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Last active May 21, 2016 22:47
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Ant Sim 1 - Static World (Re-write of Rich Hickey's Ant Simulation as a Single-Threaded Application for my own studies)
(ns ant-sim
(:require [quil.core :as q]
[quil.middleware :as m]))
;Core data records for simulation
(defrecord Cell [food pheromone ant home])
(defrecord Ant [position direction food])
(defrecord World [board ants time])
;Initial parameters
(def dim 10) ;Size of the world
(def ant-positions
[[0 0] [1 0] [2 0] [3 0] [4 0]])
(def home-positions
(into []
(for [i (range 5)
j (range 2)]
[i j])))
(def foods
[[[5 5] 25]
[[5 6] 22]
[[6 5] 23]])
;Function for creation of initialized world
(defn start-world
"Create World containing a board (map of Cell) and ants (vector of Ant)
as specified in the initial parameters and time set to 0"
(let [coords (for [i (range dim) j (range dim)] [i j])
board (zipmap coords
(repeat (->Cell 0 0 false false)))
board (reduce #(assoc-in %1 [%2 :ant] true) board ant-positions)
board (reduce #(assoc-in %1 [%2 :home] true) board home-positions)
board (reduce (fn [board [pos quantity]]
(assoc-in board [pos :food] quantity))
board foods)
board (assoc-in board [[3 3] :pheromone] 0.5)
ants (into []
(map #(->Ant % 4 0) ant-positions))]
(->World board ants 0)))
;Parameter for Quil - Size of square representing cell
(def ssize 20)
;Project-specific Quil functions
(declare draw-ant draw-cell)
(defn draw-world
"Color cells with particular properties, then draw ants"
[{:keys [board ants time]}]
(doseq [pos-cell board]
(apply draw-cell pos-cell))
(doseq [ant ants]
(draw-ant ant)))
(defn draw-ant
"Draw a triangle based on the parameters of inputted Ant
Position determines the placement of the triangle
Direction determines the direction pointed by the apex
Food determines the color of the triangle"
[{:keys [position direction food]}]
(q/translate (/ ssize 2) (/ ssize 2))
(apply q/translate
(map #(* % ssize) position))
(q/rotate (* Math/PI (/ direction 4)))
(if (pos? food)
(q/fill 255 0 0)
(q/fill 0))
(q/scale 0.8)
(q/triangle 0 (* -1 (/ ssize 2))
(* -1 (/ ssize 4)) (/ ssize 2)
(/ ssize 4) (/ ssize 2))
(defn draw-cell
"Color cell positions based on properties of the cell
Home: Grey
Food: Red with alpha value based on food value
Pheromone: Green with alpha value based on pheromone value"
[position {:keys [food pheromone home]}]
(apply q/translate (map #(* ssize %) position))
(when home
(q/fill 200 200 200)
(q/rect 0 0 ssize ssize))
(when (pos? food)
(q/fill 200 0 0 (* 10 food))
(q/rect 0 0 ssize ssize))
(when (pos? pheromone)
(q/fill 0 200 0 (* 20 pheromone))
(q/rect 0 0 ssize ssize))
;Core Quil rendering functions
(defn setup []
(q/frame-rate 10)
(defn update [state]
state) ;This does nothing at the moment, to be updated
(defn draw [state]
(q/background 255)
(draw-world state))
(q/defsketch ant-sim
:size [(* ssize dim) (* ssize dim)]
:setup setup
:update update
:draw draw
:middleware [m/fun-mode])
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