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Last active May 13, 2016 23:16
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Random Text Generator Using Markov Chains
;Utility Functions
(defn map-vals
"Transform a map by applying f to each value"
[f hmap]
(zipmap (keys hmap)
(map f (vals hmap))))
(defn reductions-vals
"Transform a map by running (reductions f ...) onto the values
and returning an array-map"
[f hmap]
(apply array-map
(keys hmap)
(reductions f (vals hmap)))))
;Creating N-Gram & Word Frequency Distributions
(defn file->words
"Create a sequence of words from a string specifying the filename
containing the source text"
(-> file
(clojure.string/split #" ")))
(defn make-ngrams
"Transform a sequence of words to a sequence of vectors of all
n-length consecutive words, looping at the end to the start"
[words n]
(letfn [(rotate [[head & tail]]
(concat tail [head]))]
(->> words
(iterate rotate)
(take n)
(apply map vector))))
(defn cumulative-frequencies
"Take a list and convert to an array-map of cumulative frequencies"
(->> xs
(reductions-vals +)))
(defn words->freq-distribution
"Create an associative of all n-1 length ngram vectors to the
cumulative frequency distributions of the following word"
[words n]
(let [ngrams (make-ngrams words n)
n-1gram (comp vec drop-last)
grouped (group-by n-1gram ngrams)]
(->> grouped
(map-vals #(map last %))
(map-vals cumulative-frequencies))))
;Generating Infinite Markov Chains
(defn next-word
"Choose the next word based on an associative with vectors of n-grams
and the cumulative frequency distribution of the words following"
[starting-words freq-distribution]
(let [cum-freq (get freq-distribution starting-words)
total (second (last cum-freq))
i (rand-int total)
pair-at-i (first
(filter #(< i (second %)) cum-freq))
word-at-i (first pair-at-i)]
(defn markov-chain
"Create an infinite sequence of words by repeatedly choosing the next
word based on the previous n-1 words"
[starting-words freq-distribution]
(letfn [(f [words]
(conj (vec (rest words))
(next-word words freq-distribution)))]
(->> starting-words
(iterate f)
(map first))))
;Putting it all together
(defn combine-words
"Take a sequence of words and convert to a string with spaces between words"
(->> words
(interpose " ")
(apply str)))
(defn random-text
"Generate random text of 'length', starting with 'words', using
word distributions based on the text in 'file'"
[words length file]
(let [n (inc (count words))
freq-distribution (-> file
(words->freq-distribution n))]
(if (contains? freq-distribution words)
(->> (markov-chain words freq-distribution)
(take length)
"Usage example:"
(random-text ["it" "is" "a"] 100 "war-and-peace.txt"))
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