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alias: guest light automation
description: guest automation for lights on/off
- type: motion
platform: device
device_id: bf4f40f0e5729debfffc56ddd7e5f576
entity_id: binary_sensor.guest_motion
domain: binary_sensor
id: motion-detected
- type: no_motion
alias: yard lights automation
description: yard automation for lights on/off
- type: occupied
platform: device
device_id: 69f6be5c3f03a0d931cac057e97fcfe2
entity_id: binary_sensor.patio_motion
domain: binary_sensor
id: motion-detected
- type: not_occupied
// surfingkeys conf
settings.hintAlign = "left" ;
settings.omnibarSuggestionTimeout = 500;
settings.showModeStatus = false;
iunmap(":"); // Disable emoji suggestions.
zeltak / cvim.gist
Last active September 16, 2016 05:02
""""general options
"let configpath = '/home/zeltak/.cvimrc'
"set localconfig
" Settings
let barposition = "bottom"

ylist <- list()<-"/media/NAS/Uni/Projects/P046_Israel_MAIAC/3.Work/2.Gather_data/FN003_AOd_allyears/"
for(i in 2000:2001){
ylist[[ paste0('dat',i) ]] <- clippedaod[yr == i]
saveRDS(ylist[i],paste0(, "allaod_", i, ".rds")