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Created January 3, 2022 23:11
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* Copyright 2019, Inc. or its affiliates.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import static;
* An implementation of {@link LeaseTaker} that uses DynamoDB via {@link LeaseRefresher}.
public class DynamoDBLeaseTaker implements LeaseTaker {
private static final int TAKE_RETRIES = 3;
private static final int SCAN_RETRIES = 1;
private static final double RENEWAL_SLACK_PERCENTAGE = 0.5;
// See note on TAKE_LEASES_DIMENSION(Callable) for why we have this callable.
private static final Callable<Long> SYSTEM_CLOCK_CALLABLE = System::nanoTime;
private static final String TAKE_LEASES_DIMENSION = "TakeLeases";
private final LeaseRefresher leaseRefresher;
private final String workerIdentifier;
private final long leaseDurationNanos;
private final long leaseRenewalIntervalMillis;
private final MetricsFactory metricsFactory;
final Map<String, Lease> allLeases = new HashMap<>();
// TODO: Remove these defaults and use the defaults in the config
private int maxLeasesForWorker = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private int maxLeasesToStealAtOneTime = 1;
private long veryOldLeaseDurationNanosMultiplier = 3;
private long lastScanTimeNanos = 0L;
private List<Lease> leasesToStealFromLastCycle = null;
public DynamoDBLeaseTaker(LeaseRefresher leaseRefresher, String workerIdentifier, long leaseDurationMillis,
final MetricsFactory metricsFactory) {
this.leaseRefresher = leaseRefresher;
this.workerIdentifier = workerIdentifier;
this.leaseRenewalIntervalMillis = getRenewerTakerIntervalMillis(leaseDurationMillis, 0);
this.leaseDurationNanos = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(leaseDurationMillis);
this.metricsFactory = metricsFactory;
* Worker will not acquire more than the specified max number of leases even if there are more
* shards that need to be processed. This can be used in scenarios where a worker is resource constrained or
* to prevent lease thrashing when small number of workers pick up all leases for small amount of time during
* deployment.
* Note that setting a low value may cause data loss (e.g. if there aren't enough Workers to make progress on all
* shards). When setting the value for this property, one must ensure enough workers are present to process
* shards and should consider future resharding, child shards that may be blocked on parent shards, some workers
* becoming unhealthy, etc.
* @param maxLeasesForWorker Max leases this Worker can handle at a time
* @return LeaseTaker
public DynamoDBLeaseTaker withMaxLeasesForWorker(int maxLeasesForWorker) {
if (maxLeasesForWorker <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxLeasesForWorker should be >= 1");
this.maxLeasesForWorker = maxLeasesForWorker;
return this;
* Overrides the default very old lease duration nanos multiplier to increase the threshold for taking very old leases.
* Setting this to a higher value than 3 will increase the threshold for very old lease taking.
* @param veryOldLeaseDurationNanosMultipler Very old lease duration multiplier for adjusting very old lease taking.
* @return LeaseTaker
public DynamoDBLeaseTaker withVeryOldLeaseDurationNanosMultipler(long veryOldLeaseDurationNanosMultipler) {
this.veryOldLeaseDurationNanosMultiplier = veryOldLeaseDurationNanosMultipler;
return this;
* Max leases to steal from a more loaded Worker at one time (for load balancing).
* Setting this to a higher number can allow for faster load convergence (e.g. during deployments, cold starts),
* but can cause higher churn in the system.
* @param maxLeasesToStealAtOneTime Steal up to this many leases at one time (for load balancing)
* @return LeaseTaker
public DynamoDBLeaseTaker withMaxLeasesToStealAtOneTime(int maxLeasesToStealAtOneTime) {
if (maxLeasesToStealAtOneTime <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxLeasesToStealAtOneTime should be >= 1");
this.maxLeasesToStealAtOneTime = maxLeasesToStealAtOneTime;
return this;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Map<String, Lease> takeLeases() throws DependencyException, InvalidStateException {
return takeLeases(SYSTEM_CLOCK_CALLABLE);
* Internal implementation of TAKE_LEASES_DIMENSION. Takes a callable that can provide the time to enable test cases
* without Thread.sleep. Takes a callable instead of a raw time value because the time needs to be computed as-of
* immediately after the scan.
* @param timeProvider
* Callable that will supply the time
* @return map of lease key to taken lease
* @throws DependencyException
* @throws InvalidStateException
synchronized Map<String, Lease> takeLeases(Callable<Long> timeProvider)
throws DependencyException, InvalidStateException {
// Key is leaseKey
Map<String, Lease> takenLeases = new HashMap<>();
final MetricsScope scope = MetricsUtil.createMetricsWithOperation(metricsFactory, TAKE_LEASES_DIMENSION);
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long updateAllLeasesTotalTimeMillis;
boolean success = false;
ProvisionedThroughputException lastException = null;
try {
try {
for (int i = 1; i <= SCAN_RETRIES; i++) {
try {
success = true;
} catch (ProvisionedThroughputException e) {"Worker {} could not find expired leases on try {} out of {}", workerIdentifier, i,
lastException = e;
} finally {
updateAllLeasesTotalTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
if (Objects.equals(workerIdentifier, "mac-1")){
updateAllLeasesTotalTimeMillis += leaseRenewalIntervalMillis;
MetricsUtil.addWorkerIdentifier(scope, workerIdentifier);
MetricsUtil.addSuccessAndLatency(scope, "ListLeases", success, startTime, MetricsLevel.DETAILED);
if (lastException != null) {
log.error("Worker {} could not scan leases table, aborting TAKE_LEASES_DIMENSION. Exception caught by"
+ " last retry:", workerIdentifier, lastException);
return takenLeases;
List<Lease> expiredLeases = getExpiredLeases();
Set<Lease> leasesToTake = computeLeasesToTake(expiredLeases);"[Functional Test] Updating stale leases");
leasesToTake = updateStaleLeasesWithLatestState(updateAllLeasesTotalTimeMillis, leasesToTake);
Set<String> untakenLeaseKeys = new HashSet<>();
for (Lease lease : leasesToTake) {
String leaseKey = lease.leaseKey();
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
success = false;
try {
for (int i = 1; i <= TAKE_RETRIES; i++) {
try {
if (leaseRefresher.takeLease(lease, workerIdentifier)) {
takenLeases.put(leaseKey, lease);
} else {
success = true;
} catch (ProvisionedThroughputException e) {"Could not take lease with key {} for worker {} on try {} out of {} due to"
+ " capacity", leaseKey, workerIdentifier, i, TAKE_RETRIES);
} finally {
MetricsUtil.addSuccessAndLatency(scope, "TakeLease", success, startTime, MetricsLevel.DETAILED);
if (takenLeases.size() > 0) {"Worker {} successfully took {} leases: {}", workerIdentifier, takenLeases.size(),
stringJoin(takenLeases.keySet(), ", "));
if (untakenLeaseKeys.size() > 0) {"Worker {} failed to take {} leases: {}", workerIdentifier, untakenLeaseKeys.size(),
stringJoin(untakenLeaseKeys, ", "));
scope.addData("TakenLeases", takenLeases.size(), StandardUnit.COUNT, MetricsLevel.SUMMARY);
} finally {
return takenLeases;
* If update all leases takes longer than the lease renewal time,
* we fetch the latest lease info for the given leases that are marked for lease steal.
* If nothing is found (or any transient network error occurs),
* we default to the last known state of the lease
* @param updateAllLeasesEndTime How long it takes for update all leases to complete
* @return set of leases to take.
private Set<Lease> updateStaleLeasesWithLatestState(long updateAllLeasesEndTime,
Set<Lease> leasesToTake) {
if (updateAllLeasesEndTime > leaseRenewalIntervalMillis * RENEWAL_SLACK_PERCENTAGE) {
leasesToTake = -> {
if (lease.isMarkedForLeaseSteal()) {
try {"[Functional Test] Attempt to refresh the lease as expected");
return leaseRefresher.getLease(lease.leaseKey());
} catch (DependencyException | InvalidStateException | ProvisionedThroughputException e) {
log.warn("Failed to fetch latest state of the lease {} that needs to be stolen, "
+ "defaulting to existing lease", lease.leaseKey(), e);
return lease;
return leasesToTake;
/** Package access for testing purposes.
* @param strings
* @param delimiter
* @return Joined string.
static String stringJoin(Collection<String> strings, String delimiter) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
boolean needDelimiter = false;
for (String string : strings) {
if (needDelimiter) {
needDelimiter = true;
return builder.toString();
* Scan all leases and update lastRenewalTime. Add new leases and delete old leases.
* @param timeProvider callable that supplies the current time
* @return list of expired leases, possibly empty, never null.
* @throws ProvisionedThroughputException if listLeases fails due to lack of provisioned throughput
* @throws InvalidStateException if the lease table does not exist
* @throws DependencyException if listLeases fails in an unexpected way
private void updateAllLeases(Callable<Long> timeProvider)
throws DependencyException, InvalidStateException, ProvisionedThroughputException {
List<Lease> freshList = leaseRefresher.listLeases();
try {
lastScanTimeNanos =;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new DependencyException("Exception caught from timeProvider", e);
// This set will hold the lease keys not updated by the previous listLeases call.
Set<String> notUpdated = new HashSet<>(allLeases.keySet());
// Iterate over all leases, finding ones to try to acquire that haven't changed since the last iteration
for (Lease lease : freshList) {
String leaseKey = lease.leaseKey();
Lease oldLease = allLeases.get(leaseKey);
allLeases.put(leaseKey, lease);
if (oldLease != null) {
// If we've seen this lease before...
if (oldLease.leaseCounter().equals(lease.leaseCounter())) {
// ...and the counter hasn't changed, propagate the lastRenewalNanos time from the old lease
} else {
// ...and the counter has changed, set lastRenewalNanos to the time of the scan.
} else {
if (lease.leaseOwner() == null) {
// if this new lease is unowned, it's never been renewed.
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Treating new lease with key {} as never renewed because it is new and unowned.",
} else {
// if this new lease is owned, treat it as renewed as of the scan
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Treating new lease with key {} as recently renewed because it is new and owned.",
// Remove dead leases from allLeases
for (String key : notUpdated) {
* @return list of leases that were expired as of our last scan.
private List<Lease> getExpiredLeases() {
List<Lease> expiredLeases = new ArrayList<>();
for (Lease lease : allLeases.values()) {
if (lease.isExpired(leaseDurationNanos, lastScanTimeNanos)) {
return expiredLeases;
* Compute the number of leases I should try to take based on the state of the system.
* @param expiredLeases list of leases we determined to be expired
* @return set of leases to take.
private Set<Lease> computeLeasesToTake(List<Lease> expiredLeases) {
Map<String, Integer> leaseCounts = computeLeaseCounts(expiredLeases);
Set<Lease> leasesToTake = new HashSet<>();
final MetricsScope scope = MetricsUtil.createMetricsWithOperation(metricsFactory, TAKE_LEASES_DIMENSION);
MetricsUtil.addWorkerIdentifier(scope, workerIdentifier);
List<Lease> veryOldLeases;
final int numAvailableLeases = expiredLeases.size();
int numLeases = 0;
int numWorkers = 0;
int numLeasesToReachTarget = 0;
int leaseSpillover = 0;
int veryOldLeaseCount = 0;
try {
numLeases = allLeases.size();
numWorkers = leaseCounts.size();
if (numLeases == 0) {
// If there are no leases, I shouldn't try to take any.
return leasesToTake;
int target;
if (numWorkers >= numLeases) {
// If we have n leases and n or more workers, each worker can have up to 1 lease, including myself.
target = 1;
} else {
* numWorkers must be < numLeases.
* Our target for each worker is numLeases / numWorkers (+1 if numWorkers doesn't evenly divide numLeases)
target = numLeases / numWorkers + (numLeases % numWorkers == 0 ? 0 : 1);
// Spill over is the number of leases this worker should have claimed, but did not because it would
// exceed the max allowed for this worker.
leaseSpillover = Math.max(0, target - maxLeasesForWorker);
if (target > maxLeasesForWorker) {
"Worker {} target is {} leases and maxLeasesForWorker is {}. Resetting target to {},"
+ " lease spillover is {}. Note that some shards may not be processed if no other "
+ "workers are able to pick them up.",
workerIdentifier, target, maxLeasesForWorker, maxLeasesForWorker, leaseSpillover);
target = maxLeasesForWorker;
int myCount = leaseCounts.get(workerIdentifier);
numLeasesToReachTarget = target - myCount;
int currentLeaseCount = leaseCounts.get(workerIdentifier);
// If there are leases that have been expired for an extended period of
// time, take them with priority, disregarding the target (computed
// later) but obeying the maximum limit per worker.
veryOldLeases = allLeases.values().stream()
.filter(lease -> System.nanoTime() - lease.lastCounterIncrementNanos()
> veryOldLeaseDurationNanosMultiplier * leaseDurationNanos)
if (!veryOldLeases.isEmpty()) {
veryOldLeaseCount = Math.max(0, Math.min(maxLeasesForWorker - currentLeaseCount, veryOldLeases.size()));
HashSet<Lease> result = new HashSet<>(veryOldLeases.subList(0, veryOldLeaseCount));
if (veryOldLeaseCount > 0) {"Taking leases that have been expired for a long time: {}", result);
return result;
if (numLeasesToReachTarget <= 0) {
// If we don't need anything, return the empty set.
return leasesToTake;
// Shuffle expiredLeases so workers don't all try to contend for the same leases.
if (expiredLeases.size() > 0) {
// If we have expired leases, get up to <needed> leases from expiredLeases
for (; numLeasesToReachTarget > 0 && expiredLeases.size() > 0; numLeasesToReachTarget--) {
} else {
// If there are no expired leases and we need a lease, consider stealing.
List<Lease> leasesToSteal = chooseLeasesToSteal(leaseCounts, numLeasesToReachTarget, target);
for (Lease leaseToSteal : leasesToSteal) {"Worker {} needed {} leases but none were expired, so it will steal lease {} from {}",
workerIdentifier, numLeasesToReachTarget, leaseToSteal.leaseKey(),
if (!leasesToTake.isEmpty()) {
"Worker {} saw {} total leases, {} available leases, {} "
+ "workers. Target is {} leases, I have {} leases, I will take {} leases",
workerIdentifier, numLeases, numAvailableLeases, numWorkers, target, myCount,
} finally {
scope.addData("ExpiredLeases", expiredLeases.size(), StandardUnit.COUNT, MetricsLevel.SUMMARY);
scope.addData("LeaseSpillover", leaseSpillover, StandardUnit.COUNT, MetricsLevel.SUMMARY);
scope.addData("LeasesToTake", leasesToTake.size(), StandardUnit.COUNT, MetricsLevel.DETAILED);
scope.addData("NeededLeases", Math.max(numLeasesToReachTarget, 0), StandardUnit.COUNT, MetricsLevel.DETAILED);
scope.addData("NumWorkers", numWorkers, StandardUnit.COUNT, MetricsLevel.SUMMARY);
scope.addData("TotalLeases", numLeases, StandardUnit.COUNT, MetricsLevel.DETAILED);
scope.addData("VeryOldLeases", veryOldLeaseCount, StandardUnit.COUNT, MetricsLevel.SUMMARY);
return leasesToTake;
* Choose leases to steal by randomly selecting one or more (up to max) from the most loaded worker.
* Stealing rules:
* Steal up to maxLeasesToStealAtOneTime leases from the most loaded worker if
* a) he has > target leases and I need >= 1 leases : steal min(leases needed, maxLeasesToStealAtOneTime)
* b) he has == target leases and I need > 1 leases : steal 1
* @param leaseCounts map of workerIdentifier to lease count
* @param needed # of leases needed to reach the target leases for the worker
* @param target target # of leases per worker
* @return Leases to steal, or empty list if we should not steal
private List<Lease> chooseLeasesToSteal(Map<String, Integer> leaseCounts, int needed, int target) {
List<Lease> leasesToSteal = new ArrayList<>();
Entry<String, Integer> mostLoadedWorker = null;
// Find the most loaded worker
for (Entry<String, Integer> worker : leaseCounts.entrySet()) {
if (mostLoadedWorker == null || mostLoadedWorker.getValue() < worker.getValue()) {
mostLoadedWorker = worker;
int numLeasesToSteal = 0;
if ((mostLoadedWorker.getValue() >= target) && (needed > 0)) {
int leasesOverTarget = mostLoadedWorker.getValue() - target;
numLeasesToSteal = Math.min(needed, leasesOverTarget);
// steal 1 if we need > 1 and max loaded worker has target leases.
if ((needed > 1) && (numLeasesToSteal == 0)) {
numLeasesToSteal = 1;
numLeasesToSteal = Math.min(numLeasesToSteal, maxLeasesToStealAtOneTime);
if (numLeasesToSteal <= 0) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug(String.format("Worker %s not stealing from most loaded worker %s. He has %d,"
+ " target is %d, and I need %d",
return leasesToSteal;
} else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Worker {} will attempt to steal {} leases from most loaded worker {}. "
+ " He has {} leases, target is {}, I need {}, maxLeasesToStealAtOneTime is {}.",
String mostLoadedWorkerIdentifier = mostLoadedWorker.getKey();
List<Lease> candidates = new ArrayList<>();
// Collect leases belonging to that worker
for (Lease lease : allLeases.values()) {
if (mostLoadedWorkerIdentifier.equals(lease.leaseOwner())) {
// Return random ones
int toIndex = Math.min(candidates.size(), numLeasesToSteal);
leasesToSteal.addAll(candidates.subList(0, toIndex).stream()
.peek(lease ->"[Functional Test] Check isMarkedForLeaseSteal before assign true values: [{}], which is "
+ "shouldn't be true", lease.isMarkedForLeaseSteal()))
.map(lease -> lease.isMarkedForLeaseSteal(true))
if (leasesToStealFromLastCycle == null) {
leasesToStealFromLastCycle = new ArrayList<>(leasesToSteal);
} else {
Set<String> leaseKeysToStealFromLastCycleSet =;
Set<String> leaseKeysToStealFromCurrentCycleSet =;"[Functional Test] leases with isMarkedForLeaseSteal==true should be different with last cycle: [{}]",
!leaseKeysToStealFromLastCycleSet.equals(leaseKeysToStealFromCurrentCycleSet));"[Functional Test] leaseKeysToStealFromLastCycleSet: {} and leaseKeysToStealFromCurrentCycleSet: {}",
leaseKeysToStealFromLastCycleSet, leaseKeysToStealFromCurrentCycleSet);
return leasesToSteal;
* Count leases by host. Always includes myself, but otherwise only includes hosts that are currently holding
* leases.
* @param expiredLeases list of leases that are currently expired
* @return map of workerIdentifier to lease count
Map<String, Integer> computeLeaseCounts(List<Lease> expiredLeases) {
Map<String, Integer> leaseCounts = new HashMap<>();
// The set will give much faster lookup than the original list, an
// important optimization when the list is large
Set<Lease> expiredLeasesSet = new HashSet<>(expiredLeases);
// Compute the number of leases per worker by looking through allLeases and ignoring leases that have expired.
for (Lease lease : allLeases.values()) {
if (!expiredLeasesSet.contains(lease)) {
String leaseOwner = lease.leaseOwner();
Integer oldCount = leaseCounts.get(leaseOwner);
if (oldCount == null) {
leaseCounts.put(leaseOwner, 1);
} else {
leaseCounts.put(leaseOwner, oldCount + 1);
// If I have no leases, I wasn't represented in leaseCounts. Let's fix that.
leaseCounts.putIfAbsent(workerIdentifier, 0);
return leaseCounts;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getWorkerIdentifier() {
return workerIdentifier;
* {@inheritDoc}
public synchronized List<Lease> allLeases() {
return new ArrayList<>(allLeases.values());
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Example log output for verifying leases that had isMarkedForLeaseSteal set before are discarded at next renewal cycle, i.e., we won't have the same set of leases for stealing in two cycles

2022-01-03 15:02:37,856 [LeaseCoordinator-0000] INFO  s.a.k.l.dynamodb.DynamoDBLeaseTaker [NONE] - [Functional Test] leases with isMarkedForLeaseSteal==true should be different with last cycle: [true] 
2022-01-03 15:02:37,856 [LeaseCoordinator-0000] INFO  s.a.k.l.dynamodb.DynamoDBLeaseTaker [NONE] - [Functional Test] leaseKeysToStealFromLastCycleSet: [shardId-000000000014] and leaseKeysToStealFromCurrentCycleSet: [shardId-000000000010] 

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