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Created July 10, 2020 17:13
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#Decompress String
You are given a string S. You to have to first sort the characters in the string.
Now, Suppose a character 'c' occurs x times in the modified string.
Replace these consecutive occurrences of the character 'c' with (x, c) in the string.
Itertools.groupby() will help you in achieving it.
Input Format
First line will contain a string s.
2 <= |s| <= 10^3
Output Format
A single line containing the modified string.
Sample TestCase 1
(3, 'a') (2, 'b') (3, 'c') (1, 'd')
def main():
lst = list(input())
temp, count, length = lst[0], 0, len(lst)
for value in lst:
if temp != value:
print((count, temp), end = ' ')
temp, count = value, 1
count += 1
print((count , lst[length - 1]), end = '')
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