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Created November 2, 2023 07:39
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Splits a folder of DICOM files in one folder into subfolders by series UID
Warning: will throw an error if there are non-DICOM files in the folder
If you want to split the files according to another identifier, change 0x0020000e into the DICOM tag that you want.
Some useful tags to sort by:
0x00200011 Series Number
0x0020000e Series Instance UID
0x00100020 Patient ID
0x00080022 Acquisition Date
0x00080032 Acquisition Time
0x00081030 Study Description
0x0008103e Series Description
from pathlib import Path
import pydicom
# specify the paths here
image_path = r"/source/of/your/images"
output_path = r"/destination/of/your/subfolders/output"
# looks for files in the folder - not recursive, and ignores all file extensions
# if the files are mixed and some have extensions, change the "*" to "*.dcm" or something
images = [im for im in Path(image_path).glob("*")]
# print the series IDs of the images
# print({pydicom.dcmread(im).get(0x0020000e).value for im in images})
# group images by series uid
series_grp = {}
for im in images:
series_uid = pydicom.dcmread(im).get(0x0020000e).value
if series_uid not in series_grp:
series_grp[series_uid] = []
# copy the files into the folders
import shutil
for series_uid, images in series_grp.items():
series_path = Path(output_path) / series_uid
series_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
for im in images:
shutil.copy(Path(image_path) / im, series_path /
Takes the output folders of DICOMpiler and turns it into .nii.gz files.
Will ignore folders that can't be read by SimpleITK
from pathlib import Path
import SimpleITK as sitk
# read the folders in the output folder
for folder in Path("output").glob("*"):
reader = sitk.ImageSeriesReader()
dicom_names = reader.GetGDCMSeriesFileNames(str(folder))
image = reader.Execute()
sitk.WriteImage(image, str(folder) + ".nii.gz")
except Exception as e:
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