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Last active August 28, 2017 02:14
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The mollweide equal area map projection. Convert longitude and latitude to and from 2d, flat cartiesian coordinates
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from math import sin, cos, pi, sqrt, asin, log
sqrt2 = sqrt(2)
def solveNR(lat, epsilon=1e-6):
"""Solve the equation $2\theta\sin(2\theta)=\pi\sin(\mathrm{lat})$
using Newtons method"""
if abs(lat) == pi / 2:
return lat # avoid division by zero
theta = lat
while True:
nexttheta = theta - (
(2 * theta + sin(2 * theta) - pi * sin(lat)) /
(2 + 2 * cos(2 * theta))
if abs(theta - nexttheta) < epsilon:
theta = nexttheta
return nexttheta
def checktheta(theta, lat):
"""Testing function to confirm that the NR method worked"""
return(2 * theta + sin(2 * theta), pi * sin(lat))
def mollweide(lat, lon, lon_0=0, R=1):
"""Convert latitude and longitude to cartesian mollweide coordinates
lat, lon -- Latitude and longitude with South and West as Negative
both as decimal values
lon_0 -- the longitude of the central meridian, default = Greenwich
R -- radius of the globe
degrees -- if True, interpret the latitude and longitude as degrees
x, y a tuple of coorinates in range $x\in\pm 2R\sqrt{2}$,
$y\in\pm R\sqrt{2}$
if degrees:
lat = lat * pi / 180
lon = lon * pi / 180
lon_0 = lon_0 * p / 180 # convert to radians
theta = solveNR(lat)
return (R * 2 * sqrt2 * (lon - lon_0) * cos(theta) / pi,
R * sqrt2 * sin(theta))
def inv_mollweide(x, y, lon_0=0, R=1, degrees=True):
"""Invert the mollweide transform. Arguments are as for that function"""
theta = asin(y / (R * sqrt2))
if degrees:
factor = 180 / pi
factor = 1
return (
asin((2 * theta + sin(2 * theta)) / pi) * factor,
(lon_0 + pi * x / (2 * R * sqrt(2) * cos(theta))) * factor
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