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Phabricator 简易中文翻译
// Phabricator 中文翻译
// 安装位置: {phabricator_root}/src/extension/PhabricatorSimplifiedChineseTranslation.php
// Ref:
final class PhabricatorSimplifiedChineseTranslation extends PhutilTranslation {
public function getLocaleCode() {
return 'zh_Hans';
protected function getTranslations() {
return array(
// 通用
'Flag For Later' => '标记稍后查看',
'Save' => '保存',
'Edit' => '编辑',
'Today' => '今天',
'Configure' => '配置',
'Configuration' => '配置',
'Configure Form' => '配置表单',
'View Form Configurations' => '查看表单配置',
'Edit Form Configuration' => '编辑表单配置',
'Using HTTP Parameters' => '使用 HTTP 参数',
'User Guide: Customizing Forms' => '用户指南: 自定义表单',
'Documentation' => '文档',
'Title' => '标题',
'Description' => '描述',
'Tags' => '标签',
'Subscribers' => '订阅者',
'Cancel' => '取消',
'Required' => '必填',
'All Users' => '所有用户',
'Loading...' => '加载中...',
'Available' => '可用',
// 搜索
'Search' => '搜索',
'Query' => '查询',
'Queries' => '查询',
'Hide Query' => '隐藏查询',
'Use Results' => '使用结果',
'Advanced Search' => '高级搜索',
'User Guide: Search' => '用户指南: 搜索',
'All Documents' => '所有文档',
'Current Application' => '当前应用程序',
'Saved Queries' => '保存的查询',
'Open Documents' => '打开的文档',
'Open Tasks' => '打开的任务',
'Save Query' => '保存搜索',
'Edit Query' => '编辑搜索',
'Edit Queries...' => '编辑搜索...',
'Document Types' => '文档类型',
'Document Status' => '文档状态',
'Open' => '打开',
'Closed' => '已关闭',
// 编辑器
'Help' => '帮助',
'Bold' => '粗体',
'Monospaced' => '等宽字体',
'Italics' => '斜体',
'Upload File' => '上传文件',
'Table' => '表格',
'Quote' => '引用',
'Link' => '链接',
'Code Block' => '代码块',
'Bulleted List' => '符号列表',
'Numbered List' => '数字列表',
'Fullscreen Mode' => '全屏模式',
'Preview' => '预览',
'List Item' => '列表项',
'Quoted Text' => '被引用的文本',
'italic text' => '斜体文本',
'bold text' => '粗体文本',
'monospaced text' => '等宽字体文本',
'name' => '名称',
'data' => '数据',
// 首页
'Home' => '首页',
'Log In' => '登入',
'Log Out %s' => '登出 %s',
'Diffusion User Guide' => 'Diffusion 用户指南',
'Audit User Guide' => 'Audit 用户指南',
'Projects User Guide' => 'Projects 用户指南',
'Email Commands: Commits' => '邮件命令: 提交',
'Recent Activity' => '近期活动',
'More Options' => '更多选项',
'Active Repositories' => '活动的仓库',
'Assigned Tasks' => '分配的任务',
'Active Revisions' => '活动的修订',
'View All' => '查看全部',
'More Applications' => '更多应用程序',
'Edit Menu' => '编辑菜单',
'Favorites' => '收藏夹',
'Edit Favorites' => '编辑收藏夹',
'Create Task' => '新建任务',
'Create Project' => '新建项目',
'Create Repository' => '新建仓库',
'Profile' => '个人资料',
'Settings' => '设置',
'Manage' => '管理',
// 个人设置
'Personal Settings' => '个人设置',
'Edit Settings: %s' => '编辑设置: %s',
'Save Changes' => '保存变更',
'Changes saved.' => '变更已保存。',
'Account' => '帐户',
'Date and Time' => '日期与时间',
'Select your local timezone.' => '选择你的本地时区',
'Timezone' => '时区',
'Date Format' => '日期格式',
'Time Format' => '时间格式',
'Week Starts On' => '每周起始于',
'Sunday' => '周日',
'Monday' => '周一',
'Tuesday' => '周二',
'Wednesday' => '周三',
'Thursday' => '周四',
'Friday' => '周五',
'Saturday' => '周六',
'Language' => '语言',
'Translation' => '翻译',
'Pronoun' => '称谓',
'%s updated his profile' => '%s 更新了他的个人资料',
'%s updated her profile' => '%s 更新了她的个人资料',
'%s updated their profile' => '%s 更新了他们的个人资料',
'Applications' => '应用程序',
'Diff Preferences' => 'Diff 偏好设置',
'Display Preferences' => '显示偏好设置',
'Authentication' => '认证',
'Contact Numbers' => '联系电话',
'External Accounts' => '外部账户',
'Add External Account' => '添加外部账户',
'Multi-Factor Auth' => '多步认证',
'Password' => '密码',
'Set Password' => '设置密码',
'Reset Password' => '重置密码',
'Send Email' => '发送邮件',
'SSH Public Keys' => 'SSH 公钥',
'Public Key' => '公钥',
'Upload Public Key' => '上传公钥',
'Upload SSH Public Key' => '上传 SSH 公钥',
'VCS Password' => 'VCS 密码',
'Email' => '邮件',
'Email Addresses' => '邮箱地址',
'Primary' => '主要的',
'Remove' => '移除',
'Add New Address' => '添加新的邮件地址',
'New Address' => '新的邮件地址',
'Email Delivery' => '邮件投送',
'Email Format' => '邮件格式',
'Email Preferences' => '邮件偏好设置',
'If you disable **Self Actions**, Phabricator will not notify you about actions you take.' => '如果你禁用了**本人操作**,Phabricator 将不会把你自己执行的操作通知给你。',
'Self Actions' => '本人操作',
'Enable Self Action Mail' => '启用本人操作邮件',
'Disable Self Action Mail' => '禁用本人操作邮件',
'Sessions and Logs' => '会话与日志',
'Activity Logs' => '活动日志',
'Account Activity Logs' => '账户活动日志',
'Conduit API Tokens' => 'Conduit API 令牌',
'Token' => '令牌',
'Active API Tokens' => '活动的 API 令牌',
'Generate Token' => '生成令牌',
'Terminate Tokens' => '中止令牌',
'OAuth Authorizations' => 'OAuth 鉴权',
'Session' => '会话',
'Sessions' => '会话',
'Identity' => '身份',
'Active Login Sessions' => '活动的登录会话',
'Terminate All Sessions' => '中止所有会话',
'Terminate' => '中止',
'Current' => '当前的',
'Temporary Tokens' => '临时令牌',
'Revoke All' => '全部吊销',
'Revoke' => '吊销',
// Maniphest
'Tasks' => '任务',
'Tasks and Bugs' => '任务与缺陷',
'Welcome to Maniphest' => '欢迎使用 Maniphest',
'Create a Task' => '创建一个任务',
'Priority' => '优先级',
'Status' => '状态',
'Create New Task' => '创建新任务',
'Type a username...' => '输入一个用户名...',
'No tasks found.' => '未找到任务。',
// Projects
'Welcome to Projects' => '欢迎使用 Projects',
'Create a Project' => '创建一个项目',
'Name' => '名称',
'Color' => '颜色',
'Blue' => '蓝色',
'Red' => '红色',
'Orange' => '橙色',
'Yellow' => '黄色',
'Green' => '绿色',
'Indigo' => '靛蓝色',
'Violet' => '紫罗兰色',
'Pink' => '粉红色',
'Grey' => '灰色',
'Checkered' => '方格',
'Icon' => '图标',
'Choose Icon...' => '选择图标...',
'Choose Project Icon' => '选择项目图标',
'Initial Members' => '初始成员',
'Additional Hashtags' => '额外的标签',
'Create New Project' => '创建新项目',
'Project' => '项目',
'Tag' => '标签',
'Group' => '群组',
'Policy' => '策略',
'Goal' => '目标',
'Release' => '发布',
'Experimental' => '实验性的',
'Infrastructure' => '基础设施',
'Account' => '帐户',
'Folder' => '文件夹',
'Timeline' => '时间线',
'Umbrella' => '雨伞',
'Organization' => '组织',
'Cleanup' => '清理',
'Communication' => '通讯',
// Phriction
'Welcome to Phriction' => '欢迎使用 Phriction',
'Untitled Document' => '未命名文档',
'Index' => '索引',
'Wiki Documents' => 'Wiki 文档',
'Edit this Document' => '编辑这个文档',
// People
'Admin' => '管理员',
'Administrator' => '管理员',
'User' => '用户',
'User Since' => '用户创建于',
'User Details' => '用户详情',
'Roles' => '角色',
'Availability' => '可用状态',
'Verified' => '已验证',
'Create New User' => '创建新用户',
'Approval Queue' => '审核队列',
'%s empowered %s as an administrator.' => '%s 授权 %s 为管理员。',
'%s empowered this user as an administrator.' => '%s 授权此用户为管理员。',
'Edit Profile' => '编辑资料',
'Edit Profile Picture' => '编辑资料照片',
'Edit Settings' => '编辑设置',
'Remove Administrator' => '移除管理员',
'Change Username' => '修改用户名',
'Send Welcome Email' => '发送欢迎邮件',
'Disable User' => '禁用用户',
'Delete User' => '删除用户',
// Diffusion
'Host and Browse Repositories' => '托管与浏览代码仓库',
'Welcome to Diffusion' => '欢迎使用 Diffusion',
'Import, create, or just browse repositories in Diffusion.' => '在 Diffusion 中创建、导入、浏览代码仓库。',
'New Repository' => '新仓库',
'All Repositories' => '所有仓库',
'Commits' => '提交',
'No repositories found for this query.' => '本次查询未找到任何仓库。',
// Differential
'Revisions' => '修订',
'Recent Revisions' => '近期的修订',
'No recent revisions.' => '近期没有修订。',
'Welcome to Differential' => '欢迎使用 Differential',
'No revisions found.' => '未找到修订。',
'Create a Diff' => '创建一个 Diff',
'Create Diff' => '创建 Diff',
// Audit
'Welcome to Audit' => '欢迎使用 Audit',
// Badges
'Badges' => '徽章',
// Config
'Setup Issues' => '安装问题',
'Unresolved Setup Issues' => '未解决的安装问题',
'Configure Phabricator' => '配置 Phabricator',
'Phabricator Configuation' => 'Phabricator 配置',
'Extensions/Modules' => '扩展/模块',
'Phabricator Version Information' => 'Phabricator 版本信息',
'Other Version Information' => '其他组件版本信息',
'Review and modify configuration settings.' => '检查或修改配置项。',
'Show unresolved issues with setup and configuration.' => '显示未解决的安装与配置问题。',
'Show installed extensions and modules.' => '显示安装的扩展与模块。',
'Not Available' => '不可用',
'Services' => '服务',
'View status information for databases, caches, repositories, and other services.' => '查看数据库、缓存、代码仓库或其他服务的状态信息。',
'Core Settings' => '核心设置',
'Advanced Settings' => '高级设置',
'All Settings' => '所有设置项',
'History' => '历史',
'View History' => '查看历史',
// Policy
'Visible To' => '允许查看',
'Editable By' => '允许编辑',
'Joinable By' => '允许加入',
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