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Created October 24, 2017 19:19
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using Arrows
using NamedTuples
import JLD: load
# import Arrows.BenchmarkArrows: STD_ROTATION_MATRIX, render
import Images: colorview, Gray
using NamedTuples
const STD_ROTATION_MATRIX = [0.94071758 -0.33430171 -0.05738258
-0.33835238 -0.91297877 -0.2280076
0.02383425 0.2339063 -0.97196698]
"(width, height, 2) array, res[i,j] = [i,j] - ray dir based on an increment"
function gen_fragcoords(width::Integer, height::Integer)
raster_space = zeros(width, height, 2)
for i = 1:width
for j = 1:height
raster_space[i, j, :] = [i, j] - 0.5
return raster_space
"Render rays starting with raster_space according to geometry"
function make_ro(r, raster_space, width, height)
nmatrices = 1
resolution = [width, height]
# Normalise it to be bound between 0 1
norm_raster_space = raster_space ./ reshape(resolution, 1, 1, 2)
# Put it in NDC space, -1, 1
screen_space = -1.0 + 2.0 * norm_raster_space
# Make pixels square by mul by aspect ratio
aspect_ratio = resolution[1] / resolution[2]
ndc_space = screen_space .* reshape([aspect_ratio, 1.0], (1, 1, 2))
# Ray Direction
# Position on z-plane
scalars = ones(width, height, 1) * 1.0
ndc_xyz = cat(3, ndc_space, scalars) * 0.5 # Change focal length
# Put the origin farther along z-axis
ro = [0, 0, 1.5]
# Rotate both by same rotation matrix
ro_t = reshape(ro, (1, 3)) * r
ndc_t = Array{Float64}(width, height, nmatrices, 3)
for w = 1:width, h = 1:height
ndc_t[w, h, 1, :] = ndc_xyz[w, h, :]' * r
ndc_t = reshape(ndc_t, (width, height, nmatrices, 3))
ndc_t = permutedims(ndc_t, (3, 1, 2, 4))
# Increment by 0.5 since voxels are in [0, 1]
ro_t = ro_t + 0.5
ndc_t = ndc_t + 0.5
# Find normalise ray dirs from origin to image plane
unnorm_rd = ndc_t .- reshape(ro_t, (nmatrices, 1, 1, 3))
norms = [norm(unnorm_rd[:,w,h,:]) for w = 1:size(unnorm_rd, 2), h = 1:size(unnorm_rd, 3)]
rd = unnorm_rd ./ reshape(norms, (nmatrices, width, height, 1))
return rd, ro_t
opt = @NT(width = 32, height = 32, nsteps = 3, res = 32, batch_size = 1,
phong = false, density = 2)
width, height, res = opt.width, opt.height, opt.res
@show raster_space = gen_fragcoords(width, height)
@show rd, ro = make_ro(STD_ROTATION_MATRIX, raster_space, width, height)
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