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Forked from anonymous/
Created September 2, 2012 18:28
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Save zeffii/3602680 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
does what it says on the tin
bl_info = {
"name": "Text Editor Gist Upload",
"author": "Dealga McArdle",
"version": (0, 1, 0),
"blender": (2, 6, 4),
"location": "Text Editor - Upload Gist",
"description": "Uploads current blend text as anonymous gist and gives link",
"wiki_url": "",
"tracker_url": "",
"category": "Text Editor"}
import bpy
from bpy.props import StringProperty
import json
from urllib.request import urlopen
def main_function(context, gist_filename, gist_description, gist_body):
gist_post_data = { 'description': gist_description,
'public': True,
'files': {gist_filename: {'content': gist_body}}}
json_post_data = json.dumps(gist_post_data).encode('utf-8')
def get_gist_url(found_json):
wfile = json.JSONDecoder()
wjson = wfile.decode(found_json)
gist_url = '' + wjson['id']
context.window_manager.clipboard = gist_url
def upload_gist():
url = ''
json_to_parse = urlopen(url, data=json_post_data)
print('received response from server')
found_json = json_to_parse.readall().decode()
class ButtonOne(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "scene.upload_gist"
bl_label = "Upload current text as gist"
def execute(self, context):
gist_description = context.scene.gist_description
gist_filename = context.scene.gist_name
gist_body = context.edit_text.as_string()
# uploads gist, and stores link inside clipboard
main_function(context, gist_filename, gist_description, gist_body)
class OperatorPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_label = "Upload Gist"
bl_idname = "OBJECT_PT_uploadfunction"
bl_space_type = "TEXT_EDITOR"
bl_region_type = "UI"
bl_context = "object"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
row = layout.row()
scn = bpy.context.scene
# display stringbox and download button
self.layout.prop(scn, "gist_name")
self.layout.prop(scn, "gist_description")
self.layout.operator("scene.upload_gist", text='Upload from .blend')
def initScenePropertiesUpload(scn):
bpy.types.Scene.gist_name = StringProperty(
name = "Name",
description = "Name for Gist",
default = ".py"
bpy.types.Scene.gist_description = StringProperty(
name = "Description",
description = "Description for Gist",
default = ""
classes = [OperatorPanel, ButtonOne]
def register():
for i in classes:
def unregister():
for i in classes:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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