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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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A little guessing game, "Mentalist poker"
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import random
import os
import sys
Mentalist Poker
1. Each player starts with 20 chips or counters of some sort, a screen to hide
them, and a “betting line,” perhaps a piece of string or a pencil, placed
horizontally in front of him (but behind the screen). Chips placed in front of
the line are being bet, while those behind are not.
2. Determine at random which player starts with the First Bettor button.
3. Each round begins with both players making an ante of one chip.
4. The First Bettor secretly decides on a bet, which can be anywhere between
zero chips and all of his chips. He places these in front of the line, being
sure to disguise his motions.
5. The opponent attempts to guess how many chips he has bet, stating verbally
“Zero,” or “Five,” or whatever number he likes.
6. The bettor’s screen is lifted and his bet revealed. If the opponent’s guess
was correct, the opponent immediately wins the pot and the bettor’s bet.
7. If the opponent’s guess was incorrect, the bet is added to the pot, the
screen is replaced, and now it is the opponent’s turn to make a bet, and the
First Bettor’s turn to guess.
8. If it is a player’s turn to bet and he has no chips left, the opponent is
assumed to guess Zero, and automatically wins the pot and the game.
9. Play continues back and forth until the pot is won. Assuming both players
have at least one chip left, the First Bettor button is passed to the opponent,
both players ante again, and a new round is begun.
class player():
def __init__(self, human=False, chips=20):
self.human = human
self.chips = chips
def bet(self):
return self.human_bet() if self.human else self.computer_bet()
def human_bet(self):
return self._input_int(
"How much to bet (0-{})".format(self.chips), self.chips)
def computer_bet(self):
bet = 0
for i in range(self.chips):
if random.random() < 0.5:
bet += 1
return min(bet, self.chips)
def guess(self, maxguess):
return self.human_guess(maxguess) if self.human\
else self.computer_guess(maxguess)
def human_guess(self, maxguess):
return self._input_int(
"How much to guess (0-{})".format(maxguess), maxguess)
def computer_guess(self, maxguess):
guess = 0
for i in range(maxguess):
if random.random() < 0.5:
guess += 1
return min(maxguess, guess)
def win(self, chips):
self.chips += chips
def _input_int(self, prompt, max):
while True:
i = int(input(prompt))
except ValueError:
if i <= max:
return i
class table():
def __init__(self, *players):
self.pot = 0
self.players = players
def ante(self, bet=1):
self.pot = 0
self.players = [player for player in self.players if player.chips > 0]
if len(self.players) == 1:
raise ValueError
for p in self.players:
p.chips -= 1
self.pot += 1
def show_table(self):
for i, player in enumerate(self.players):
print("Player {} ({}) has £{}".format(i, "Human" if player.human
else "Computer",
print("Pot has £{}".format(self.pot))
def main():
h = player(human=True)
c = player(human=False)
t = table(h, c)
while True:
for i, better in enumerate(t.players):
guesser = t.players[(i+1) % len(t.players)]
bet =
guess = guesser.guess(better.chips)
print("Bet is {} and guess is {}".format(bet, guess))
if guess == bet:
# guesser wins pot and bet
print("The pot is won") + bet)
better.chips -= bet
t.pot = 0
except ValueError:
print("Guessed wrong")
better.chips -= bet
t.pot += bet
input("press enter")
def game_over():
print("Game over")
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