ witness(A,B,sk_verify,ClientK)
/\ secret(SMLa',sec_smla,{A,B})
/\ witness(A,B,smla_verify,SMLa')
end role
role server(
A, B : agent,
H, PRF, KeyGen: hash_func,
V: text,
Kb, Ks,Kca,KaikB: public_key,
SND, RCV: channel (dy))
played_by B
local Na, Nb, Sid, Pa, Nw: text,
Ka,KaikA: public_key,
% certificates for the private key inv(KaikA)
CertAikA: {agent.public_key.text}_inv(public_key),
% certificates for the private key inv(KaikB)
CertAikB: {agent.public_key.text}_inv(public_key),
KaikSetA, KaikSetB:public_key set,
KcaSet:public_key set,
SMLa, SMLb:hash(agent.nat.text.text),
State := 1
1. State = 1 /\ RCV(A.Na'.Sid'.Pa') =|>
State' := 3 /\ Nb' := new() /\ SND(Nb'.Sid'.Pa'.{B.Kb}_(inv(Ks))) /\ witness(B,A,na_nb1,Na'.Nb')
3. State = 3 /\ RCV({Nw'}_Kb.{A.Ka'}_(inv(Ks)).{H(Nb.B.Nw')}_(inv(Ka')).{H(PRF(Nw'.Na.Nb).A.B.Na.Pa.Sid)}_KeyGen(A.Na.Nb.PRF(Nw'.Na.Nb))) =|>
State' := 5 /\ ServerK':=KeyGen(B.Na.Nb.PRF(Nw'.Na.Nb))
/\ SND({H(PRF(Nw'.Na.Nb).A.B.Na.Pa.Sid)}_KeyGen(B.Na.Nb.PRF(Nw'.Na.Nb)))
/\ request(B,A,na_nb2,Na.Nb)
5. State = 5 /\ RCV(start) =|>
State' := 7 /\ SMLb':= new()
/\ PCRb':= {SMLb'}_inv(KaikB)
/\ KaikB' := new()
/\ KaikSetB' := new()
/\ CertAikB':={A.KaikB'.KaikSetB'}_inv(Kca)
/\ SND(A.PCRb'.SMLb'.CertAikB'.{PRF(PCRb'.SMLb'.CertAikB')}_ServerK)
/\ witness(B,A,smlb_verify,SMLb')
/\ secret(SMLb',sec_smlb,{A,B})
/\ request(B,A,sk_verify,ServerK)
7. State= 7 /\ RCV(A.PCRa'.SMLa'.CertAikA.{PRF(PCRa'.SMLa'.CertAikA)}_ServerK)
/\ CertAikA'={A.KaikA'.KaikSetA'}_inv(Kca)
/\ in(Kca,KcaSet) =|>
State' := 9 /\ request(B,A,smla_verify,SMLa)
end role
role session(
A,B: agent, V: text,
Ka, Kb, Ks, Kca, KaikA, KaikB: public_key,
H, PRF, KeyGen: hash_func)
local SA, SB, RA, RB: channel (dy)
/\ server(A,B,H,PRF,KeyGen,V,Kb,Ks,KaikB,Kca,SB,RB)
end role
role environment()
na_nb1, na_nb2, sec_smla, sec_smlb, smla_verify, smlb_verify, sk_verify, sec_clientk, sec_serverk: protocol_id,
h, prf, keygen : hash_func,
a, b: agent,
v : text,
ka, kb, ki, ks, kaika, kaikb, kca: public_key
intruder_knowledge =
{ a, b, ka, kb, ks, kca, kaika, kaikb, ki, inv(ki), {}_(inv(ks)), {}_(inv(kca)) ,v}
session(a,b,v,ka,kb,ks,kca, kaika,kaikb,h,prf,keygen) /\
session(a,i,v,ka,ki,ks,kca,kaika,kaikb,h,prf,keygen) /\
end role
secrecy_of sec_clientk,sec_serverk
authentication_on na_nb1
authentication_on na_nb2
authentication_on sk_verify
secrecy_of sec_smla, sec_smlb
authentication_on smla_verify,smlb_verify
end goal
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