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Created February 27, 2017 15:50
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{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
import Data.List
data Term = Var String | App Term Term | Abs String Term
deriving (Eq, Ord)
data Type = Const | TVar String | Fun Type Type
deriving (Eq)
instance Show Term where
show (Var n) = n
show (App e1@(Abs _ _) e2) = "(" ++ show e1 ++ ")" ++ show e2
show (App e (Var n)) = show e ++ n
show (App e1 e2) = show e1 ++ "(" ++ show e2 ++ ")"
show (Abs n e) = "\\" ++ n ++ "." ++ show e
instance Show Type where
show Const = "*"
show (TVar n) = n
show (Fun Const t2) = "* -> " ++ show t2
show (Fun (TVar n) t2) = n ++ " -> " ++ show t2
show (Fun t1 t2) = "(" ++ show t1 ++ ") -> " ++ show t2
_tvarsStream = [l:show d | d <- [1..10], l <- ['a'..'z']]
identity = Abs "x" (Var "x")
scomb = Abs "x" $ Abs "y" $ Abs "z" $ App (App (Var "x") (Var "z")) (App (Var "y") (Var "z"))
kcomb = (Abs "x" (Abs "y" (Var "x")))
inferType :: Term
-> [String]
-> [(Term, Type)]
-> ([(Term, Type)], [String])
inferType term@(Var _) names@(n:ns) env =
if term `elem` (map fst env)
then (env, names)
else ((term, TVar n):env,ns)
inferType term@(Abs x inner) typevars@(tv:tvars) env =
if (Var x) `elem` (map fst env)
then error "FAIL1"
else case lookup (Var x) env1 of
Just tp -> ((term, Fun tp tp1):env1, tvs1)
Nothing -> ((term, Fun (TVar x) tp1):env2, tvs1)
(env1, tvs1) = inferType inner tvars env
env2 = (Var x, TVar tv):env1
Just tp1 = lookup inner env1
getEqs :: Term -> [String] -> [(Term, Type)]
getEqs term@(Var x) (tv:tvs) = [(term, TVar tv)]
getEqs term@(Abs x inner) (tv1:tv2:tvs) =
(Var x, TVar tv1)
:(inner, TVar tv2)
:(term, Fun (TVar tv2) (TVar tv2))
:getEqs inner tvs
getEqs term@(App f g) (tv1:tv2:tvs) =
(f, Fun (TVar tv1) (TVar tv2))
: (g, TVar tv1)
: (term, TVar tv2)
: getEqs f (tvs1)
++ getEqs g (tvs2)
where l = length tvs `div` 2
tvs1 = take l tvs
tvs2 = take l $ reverse tvs
preUnify :: [(Term, Type)] -> [[Type]]
preUnify = map simplifyEquation
. map (map snd)
. groupBy (\a b -> (fst a) == (fst b))
. sortBy (\a b -> compare (fst a) (fst b))
simplifyEquation ts
| all (\case
TVar s -> True
_ -> False) ts = take 1 ts
| otherwise = ts
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