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Last active December 17, 2019 17:50
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A simple protocol to enable a collection of Pluralizable objects to return either the singular or the plural, depending on the count of the collection.
protocol Pluralizable {
static var singular: String { get }
// Override with the correct plural, if simply appending an "s" is incorrect
static var plural: String { get }
extension Pluralizable {
static var singular: String {
return String(describing: self)
static var plural: String {
return "\(singular)s"
extension Collection where Element: Pluralizable {
var pluralize: String {
return count == 1 ? Element.singular : Element.plural
var pluralizeCount: String {
return "\(count) \(pluralize)"
struct Capital {}
extension Capital: Pluralizable {}
[Capital]().pluralize // "Capitals"
[Capital()].pluralize // "Capital"
[Capital(), Capital()].pluralize // ""Capitals
struct Country {}
extension Country: Pluralizable {
static var plural: String {
return "Countries"
[Country]().pluralizeCount // "0 Countries"
[Country()].pluralizeCount // "1 Country"
[Country(), Country()].pluralizeCount // "2 Countries"
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