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Last active September 19, 2019 16:08
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Very rough crash-only hapi server
'use strict';
// Adapted from Exiting README example:
const Boom = require('@hapi/boom');
const Exiting = require('exiting');
const Hapi = require('@hapi/hapi');
const server = Hapi.Server();
const manager = Exiting.createManager(server);'stop', () => {
console.log('Server stopped.');
const provision = async () => {
server.ext('onPreResponse', async (request, h) => {
// We're trying to express: if the current response represents a bug
// ,then (gracefully) shutdown the server. In production, we'd rely on pm2
// (or some other tooling) to reboot the server
// We crash to:
// - guarantee that any hanging/leaked resources stemming from the bug
// are closed
// - hopefully simplify server's fault model to simplify debugging: crashing = bug (programmer's responsibility to fix)
// TODO Should we stop gracefully on this condition? Or is crashing hard, regardless of other clients,
// the safest option (insofar as it mitigates the risk of other clients immediately encountering this bug)
if (request.response.isBoom && request.response.isDeveloperError) {
console.error('Programmer Error detected; crashing server');
// Reply with the error while stopping the server in the background
// TODO Does this create an unpredictable race, potentially leaving server in an undefined state? Should we await manager.stop();
return h.continue;
// TODO What does this behavior mean for the web clients?
// At least for fetch, would get to catch block. Not sure about axios, request, etc.
return h.continue;
method: 'get',
path: '/test/{trigger?}',
options: {
handler: (request, h) => {
const { trigger } = request.params;
switch (trigger) {
case 'throw':
console.log('throwing will not crash; desired behavior');
// hapi treats these as plain errors (just calls boomify)
// I assume so hapi doesn't assume anything about user's error handling
// conventions; user might intend to throw Errors i.e. not use Boom
// see:
throw new Error('regular throw');
case 'boom':
console.log('regular boom error will not crash; desired behavior');
// returning or throwing yields same result
throw Boom.notFound('Not found');
case 'internal':
console.log('standard internal error will not crash; ambiguous?');
// ambiguous b/c Boom.internal does NOT set isDeveloperError,
// even though Boom docs refer to internal as an alias of
// badImplementation, which does set err.isDeveloperError
// Why? Am I just confused?
throw Boom.internal('BAD!');
case 'impl':
console.log('standard bad implementation error will crash; desired behavior');
throw Boom.badImplementation('');
case 'why':
console.log('throwing nonerror will crash the server');
// Illustrates that programmer errors can be system errors (as defined by Boom:
// or misuse of hapi; either case represents an unrecoverable error (bug) caused by the programmer
throw 'thx cinco';
case 'bug':
// triggers a ReferenceError
console.log('programmer error will crash; desired behavior');
return request.bugs.nugs;
return 'success';
await manager.start();
console.log('Server started at:',;
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