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Last active December 22, 2020 17:26
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Advent of Code 2020
(ns y2020.core
(:require [clojure.edn :as edn]
[clojure.string :as str]))
;; 202001
(let [input (->> (slurp "src/y2020/input202001") (re-seq #"\d+") (map edn/read-string) sort)
f (fn [sum xs]
(loop [[x & morex :as x'] xs
[y & morey :as y'] (reverse xs)]
(when (and x morex)
(= sum (+ x y)) (* x y)
(< sum (+ x y)) (recur x' morey)
:else (recur morex y')))))]
[(f 2020 input)
(loop [[a & more] input]
(if-let [ans (f (- 2020 a) more)]
(* a ans)
(recur more)))])
;; [793524 61515678]
;; 202002
(let [input (->> (slurp "src/y2020/input202002") (re-seq #"[\d\w]+") (partition 4))
f (fn [[a b c s]]
(let [[a b] (map edn/read-string [a b])]
(if (<= a (count (filter (set c) s)) b) true)))
g (fn [[a b c s]]
(let [[a b] (map #(dec (edn/read-string %)) [a b])
c (first c)]
(if (not= (= c (get s a)) (= c (get s b))) true)))]
(map #(count (keep % input)) [f g]))
;; (515 711)
;; 202003
(let [input (->> (slurp "src/y2020/input202003") (re-seq #"[^\n]+"))
len (count (first input))
f (fn [step]
(fn [line n]
(get line (mod (* step n) len))))
g (fn [[x y]] ((frequencies (map (f x) (rest (take-nth y input)) (rest (range)))) \#))]
[(g [3 1]) (reduce * (map g [[1 1] [3 1] [5 1] [7 1] [1 2]]))])
;; [167 736527114]
;; 202004
(let [input (->> (slurp "src/y2020/input202004") (re-seq #"[\w#]+|\n\n") (partition-by #(= "\n\n" %)))
f (fn [xs]
(clojure.set/subset? #{"byr" "iyr" "eyr" "hgt" "hcl" "ecl" "pid"} (set (take-nth 2 xs))))
g (fn [xs]
(let [{:strs [byr iyr eyr hgt hcl ecl pid]} (into {} (map vec (partition 2 xs)))]
(and byr (<= 1920 (edn/read-string byr) 2002)
iyr (<= 2010 (edn/read-string iyr) 2020)
eyr (<= 2020 (edn/read-string eyr) 2030)
hgt (if-let [[_ height unit] (re-matches #"(\d+)(cm|in)" hgt)]
(let [h (edn/read-string height)]
(or (and (= "cm" unit) (<= 150 h 193))
(and (= "in" unit) (<= 59 h 76)))))
hcl (re-matches #"#[0-9a-f]{6}" hcl)
ecl (#{"amb" "blu" "brn" "gry" "grn" "hzl" "oth"} ecl)
pid (re-matches #"^\d{9}" pid))))
input (filter f input)]
[(count input) (count (filter g input))])
;; [260 153]
;; 202005
(let [f #(if (= (inc %2) %1) %2 (reduced (inc %2)))
input (->> (str/escape (slurp "src/y2020/input202005") {\B \1 \F \0 \R \1 \L \0})
(re-seq #"\w+")
(map #(Integer/parseInt % 2))
[(first input) (reduce f input)])
;; [864 739]
;; 202006
(let [input (-> (slurp "src/y2020/input202006") (str/split #"\n\n"))]
[(reduce + (map #(count (set (str/replace % "\n" ""))) input))
(reduce + (map #(->> (map set (str/split-lines %)) (reduce clojure.set/intersection) count) input))])
;; [6799 3354]
;; 202007
(let [input (->> (slurp "src/y2020/input202007")
(re-seq #"[^\n]+")
(map #(re-seq #"(\d+ )?(\w+ \w+)(?= bag)" %)))
input1 (map (fn [[root & leaves]]
{:root (root 2) :leaves (set (map #(% 2) leaves))})
input2 (reduce (fn [m [root & leaves]]
(->> (into {} (for [[_ n name] leaves]
[name (if (nil? n) 0 (edn/read-string n))]))
(assoc m (root 2))))
{"no other" 0}
f (fn [color-set]
(set (for [{:keys [root leaves]} input1
:when (seq (clojure.set/intersection color-set leaves))]
g (fn g [r [k v]]
(if (= "no other" k) 0 (+ r v (* v (reduce g 0 (input2 k))))))]
[(->> #{"shiny gold"}
(iterate f)
(take-while seq)
(reduce clojure.set/union)
(g -1 ["shiny gold" 1])])
;; [128 20189]
;; 202008
(let [input (->> (slurp "src/y2020/input202008")
(re-seq #"(\S+) (\S+)")
(mapv (fn [[_ op op1]] [op (edn/read-string op1)])))
l (count input)
f (fn [input mode]
(->> {:i 0, :acc 0, :seen #{}}
(iterate (fn [{:keys [i acc seen] :as state}]
(cond (= i l) acc
(seen i) (if (= :loop mode) acc nil)
:else (let [[op op1] (input i)]
(merge (update state :seen #(conj % i))
(condp = op
"nop" {:i (inc i)}
"acc" {:i (inc i) :acc (+ acc op1)}
"jmp" {:i (+ i op1)}))))))
(drop-while map?)
[(f input :loop)
(for [i (range (count input))
:when (#{"nop" "jmp"} ((input i) 0))
:let [input (update-in input [i 0] {"nop" "jmp", "jmp" "nop"})
r (f input :bug)]
:when r]
;; [1200 (1023)]
;; 202009
(let [input (->> (slurp "src/y2020/input202009") (re-seq #"\d+") (mapv edn/read-string))
p1 (loop [xs input]
(let [top25 (subvec xs 0 25)
top25-set (into #{} top25)
n26 (xs 25)]
(if (some #(and (top25-set %) (top25-set (- n26 %)) (not= % (- n26 %))) top25)
(recur (subvec xs 1))
p2 (loop [off0 0
off1 2
r (reduce + (subvec input off0 off1))]
(cond (= r p1) (->> (subvec input off0 off1) sort ((juxt first last)) (reduce +))
(> r p1) (recur (inc off0) off1 (- r (input off0)))
(< r p1) (recur off0 (inc off1) (+ r (input off1)))))]
[p1 p2])
;; [20874512 3012420]
;; 202010
;; xxxxxx:() x x
;; xxxxx:(7) xxxxx x..xx x.x.x xx..x xx.xx xxx.x
;; xxxx: (4) xxxx x..x x.xx xx.x
;; xxx: (2) xxx x.x
;; xx: (1) xx
(let [input (->> (slurp "src/y2020/input202010")
(re-seq #"\d+")
(map edn/read-string)
(cons 0)
(partition 2 1)
(map #(- (second %) (first %))))
{d1 1 d3 3} (frequencies input)
options {4 7, 3 4, 2 2, 1 1}]
[(* d1 (inc d3))
(->> input
(partition-by #(= 3 %))
(map #(if (= 3 (first %)) 1 (options (count %))))
(reduce *))])
;; [2484 15790581481472]
;; 202011
(let [input (slurp "src/y2020/input202011")
input1 (str/split-lines input)
max-y (count input1)
max-x (count (first input1))
seats-map (->> (re-seq #"." input)
(keep-indexed (fn [i cell]
(if (not= cell ".")
[[(mod i max-x) (quot i max-x)] cell])))
(into {}))
seats (set (keys seats-map))
adj-neighbors (fn [_ loc]
(for [a [-1 0 1]
b [-1 0 1]
:let [[x y :as xy] (map + loc [a b])]
:when (and (not= a b 0)
(<= 0 x (dec max-x))
(<= 0 y (dec max-y))
(seats xy))]
star-neighbors (fn [seats-map loc]
(for [a [-1 0 1]
b [-1 0 1]
:when (not= a b 0)
:let [r (->> (rest (range))
(keep #(let [[x y :as xy] (->> (map * [a b] [% %]) (mapv + loc))
v (seats-map xy ".")]
(if (and (<= 0 x (dec max-x))
(<= 0 y (dec max-y)))
(if (#{"#" "L"} v) xy nil)
:when (not= -1 r)]
solution (fn [[neighbor-fn max-neighbor]]
(loop [seats-map seats-map]
(let [neighbor-coverage-map (->> seats
(filter #(= "#" (seats-map %)))
(mapcat #(neighbor-fn seats-map %))
changed-seats (keep #(let [n (neighbor-coverage-map % 0)]
(cond (and (= "L" (seats-map %)) (= n 0)) [% "#"]
(and (= "#" (seats-map %)) (<= max-neighbor n)) [% "L"]))
(if (seq changed-seats)
(recur (into seats-map changed-seats))
(-> seats-map vals frequencies (get "#"))))))]
(pmap solution [[adj-neighbors 4] [star-neighbors 5]]))
;; (2334 2100)
;; 202012
(let [input (->> (slurp "src/y2020/input202012") (re-seq #"\w+"))
dir-map {90 [1 0], 180 [0 -1], 270 [-1 0], 0 [0 1]}
f (fn [x] (reduce + (map #(Math/abs %) (:loc x))))
ans1 (reduce (fn [{:keys [loc dir] :as state} instruction]
(let [v (edn/read-string (subs instruction 1))]
(case (first instruction)
\N (update state :loc #(map + % [0 v]))
\S (update state :loc #(map - % [0 v]))
\E (update state :loc #(map + % [v 0]))
\W (update state :loc #(map - % [v 0]))
\L (update state :dir #(mod (- % v) 360))
\R (update state :dir #(mod (+ % v) 360))
\F (update state :loc #(map + % (map * [v v] (dir-map dir)))))))
{:loc [0 0] :dir 90}
ans2 (reduce (fn [{:keys [loc way] :as state} instruction]
(let [v (edn/read-string (subs instruction 1))
[x y] way]
(case (first instruction)
\N (update state :way #(map + % [0 v]))
\S (update state :way #(map - % [0 v]))
\E (update state :way #(map + % [v 0]))
\W (update state :way #(map - % [v 0]))
\L (assoc state :way (case v
90 [(- y) x]
180 [(- x) (- y)]
270 [y (- x)]))
\R (assoc state :way (case v
270 [(- y) x]
180 [(- x) (- y)]
90 [y (- x)]))
\F (update state :loc #(map + % (map * way [v v]))))))
{:loc [0 0] :way [10 1]}
(map f [ans1 ans2]))
;; (1645 35292)
;; 202013
(let [gcd (fn [a b] (if (= 0 b) a (recur b (mod a b))))
lcm (fn [a b] (/ (* a b) (gcd a b)))
f (fn [n [_ s]]
(if s (let [x (edn/read-string s)] [x (mod (- (* x (quot n x)) n) x)])))
[timestamp & buses1] (->> (slurp "src/y2020/input202013") (re-seq #"\d+") (map edn/read-string))
buses2 (->> (slurp "src/y2020/input202013")
(re-seq #"(\d+)|x")
(keep-indexed f))]
[(->> (map #(vector (- % (mod timestamp %)) %) buses1) sort first (reduce *))
((reduce (fn [[factor1 t] [factor2 remainder2]]
(loop [t t]
(if (= (mod t factor2) remainder2)
[(lcm factor1 factor2) t]
(recur (+ t factor1))))) buses2) 1)])
;; [2935 836024966345345]
;; 202014
(let [input (->> (slurp "src/y2020/input202014") (re-seq #"(?:mask = (\w+))|(?:(\d+)\] = (\d+))"))
power-of-2 (vec (take 36 (iterate #(* 2 %) 1))) ;; [1 2 4 ... 2^35]
f (fn [{:keys [mask mem] :as state} [_ bitmask mem-address v]]
(if bitmask
(assoc state :mask [(edn/read-string (str "2r" (str/replace bitmask "X" "0")))
(edn/read-string (str "2r" (str/escape bitmask {\1 \0, \X \1})))])
(let [mem-address (edn/read-string mem-address)
pre-value (edn/read-string v)
post-value (bit-or (mask 0) (bit-and (mask 1) pre-value))]
(assoc-in state [:mem mem-address] post-value))))
g (fn [{:keys [mask mem] :as state} [_ bitmask mem-address v]]
(if bitmask
(assoc state :mask [;; turn on 0 bits
(edn/read-string (str "2r" (-> bitmask (str/escape {\1 \0, \X \0, \0 \1}))))
;; turn on 1 bits
(edn/read-string (str "2r" (-> bitmask (str/replace "X" "0"))))
;; turn off X bits
(edn/read-string (str "2r" (-> bitmask (str/escape {\0 \1, \X \0}))))
;; bit-offset of X bits
(keep-indexed (fn [i x] (if (= x \X) (- 35 i))) bitmask)])
(let [mem-address (edn/read-string mem-address)
value (edn/read-string v)
base-mem-address (bit-or (bit-and (mask 0) (bit-and (mask 2) mem-address))
(bit-or (mask 1) (bit-and (mask 2) mem-address)))]
(->> (map power-of-2 (mask 3))
(reduce (fn [base offset] (mapcat #(vector % (+ % offset)) base)) [0])
(map (fn [offset] [(+ base-mem-address offset) value]))
(update state :mem into)))))]
(map #(->> input (reduce % {:mem {}}) :mem vals (reduce +)) [f g]))
;; (17765746710228 4401465949086)
;; 202015
(let [input (->> (slurp "src/y2020/input202015") (re-seq #"\d+") (map edn/read-string))
pos (reduce #(-> (update % :cnt inc)
(update %2 (fn [x] (if (nil? x) (list (:cnt %)) (take 2 (cons (:cnt %) x))))))
{:cnt 1}
f (fn [{:keys [pos n r]}]
(let [x (if (and (pos r) (= 1 (count (pos r)))) 0 (reduce - (pos r)))
n (inc n)]
{:pos (update pos x #(if (nil? %) (list n) (take 2 (cons n %)))) :n n :r x}))
g (fn [n]
(->> {:pos pos :r (last input) :n (count input)}
(iterate f)
(drop (- n (count input)))
(mapv g [2020 30000000]))
;; [614 1065]
;; 202016
(let [parse
(fn [{:keys [mode] :as state} line]
(cond (re-seq #"your" line) (assoc state :mode :your)
(re-seq #"nearby" line) (assoc state :mode :nearby)
(= mode :fields) (let [[_ field-name n1 n2 n3 n4]
(re-matches #"(.*): (\d+)-(\d+) or (\d+)-(\d+)" line)
[n1 n2 n3 n4] (map edn/read-string [n1 n2 n3 n4])
x [field-name (into #{} (concat (range n1 (inc n2)) (range n3 (inc n4))))]]
(update state :fields conj x))
(= mode :your) (->> (re-seq #"\d+" line) (mapv edn/read-string) (assoc state :your))
(= mode :nearby) (->> (re-seq #"\d+" line) (map edn/read-string) (update state :nearby conj))))
f (fn [{:keys [fields nearby]}]
(let [all-fields-set (reduce clojure.set/union (vals fields))]
(->> (flatten nearby)
(remove all-fields-set)
(reduce +))))
g (fn [{:keys [fields your nearby]}]
(let [all-fields-set (reduce clojure.set/union (vals fields))
valid-nearby (filter #(every? all-fields-set %) nearby)
field-samples (apply map vector valid-nearby)]
(loop [pending-nearby (mapcat (fn [[field range-set]]
(map-indexed #(vector field % (every? range-set %2))
field-samples)) fields)
mapping {}]
(if (seq pending-nearby)
(let [new-mapping (into mapping
(keep #(let [v (val %)]
(if (= 1 ((frequencies (flatten v)) true))
(->> v
(keep (fn [x] (if (= true (nth x 2)) [(x 0) (x 1)])))
(group-by first pending-nearby)))
new-pending (remove #((set (vals new-mapping)) (% 1)) pending-nearby)]
(recur new-pending new-mapping))
(reduce * (keep #(if (re-seq #"departure" (key %)) (your (val %))) mapping))))))
input (->> (str/split (slurp "src/y2020/input202016") #"\n+")
(reduce parse {:fields {}, :your nil, :nearby [], :mode :fields}))]
[(f input) (g input)])
;; [25895 5865723727753]
;; 202017
(let [input (slurp "src/y2020/input202017")
input1 (str/split-lines input)
max-x (count (first input1))
cube3-map (->> (re-seq #"." input)
(keep-indexed (fn [i cell]
(if (= cell "#")
[(mod i max-x) (quot i max-x) 0]))))
cube4-map (->> (re-seq #"." input)
(keep-indexed (fn [i cell]
(if (= cell "#")
[(mod i max-x) (quot i max-x) 0 0]))))
offsets3 (for [x [-1 0 1], y [-1 0 1], z [-1 0 1] :when (not= 0 x y z)] [x y z])
offsets4 (for [x [-1 0 1], y [-1 0 1], z [-1 0 1], w [-1 0 1] :when (not= 0 x y z w)] [x y z w])
neighbor3 (fn [pos] (map #(map + pos %) offsets3))
neighbor4 (fn [pos] (map #(map + pos %) offsets4))
f (fn [neighbor-fn]
(fn [s]
(let [neighbors (->> (mapcat neighbor-fn s) frequencies)]
(->> (keys neighbors)
(filter #(or (and (s %) (= 2 (neighbors %))) (= 3 (neighbors %))))
[(->> (set cube3-map) (iterate (f neighbor3)) (drop 6) first count)
(->> (set cube4-map) (iterate (f neighbor4)) (drop 6) first count)])
;; [295 1972]
;; 202018
(let [input (->> (slurp "src/y2020/input202018") str/split-lines (map #(edn/read-string (str "(" % ")"))))
f (fn f [xs]
(let [new-xs (map #(if (list? %) (f %) %) xs)]
(reduce (fn [r [op op1]] ((resolve op) r op1)) (first new-xs) (partition 2 (rest new-xs)))))
g (fn g [xs]
(->> (map #(if (list? %) (g %) %) xs)
(partition-by #{'*})
(remove #{'(*)})
(map #(reduce + (remove #{'+} %)))
(reduce *)))]
(map #(reduce + (map % input)) [f g]))
;; (280014646144 9966990988262)
;; 202021
(let [input (->> (slurp "src/y2020/input202021")
(re-seq #"[^\n]+")
(map #(let [[ingredients _ allergens] (->> (re-seq #"\w+" %) (partition-by #{"contains"}))]
[(set ingredients) (set allergens)])))
all-ingredients (reduce clojure.set/union (map first input))
all-allergens (reduce clojure.set/union (map second input))
(for [allergen all-allergens]
[allergen (reduce clojure.set/intersection (keep #(if ((second %) allergen) (first %)) input))])
ingredients-with-allergen (reduce clojure.set/union (map second possible-allergen-ingredient-mapping))
q1 (reduce + (map #(count (clojure.set/difference (first %) ingredients-with-allergen)) input))
q2 (loop [possible-allergen-ingredient-mapping possible-allergen-ingredient-mapping
allergen-ingredient-mapping {}]
(if (seq possible-allergen-ingredient-mapping)
(let [found-mapping (keep (fn [[allergen ingredients]]
(if (= 1 (count ingredients)) [allergen (first ingredients)]))
found-ingredients (set (map second found-mapping))
(keep (fn [[allergen ingredients]]
(let [new-ingredients (clojure.set/difference ingredients found-ingredients)]
(if (seq new-ingredients)
[allergen new-ingredients])))
(recur new-possible-allergen-ingredient-mapping
(into allergen-ingredient-mapping found-mapping)))
(->> (sort allergen-ingredient-mapping) (map second) (str/join ","))))]
[q1 q2])
;; [1679 "lmxt,rggkbpj,mxf,gpxmf,nmtzlj,dlkxsxg,fvqg,dxzq"]
;; 202022
(let [[p1 p2] (->> (str/split (slurp "src/y2020/input202022") #"\n\n")
(map #(into clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY
(rest (map edn/read-string (re-seq #"\d+" %))))))
score #(reduce + (map * % (range (count %) 0 -1)))
q1 (loop [p1 p1, p2 p2]
(let [head1 (peek p1)
head2 (peek p2)]
(nil? head1) p2
(nil? head2) p1
:else (cond (< head1 head2) (recur (pop p1) (conj (pop p2) head2 head1))
:else (recur (conj (pop p1) head1 head2) (pop p2))))))
q2 (((fn g [p1 p2]
(loop [p1 p1, p2 p2, seen #{}]
(let [head1 (peek p1)
head2 (peek p2)
p1' (pop p1)
p2' (pop p2)]
(seen [(seq p1) (seq p2)]) [:p1 p1]
(nil? head1) [:p2 p2]
(nil? head2) [:p1 p1]
(and (< head1 (count p1)) (< head2 (count p2)))
(let [[winner _] (g (into clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY (take head1 p1'))
(into clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY (take head2 p2')))]
(cond (= :p2 winner)
(recur p1' (conj p2' head2 head1) (conj seen [(seq p1) (seq p2)]))
(recur (conj p1' head1 head2) p2' (conj seen [(seq p1) (seq p2)]))))
:else (cond (< head1 head2)
(recur p1' (conj p2' head2 head1) (conj seen [(seq p1) (seq p2)]))
(recur (conj p1' head1 head2) p2' (conj seen [(seq p1) (seq p2)])))))))
p1 p2) 1)]
(map score [q1 q2]))
;; (32815 30695)
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