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Created August 7, 2016 16:40
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# pybuzz is py2.4+ (not 3.x+ i think...)
# edited from supplied python file
import sys
import random
from buzz import *
# index | name
# ------+--------------------
# 0 | beatsPerMin
# 1 | ticksPerBeat
# 2 | samplesPerSec
# 3 | samplesPerTick
# 4 | posInTick
# 5 | ticksPerSec
bpm = 0
tpb = 0
sps = 0
spt = 0
pit = 0
tps = 0
trigger = NOTE_NO
tick = 0
send_pcc = SendPeerCtrlChange
def hex_to_int(hex_val):
hex_val = str(hex_val) # just in case
return int("0x" + hex_val, 0)
def seq_sample_from(items, tick):
num_items = len(items)
return items[tick % num_items]
def random_choice(items):
index = random.randint(0, len(items)-1)
return items[index]
def random_choice_w(items_w_weights):
def utrk9p(trk=0, offset=None, note=None, smp=None, vol=None, pan=None, p1=None, p1val=None, p2=None, p2val=None):
UTRK communication function, expects assignments of:
[offset, note, sample, vol, pan, param1, param1_val, param2, param_val]
.... ... .. .. .. .. .... .. ....
for assignment_idx, param in enumerate([offset, note, smp, vol, pan, p1, p1val, p2, p2val]):
if not (param is None):
send_pcc(assignment_idx, trk, param)
def UpdateMasterInfo():
global bpm,tpb,sps,spt,pit,tps
bpm,tpb,sps,spt,pit,tps = GetMasterInfo()
def OnStop():
global trigger,tick
trigger = NOTE_NO
tick = 0
def OnTick():
global trigger,tick,tpb
if (trigger != NOTE_NO):
# Example 1
trigger_explicits = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14]
if (tick in trigger_explicits):
# pick a random sample from these waveslots
wave_idx = random_choice([10, 11, 12, 13, 14])
r_vol = random_choice([34,35,37,20])
r_pan = random_choice([40, 60])
# passing parameters
p1 = hex_to_int(19) # here 19 is hex '19' and int value is 25
# param 19 is log vol down, and values are XXYY, (not linear)
# XX is duration, YY is end volume
hexval = hex_to_int(random_choice(["5000", "aa00", "2a00", "8400", "3a20"]))
# utrk9p(trk=0, offset=None, note=65, smp=wave_idx, vol=r_vol, pan=r_pan, p1=19, p1val=None, p2=None, p2val=None)
utrk9p(trk=0, note=65, smp=wave_idx, pan=r_pan, vol=r_vol, p1=p1, p1val=hexval)
tick += 1
def OnCommand(text):
print text
def OnParameter(track,index,value):
global trigger,tick
print "[%02i] %i: %i" % (track,index,value)
if (index == 0):
if (value == NOTE_OFF):
trigger = NOTE_NO
trigger = value
tick = 0
def OnMasterInfoChange():
def OnSave():
print "Saving state..."
return [4,2,8,"ficken"]
def OnLoad(data):
print "Loading state..."
print "State is " + str(data)
SetPeerCtrlName(0,"Note Out")
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