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Created August 10, 2019 03:30
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using Omega
# Add uncertainty to this if you want
region_size = 30_000
# The number of groups
ngroups = ciid(ω -> Int(floor(uniform(ω, 1, region_size))))
# Produced random Boolean correlation matrix
function correlation_model(rng, nprobes = 10)
# Sample ids without replacement
neuron_ids = Int[]
while length(neuron_ids) < nprobes
id = Int(floor(uniform(rng, 1, region_size)))
if id ∉ neuron_ids
push!(neuron_ids, id)
# Split the ids [1, 2, 3] into groups: [[1,2], ]
region_id(i) = Int(floor(nprobes*i/region_size))
issamegroup(i, j) = region_id(i) == region_id(j)
correlated = [issamegroup(i,j) for i in neuron_ids, j in neuron_ids]
# Return summary
# THis is just omega stuff to turn function into random variable
correlation_model_ = ciid(correlation_model)
data = [ true false false false false false false false false false
false true false false false false true false false false
false false true false false false false false false false
false false false true false false false false true false
false false false false true false false false false false
false false false false false true false false false false
false true false false false false true false false false
false false false false false false false true false false
false false false true false false false false true false
false false false false false false false false false true]
# Draw condition samples using replica exchange MCMC
samples = rand(ngroups, correlation_model_ ==ₛ count(data), 1000; alg = Replica)
using UnicodePlots
# Plot a histogram, take only last 400 samples for burn in
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