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Last active November 2, 2019 01:43
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App Name: Above the Line
Landing/Promotional Page:
>>User flows to: user types or clicks on site url --> landing page loads
>>User flows from: user clicks login or register links or user clicks get started button on landing (to register)
Login Page:
>>User flows to: user clicks login-link on navbar --> user enters login page
>>User flows from: user enters credentials correctly --> user is redirected to scripts page
Register Page:
>>User flows from: user correctly creates profile --> user is redirected to scripts page
Accordian menu:
>>User flows to: user clicks the "mini-menu" button --> accordion menu opens
>>User flows from: user can click logout link, user can click settings link, user can click User Guide tab
Scripts Page:
>>User flows to: user logs in at login page | or registers new account --> user redirected to scripts page
or user clicks _Above the Line_ icon or user clicks back button in script editor/any other page --> user directed to scripts page
>>User flows from: user clicks script --> script menu opens --> user can click edit (redirects to editor)
--> user can click copy (appends a script copy to the scripts page) --> user can click delete (deletes script, refreshes page)
>>User flows inside: user can sort scripts by keyword, date, or size (ascending or descending)
Script Editor Page: h
>>User flows to: User logs in --> clicks on a script --> clicks "edit" --> redirected to editor page
>>User flows from: user clicks back button in sidebar,
or user clicks "Above the Line" link
or user clicks mini-menu near log-in profile
User Settings:
>>User flows to: User logs in --> clicks on accordion menu button --> user clicks on settings link
--> user is redirected to settings page
>>User flows from: user clicks back button to return to previous page
>>User flows inside: User clicks custom radio buttons (that update the color of the site) or user edits user name --> user presses apply
--> settings are updated and site refreshes
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