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Created August 28, 2023 05:20
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Deploy your own Hashi Module
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
import {Yaru} from "../Yaru.sol";
import {Module, Enum} from "";
contract TestHashiModule is Module {
event HashiModuleSetup(
address indexed initiator,
address indexed owner,
address indexed avatar,
address target
event YaruSet(address emitter, address yaru);
event ChainIdSet(address emitter, uint256 chainId);
event ControllerSet(address emitter, address controller);
error AvatarCannotBeZero(address emitter);
error TargetCannotBeZero(address emitter);
error UnauthorizedChainId(address emitter, uint256 chainId);
error UnauthorizedYaru(address emitter, address yaru);
error UnauthorizedController(address emitter, address sender);
error DuplicateYaru(address emitter, address yaru);
error DuplicateChainId(address emitter, uint256 chainId);
error DuplicateController(address emitter, address controller);
error ModuleTransactionFailed(address emitter);
Yaru public yaru;
address public controller;
uint256 public chainId;
/// @param _owner Address of the owner
/// @param _avatar Address of the avatar (e.g. a Safe)
/// @param _target Address of the contract that will call exec function
/// @param _yaru Address of the Yaru contract
/// @param _controller Address of the authorized controller contract on the other side of the bridge
/// @param _chainId Address of the authorized chainId from which owner can initiate transactions
address _owner,
address _avatar,
address _target,
Yaru _yaru,
address _controller,
uint256 _chainId
) {
bytes memory initParams = abi.encode(
function setUp(bytes memory initParams) public override initializer {
address _owner,
address _avatar,
address _target,
Yaru _yaru,
address _controller,
uint256 _chainId
) = abi.decode(
(address, address, address, Yaru, address, uint256)
if (_avatar == address(0)) revert AvatarCannotBeZero(address(this));
if (_target == address(0)) revert TargetCannotBeZero(address(this));
avatar = _avatar;
target = _target;
yaru = _yaru;
controller = _controller;
chainId = _chainId;
emit HashiModuleSetup(msg.sender, _owner, _avatar, _target);
/// @dev Check that the yaru, chainId, and owner are valid
modifier onlyValid() {
if (msg.sender != address(yaru))
revert UnauthorizedYaru(address(this), msg.sender);
if (yaru.chainId() != chainId)
revert UnauthorizedChainId(address(this), yaru.chainId());
if (yaru.sender() != controller)
revert UnauthorizedController(address(this), yaru.sender());
/// @dev Set the Yaru contract address
/// @param _yaru Address of the Yaru contract
/// @notice This can only be called by the owner
function setYaru(address _yaru) public onlyOwner {
if (_yaru == address(yaru)) revert DuplicateYaru(address(this), _yaru);
yaru = Yaru(_yaru);
emit YaruSet(address(this), _yaru);
/// @dev Set the approved chainId
/// @param _chainId ID of the approved network
/// @notice This can only be called by the owner
function setChainId(uint256 _chainId) public onlyOwner {
if (_chainId == chainId)
revert DuplicateChainId(address(this), _chainId);
chainId = _chainId;
emit ChainIdSet(address(this), _chainId);
/// @dev Set the controller address
/// @param _controller Set the address of controller on the other side of the bridge
/// @notice This can only be called by the owner
function setController(address _controller) public onlyOwner {
if (_controller == controller)
revert DuplicateController(address(this), _controller);
controller = _controller;
emit ControllerSet(address(this), _controller);
/// @dev Executes a transaction initated by the Yaru
/// @param to Target of the transaction that should be executed
/// @param value Wei value of the transaction that should be executed
/// @param data Data of the transaction that should be executed
/// @param operation Operation (Call or Delegatecall) of the transaction that should be executed
function executeTransaction(
address to,
uint256 value,
bytes memory data,
Enum.Operation operation
) public onlyValid {
if (!exec(to, value, data, operation))
revert ModuleTransactionFailed(address(this));
/// @dev Executes a transaction initated by the Yaru
/// @param to Target of the transaction that should be executed
/// @param value Wei value of the transaction that should be executed
/// @param data Data of the transaction that should be executed
/// @param operation Operation (Call or Delegatecall) of the transaction that should be executed
function executeTransactionFromNonOwner(
address to,
uint256 value,
bytes memory data,
Enum.Operation operation
) public {
if (!exec(to, value, data, operation))
revert ModuleTransactionFailed(address(this));
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