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Last active October 27, 2022 03:07
Monomorphic Type Inference with Mutable Type Variable Generation and Unification from TaPL, and
type ty =
| TVar of tvar ref
| TArrow of ty * ty
and tvar =
| Unbound of int
| Link of ty
type exp =
| EVar of string
| EAbs of string * exp
| EApp of exp * exp
let new_tvar =
let i = ref 0 in
let f () = incr i; TVar(ref @@ Unbound !i) in
let rec occursin id = function
| TVar{contents=Unbound id1} -> id = id1
| TVar{contents=Link t} -> occursin id t
| TArrow(tparam, tret) -> occursin id tparam || occursin id tret
let rec unify t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with
| _, _ when t1 = t2 -> ()
| TArrow(tparam1, tret1), TArrow(tparam2, tret2) ->
unify tparam1 tparam2;
unify tret1 tret2
| TVar{contents=Link t1}, t2 | t1, TVar{contents=Link t2} -> unify t1 t2
| TVar({contents=Unbound id} as tvar), ty | ty, TVar({contents=Unbound id} as tvar) ->
if occursin id ty then failwith "Unification failed due to occurs check"
else tvar := Link ty
let rec match_fun_ty tfunc targ = match tfunc with
| TArrow(tparam,tret) -> unify tparam targ; tret
| TVar {contents=Link ty} -> match_fun_ty ty targ
| TVar ({contents=Unbound _} as tvar) ->
let tparam = new_tvar () in
let tret = new_tvar () in
tvar := Link(TArrow(tparam,tret));
unify tparam targ;
let rec typeof env = function
| EVar s -> List.assoc s env
| EAbs(sparam, fbody) ->
let tparam = new_tvar () in
let tret = typeof ((sparam,tparam)::env) fbody in
| EApp(func, arg) ->
let tfunc = typeof env func in
let targ = typeof env arg in
match_fun_ty tfunc targ
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