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Created July 20, 2014 17:37
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# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
import random
import bpy
import mathutils
from mathutils import Vector
from bpy.props import FloatProperty, FloatVectorProperty
from node_tree import SverchCustomTreeNode
from data_structure import (updateNode, Vector_generate, repeat_last,
SvSetSocketAnyType, SvGetSocketAnyType,
''' very non optimal routines. beware. I know this '''
def inset_special(vertices, faces, inset_rates, axis, distances, make_inner):
new_faces = []
# print(len(faces), len(inset_rates))
def get_average_vector(verts, n):
dummy_vec = Vector()
for v in verts:
dummy_vec = dummy_vec + v
return dummy_vec * 1/n
def do_tri(face, lv_idx, make_inner):
a, b, c = face
d, e, f = lv_idx-2, lv_idx-1, lv_idx
out_faces = []
out_faces.append([a, b, e, d])
out_faces.append([b, c, f, e])
out_faces.append([c, a, d, f])
if make_inner:
out_faces.append([d, e, f])
return out_faces
def do_quad(face, lv_idx, make_inner):
a, b, c, d = face
e, f, g, h = lv_idx-3, lv_idx-2, lv_idx-1, lv_idx
out_faces = []
out_faces.append([a, b, f, e])
out_faces.append([b, c, g, f])
out_faces.append([c, d, h, g])
out_faces.append([d, a, e, h])
if make_inner:
out_faces.append([e, f, g, h])
return out_faces
def do_ngon(face, lv_idx, make_inner):
setting up the forloop only makes sense for ngons
idx0, idx1, last_vertex_idx-(n-1), last_vertex_idx-n
idx1, idxn, last_vertex_idx-(n-2), last_vertex_idx-(n-1)
.. ,.. ,.. ,..
idxn, idx0, last_vertex_idx-n, last_vertex_idx-(n-2)
print('ngons are not yet supported')
return []
def new_inner_from(face, inset_by, axis, distance, make_inner):
face: (idx list) face to work on
inset_by: (scalar) amount to open the face
axis: (vector) axis relative to face normal
distance: (scalar) push new verts on axis by this amount
make_inner: create extra internal face
# dumb implementation first. should only loop over the verts of face 1 time
to get
- new faces
- avg vertex location
- but can't lerp until avg is known. so each input face is looped at least twice.
current_verts_idx = len(vertices)
n = len(face)
verts = [vertices[i] for i in face]
avg_vec = get_average_vector(verts, n)
# lerp and add to vertices immediately
new_verts_prime = [avg_vec.lerp(v, inset_by) for v in verts]
if distance:
local_normal = mathutils.geometry.normal(*new_verts_prime[:3])
if axis:
local_normal = (avg_vec + local_normal + Vector(axis)).normalized()
new_verts_prime = [v.lerp(v+local_normal, distance) for v in new_verts_prime]
tail_idx = (current_verts_idx + n) - 1
get_faces_prime = {3: do_tri, 4: do_quad}.get(n, do_ngon)
new_faces_prime = get_faces_prime(face, tail_idx, make_inner)
for idx, face in enumerate(faces):
inset_by = inset_rates[idx][0] # WARNING, levels issue
if inset_by > 0:
# 100 is totally a magic number... why?
push_by = distances[idx][0] # WARNING, levels issue
# if axis:
# axial = axis[idx][0]
# # print(axial)
# if (axial[0] == axial[1] == axial[2]) == 0.0:
# axial = None
# else:
# axial = None
# print(axial)
axial = None
# axial = (random.random(),random.random(), 0.0)
new_inner_from(face, inset_by, axial, push_by, make_inner)
new_verts = [v[:] for v in vertices]
# print('new_faces=', new_faces)
return new_verts, new_faces
class SvInsetSpecial(bpy.types.Node, SverchCustomTreeNode):
Insets geometry, optional remove and/or translate
Don't think of this as a realtime effect.
bl_idname = 'SvInsetSpecial'
bl_label = 'InsetSpecial'
inset = FloatProperty(name='Inset', description='inset amount', default=0.1, update=updateNode)
distance = FloatProperty(name='Distance', description='Distance', default=0.0, update=updateNode)
# axis = FloatVectorProperty(name='axis', description='axis relative to normal', default=(0,0,1), update=updateNode)
def init(self, context):'StringsSocket', 'inset').prop_name = 'inset''StringsSocket', 'distance').prop_name = 'distance'
#'VerticesSocket', 'axis').prop_name = 'axis''VerticesSocket', 'vertices', 'vertices')'StringsSocket', 'polygons', 'polygons')'VerticesSocket', 'vertices', 'vertices')'StringsSocket', 'polygons', 'polygons')
def update(self):
if not 'polygons' in self.outputs:
if not any((s.links for s in self.outputs)):
i = self.inputs
o = self.outputs
if all([i['vertices'].links, i['polygons'].links, o['vertices'].links]):
def get_value_for(self, param, fallback):
return self.inputs[param].sv_get() if self.inputs[param].links else fallback
def process(self):
inputs = self.inputs
outputs = self.outputs
verts = Vector_generate(SvGetSocketAnyType(self, inputs['vertices']))
polys = SvGetSocketAnyType(self, inputs['polygons'])
''' get_value_for( param name, fallback )'''
inset_rates = self.get_value_for('inset', [[self.inset]])
distance_vals = self.get_value_for('distance', [[self.distance]])
#if self.inputs['axis'].links:
# axees = self.get_value_for('axis', [[self.axis]])
# axees = None
# print(inset_rates)
# unvectorized implementation, expects only one set of verts + faces + etc
fullList(inset_rates, len(polys[0]))
fullList(distance_vals, len(polys[0]))
#fullList(axees, len(polys[0]))
#verts, faces, axis=None, distance=0, make_inner=False
verts_out = []
polys_out = []
func_args = {
'vertices': verts[0],
'faces': polys[0],
'inset_rates': inset_rates,
'axis': None,
'distances': distance_vals,
'make_inner': False
res = inset_special(**func_args)
if not res:
verts_out, polys_out = res
# deal with hooking up the processed data to the outputs
SvSetSocketAnyType(self, 'vertices', [verts_out])
if outputs['polygons'].links:
SvSetSocketAnyType(self, 'polygons', [polys_out])
def update_socket(self, context):
def register():
def unregister():
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