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Created November 17, 2022 05:28
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Hindley Milner Type Inference with Unit, Bool, Int, Tuple, Record, Variant, Fix, Ref, List without match_..._ty
type ty =
| TVar of tvar ref
| TArrow of ty * ty
| TUnit
| TBool
| TInt
| TTuple of ty list
| TRecord of (string * ty) list
| TVariant of (string * ty) list
| TRef of ty
| TList of ty
and tvar =
| Unbound of int * int
| Link of ty
| Generic of int
type exp =
| EVar of string
| EAbs of string * exp
| EApp of exp * exp
| ELet of string * exp * exp
| EUnit
| ETrue
| EFalse
| EIf of exp * exp * exp
| EInt of int
| EAdd of exp * exp
| EIsZero of exp
| ETuple of exp list
| ETupleAccess of exp * int * int
| ERecord of (string * exp) list
| EProjection of exp * string * ty
| ETag of string * exp * ty
| ECase of exp * (string * string * exp) list * ty
| EFix of exp
| ERef of exp
| EDeref of exp
| EAssign of exp * exp
| ENil
| ECons of exp * exp
| EIsNil of exp
| EHead of exp
| ETail of exp
let new_tvar =
let i = ref 0 in
let f level = incr i; TVar(ref @@ Unbound(!i, level)) in
let rec occursin id = function
| TVar{contents=Unbound(id1, _)} -> id = id1
| TVar{contents=Link t} -> occursin id t
| TVar{contents=Generic _} -> false
| TArrow(tparam, tret) -> occursin id tparam || occursin id tret
| TUnit | TBool | TInt -> false
| TTuple ts -> List.exists (occursin id) ts
| TRecord lts -> List.exists (occursin id) ( snd lts)
| TVariant lts -> List.exists (occursin id) ( snd lts)
| TRef t -> occursin id t
| TList t -> occursin id t
let rec adjustlevel level = function
| TVar({contents=Unbound(id1, level1)} as tvar) ->
if level < level1 then tvar := Unbound(id1, level)
| TVar{contents=Link t} -> adjustlevel level t
| TVar{contents=Generic _} -> ()
| TArrow(tparam, tret) -> adjustlevel level tparam; adjustlevel level tret
| TUnit | TBool | TInt -> ()
| TTuple ts -> List.iter (adjustlevel level) ts
| TRecord lts -> List.iter (adjustlevel level) ( snd lts)
| TVariant lts -> List.iter (adjustlevel level) ( snd lts)
| TRef t -> adjustlevel level t
| TList t -> adjustlevel level t
let rec unify t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with
| _, _ when t1 = t2 -> ()
| TArrow(tparam1, tret1), TArrow(tparam2, tret2) ->
unify tparam1 tparam2; unify tret1 tret2
| TVar{contents=Link t1}, t2 | t1, TVar{contents=Link t2} -> unify t1 t2
| TVar({contents=Unbound(id,level)} as tvar), ty | ty, TVar({contents=Unbound(id,level)} as tvar) ->
if occursin id ty then failwith "Unification failed due to occurs check";
adjustlevel level ty;
tvar := Link ty
| TTuple ts1, TTuple ts2 -> List.iter2 unify ts1 ts2
| TRecord lts1, TRecord lts2 ->
if fst lts1 != fst lts2 then failwith "Cannot unify records with mismatched labels";
List.iter2 unify ( snd lts1) ( snd lts2)
| TVariant lts1, TVariant lts2 ->
if fst lts1 != fst lts2 then failwith "Cannot unify variants with mismatched labels";
List.iter2 unify ( snd lts1) ( snd lts2)
| TRef t1, TRef t2 -> unify t1 t2
| TList t1, TList t2 -> unify t1 t2
| _ -> failwith "Cannot unify types"
let rec generalize level ty = match ty with
| TVar{contents=Unbound(id1,level1)} when level < level1 -> TVar(ref(Generic id1))
| TVar{contents=Unbound _} -> ty
| TVar{contents=Link ty} -> generalize level ty
| TVar{contents=Generic _} -> ty
| TArrow(tparam, tret) -> TArrow(generalize level tparam, generalize level tret)
| TUnit | TBool | TInt -> ty
| TTuple ts -> TTuple ( (generalize level) ts)
| TRecord lts -> TRecord ( (fun (l,t) -> (l, generalize level t)) lts)
| TVariant lts -> TVariant ( (fun (l,t) -> (l, generalize level t)) lts)
| TRef ty -> TRef (generalize level ty)
| TList ty -> TList (generalize level ty)
let instantiate level ty =
let id_var_hash = Hashtbl.create 10 in
let rec f ty = match ty with
| TVar{contents=Generic id} ->
(try Hashtbl.find id_var_hash id
with Not_found ->
let var = new_tvar level in
Hashtbl.add id_var_hash id var;
| TVar{contents=Unbound _} -> ty
| TVar{contents=Link ty} -> f ty
| TArrow(tparam, tret) -> TArrow(f tparam, f tret)
| TUnit | TBool | TInt -> ty
| TTuple ts -> TTuple ( f ts)
| TRecord lts -> TRecord ( (fun (l,t) -> (l, f t)) lts)
| TVariant lts -> TVariant ( (fun (l,t) -> (l, f t)) lts)
| TRef ty -> TRef (f ty)
| TList ty -> TList (f ty)
in f ty
let rec is_simple = function
| EVar _ | EUnit | ETrue | EFalse | EInt _ | EAbs _ | ENil -> true
| ELet(_,e,ebody) -> is_simple e && is_simple ebody
| ETuple es -> List.for_all is_simple es
| ERecord les -> List.for_all is_simple ( snd les)
| ETag(_,e,_) -> is_simple e
| EIf(_,e1,e2) -> is_simple e1 && is_simple e2
| EAdd(e1,e2) -> is_simple e1 && is_simple e2
| EIsZero e -> is_simple e
| ETupleAccess(e,_,_) | EProjection(e,_,_) -> is_simple e
| ECase(e,cases,_) -> is_simple e && List.for_all (fun (_,_,e) -> is_simple e) cases
| EFix e -> is_simple e
| ECons(e,elist) -> is_simple e && is_simple elist
| EIsNil e | EHead e | ETail e -> is_simple e
| EApp _ | ERef _ | EDeref _ | EAssign _ -> false
let rec typeof env level = function
| EVar s -> instantiate level (List.assoc s env)
| EAbs(sparam, fbody) ->
let tparam = new_tvar level in
let tret = typeof ((sparam,tparam)::env) level fbody in
| EApp(func, arg) ->
let tfunc = typeof env level func in
let targ = typeof env level arg in
let tparam = new_tvar level in
let tret = new_tvar level in
unify tfunc (TArrow(tparam, tret));
unify tparam targ;
| ELet(svar, e, ebody) ->
let tvar = typeof env (level+1) e in
let tgen = if is_simple e then generalize level tvar else tvar in
typeof ((svar,tgen)::env) level ebody
| EUnit -> TUnit
| ETrue | EFalse -> TBool
| EIf(cond,e1,e2) ->
unify (typeof env level cond) TBool;
let te1 = typeof env level e1 in
unify te1 (typeof env level e2);
| EInt _ -> TInt
| EAdd(e1,e2) ->
unify (typeof env level e1) TInt;
unify (typeof env level e2) TInt;
| EIsZero e ->
unify (typeof env level e) TInt;
| ETuple es -> TTuple ( (typeof env level) es)
| ETupleAccess(e,i,n) ->
let ts = List.init n (fun _ -> new_tvar level) in
unify (typeof env level e) (TTuple ts);
List.nth ts i
| ERecord les -> TRecord ( (fun (l,e) -> (l, typeof env level e)) les)
| EProjection (e,l,t) -> (match t with
| TRecord lts -> unify t (typeof env level e); List.assoc l lts
| _ -> failwith "Record type expected in projection annotation")
| ETag(l,e,t) -> (match t with
| TVariant lts -> unify (List.assoc l lts) (typeof env level e); t
| _ -> failwith "Variant type expected in Variant Constructor annotation")
| ECase(e,cases,t) -> (match t with
| TVariant lts ->
unify t (typeof env level e);
if List.exists2 (fun (l1,_) (l2,_,_) -> l1 != l2) lts cases
then failwith "Labels mismatch between cases and annotation";
let ts = List.map2 (fun (_,t) (_,s,e) -> typeof ((s,t)::env) level e) lts cases in
let t = List.hd ts in
List.iter (unify t) ( ts);
| _ -> failwith "Variant type expected in Case annotation")
| EFix e ->
let tparam = new_tvar level in
let tret = TVar(ref (Link tparam)) in
unify (typeof env level e) (TArrow(tparam,tret));
| ERef e -> TRef (typeof env level e)
| EDeref e ->
let t = new_tvar level in
unify (typeof env level e) (TRef t);
| EAssign(e1,e2) ->
let t = new_tvar level in
unify (typeof env level e) (TRef t);
unify t (typeof env level e2);
| ENil -> TList (new_tvar level)
| ECons(e,elist) ->
let t = new_tvar level in
unify (typeof env level elist) (TList t);
unify (typeof env level e) t;
TList t
| EIsNil e -> unify (typeof env level e) (TList (new_tvar level)); TBool
| EHead e ->
let t = new_tvar level in
unify (typeof env level e) (TList t);
| ETail e ->
let tlist = typeof env level e in
unify tlist (TList (new_tvar level));
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