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Last active July 14, 2020 14:32
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Using LazySizes and the Picture element with responsive breakpoints for art-direction in Craft CMS
All image transforms are defined here in the main layout template so they can be used site-wide. Templates using this layout can reference them thus:
{{ theBackgroundImage.url(transform.small) }}
{% set transform = {
small: {
width: 640,
height: 640,
mode: 'crop',
position: 'center-center',
quality: 100,
smallRectangle: {
width: 640,
height: 440,
mode: 'crop',
position: 'center-center',
quality: 100,
medium: {
width: 1024,
mode: 'fit',
position: 'center-center',
quality: 80,
mediumRectangle: {
width: 1024,
height: 768,
mode: 'crop',
position: 'center-center',
quality: 80,
large: {
width: 1800,
mode: 'fit',
position: 'center-center',
quality: 80,
largeRectangle: {
width: 1800,
height: 1000,
mode: 'crop',
position: 'center-center',
quality: 80,
smallNoCrop: {
width: 640,
mode: 'fit',
position: 'center-center',
quality: 100,
} %}
{% set image = embedAsset %}
{% if image|length %}
{# The Lazysizes JS script prefixes src and srcset with "data-" ( If you're not using Lazysizes, remove "data-" everywhere. #}
<!-- If the user's screen is at least 1024px wide... -->
media="(min-width: 1024px)"
<!-- Then display the large transform... -->
data-srcset="{{ image.url(transform.large) }}"
<!-- If that returns false, then proceed to the next source tag: -->
<!-- If the user's screen is at least 640px wide... -->
media="(min-width: 640px)"
<!-- Then display the medium transform... -->
data-srcset="{{ image.url(transform.medium) }}"
<!-- If that returns false, then proceed to the next source tag: -->
<!-- If the user's screen is no larger than 639px wide (a smartphone)... -->
media="(max-width: 639px)"
<!-- Then display the small transform... -->
data-srcset="{{ image.url(transform.small) }}"
<!-- If the user's browser is so old that it can't understand media queries, then proceed: -->
<!-- Define the default image for old browsers... -->
data-src="{{ image.url(transform.medium) }}"
alt="{{ embedAlt }}"
class="{{ embedClasses }}"
{{ embedDataAttributes|raw }}
{% endif %}
news/newsEntry.html (or any template where an image should appear)
Wrap this in a Figure element if you want to have a caption.
{% set image = %}
{% include "_includes/responsiveImage" with {
'embedAlt' : entry.title,
'embedClasses' : 'object-cover w-full h-full zooming-image lazyload',
'embedDataAttributes' : 'loading="lazy" data-action="zoom"',
'embedAsset' : image,
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