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Created September 27, 2013 19:15
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package funsets
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
* This class is a test suite for the methods in object FunSets. To run
* the test suite, you can either:
* - run the "test" command in the SBT console
* - right-click the file in eclipse and chose "Run As" - "JUnit Test"
class FunSetSuite extends FunSuite {
* Link to the scaladoc - very clear and detailed tutorial of FunSuite
* Operators
* - test
* - ignore
* - pending
* Tests are written using the "test" operator and the "assert" method.
test("string take") {
val message = "hello, world"
assert(message.take(5) == "hello")
* For ScalaTest tests, there exists a special equality operator "===" that
* can be used inside "assert". If the assertion fails, the two values will
* be printed in the error message. Otherwise, when using "==", the test
* error message will only say "assertion failed", without showing the values.
* Try it out! Change the values so that the assertion fails, and look at the
* error message.
test("adding ints") {
assert(1 + 2 === 3)
import FunSets._
test("contains is implemented") {
assert(contains(x => true, 100))
* When writing tests, one would often like to re-use certain values for multiple
* tests. For instance, we would like to create an Int-set and have multiple test
* about it.
* Instead of copy-pasting the code for creating the set into every test, we can
* store it in the test class using a val:
* val s1 = singletonSet(1)
* However, what happens if the method "singletonSet" has a bug and crashes? Then
* the test methods are not even executed, because creating an instance of the
* test class fails!
* Therefore, we put the shared values into a separate trait (traits are like
* abstract classes), and create an instance inside each test method.
trait TestSets {
val s1 = singletonSet(1)
val s2 = singletonSet(2)
val s3 = singletonSet(3)
* This test is currently disabled (by using "ignore") because the method
* "singletonSet" is not yet implemented and the test would fail.
* Once you finish your implementation of "singletonSet", exchange the
* function "ignore" by "test".
test("singletonSet(1) contains 1") {
* We create a new instance of the "TestSets" trait, this gives us access
* to the values "s1" to "s3".
new TestSets {
* The string argument of "assert" is a message that is printed in case
* the test fails. This helps identifying which assertion failed.
assert(contains(s1, 1), "Singleton")
test("union contains all elements") {
new TestSets {
val s = union(s1, s2)
assert(contains(s, 1), "Union 1")
assert(contains(s, 2), "Union 2")
assert(!contains(s, 3), "Union 3")
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