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Created October 18, 2017 05:00
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Simple interpreter and datraloader for CLEVR
import ijson
import os
from enum import Enum
def clevr_iter(clevr_root,
path = os.path.join(clevr_root, data_type)
train_val = "train" if train else "val"
if train:
path = os.path.join(path, "CLEVR_{}_{}.json".format(train_val, data_type))
path = os.path.join(path, "CLEVR_{}_{}.json".format(train_val, data_type))
f = open(path, "r")
return ijson.items(f, "{}.item".format(data_type))
def questions_iter(clevr_root="CLEVR_v1.0",
"Iterator over question dataset"
return clevr_iter(clevr_root, "questions", train)
def scenes_iter(clevr_root="CLEVR_v1.0",
"Iterator over scenes"
return clevr_iter(clevr_root, "scenes", train)
class Shape(Enum):
cube = 0
sphere = 1
cylinder = 2
class Material(Enum):
metal = 0
rubber = 1
class Size(Enum):
small = 0
large = 1
class Color(Enum):
red = 0
green = 1
gray = 2
yellow = 3
blue = 4
cyan = 5
brown = 6
purple = 7
class ClevrObject():
def __init__(self, color, material, shape, size):
self.color = color
self.material = material
self.shape = shape
self.size = size
def from_json(json):
return ClevrObject(color=Color[json['color']],
class ClevrObjectSet():
def __init__(self, objects):
assert isinstance(objects, list)
assert len(objects) == 0 or isinstance(objects[0], ClevrObject)
self.objects = objects
def from_json(objects):
return ClevrObjectSet(list(map(ClevrObject.from_json, objects)))
class SceneGraph():
"Python Implementation of a scene graph"
def __init__(self, object_set, relations):
self.object_set = object_set
self.relations = relations
def from_json(json):
"construct a scene graph from the jason"
object_set = ClevrObjectSet.from_json(json['objects'])
relations = {}
for (i, obj) in enumerate(object_set.objects):
hello = {}
for rel in ['left', 'right', 'front', 'behind']:
objsids = json['relationships'][rel][i]
hello[rel] = [object_set.objects[j] for j in objsids]
relations[obj] = hello
return SceneGraph(object_set, relations)
def scene(scene_graph):
return scene_graph.object_set
def unique(object_set):
if len(object_set.objects) != 1:
raise ValueError
return object_set.objects[0]
def relate(scene_graph, object, relation):
return ClevrObjectSet(scene_graph.relations[object][relation])
def count(object_set):
return len(object_set.objects)
def exist(object_set):
return len(object_set.objects) > 0
# Filter functions
def filter_size(object_set, size):
return ClevrObjectSet(list(filter(lambda obj: obj.size == size,
def filter_color(object_set, color):
return ClevrObjectSet(list(filter(lambda obj: obj.color == color,
def filter_material(object_set, material):
return ClevrObjectSet(list(filter(lambda obj: obj.material == material,
def filter_shape(object_set, shape):
return ClevrObjectSet(list(filter(lambda obj: obj.shape == shape,
def list_intersect(a, b):
return list(set(a).intersection(set(b)))
def list_union(a, b):
return list(set(a).union(set(b)))
def intersect(object_set1, object_set2):
return ClevrObjectSet(list_intersect(object_set1.objects, object_set2.objects))
def union(object_set1, object_set2):
return ClevrObjectSet(list_union(object_set1.objects, object_set2.objects))
def greater_than(a, b):
return a > b
def less_than(a, b):
return a < b
def equal_integer(a, b):
return a == b
def equal_material(a, b):
return a == b
def equal_size(a, b):
return a == b
def equal_shape(a, b):
return a == b
def equal_color(a, b):
return a == b
def query_shape(object):
return object.shape
def query_size(object):
return object.size
def query_material(object):
return object.material
def query_color(object):
return object.color
def rem(object_set, object):
return ClevrObjectSet([obj for obj in object_set.objects if obj != object])
def same_shape(scene_graph, object):
return rem(filter_shape(scene(scene_graph), query_shape(object)), object)
def same_size(scene_graph, object):
return rem(filter_size(scene(scene_graph), query_size(object)), object)
def same_material(scene_graph, object):
return rem(filter_material(scene(scene_graph), query_material(object)), object)
def same_color(scene_graph, object):
return rem(filter_color(scene(scene_graph), query_color(object)), object)
def func_from_string(func_string):
return eval(func_string)
VALUE = {}
VALUE.update({ x for x in Color})
VALUE.update({ x for x in Material})
VALUE.update({ x for x in Shape})
VALUE.update({ x for x in Size})
VALUE.update({'left': 'left',
'right': 'right',
'front': 'front',
'behind': 'behind'})
def interpret(json, inscene):
"interpret the json function spec"
fouts = [() for i in json]
for i, call in enumerate(json):
fname = call['function']
if fname == "scene":
fouts[i] = scene(inscene)
f = func_from_string(fname)
inputs = [fouts[i] for i in call['inputs']]
value_inputs = [VALUE[val] for val in call['value_inputs']]
all_inputs = inputs + value_inputs
if fname in ["same_shape", "same_color", "same_material", "same_size", "relate"]:
all_inputs = [inscene] + all_inputs
fouts[i] = f(*all_inputs)
return fouts[-1]
def test_interpret():
qitr = questions_iter()
sitr = scenes_iter()
while True:
s1 = next(sitr)
# 10 questions per scene it seems
for i in range(10):
q1 = next(qitr)
scene = SceneGraph.from_json(s1)
res = interpret(q1['program'], scene)
print(res, q1['answer'])
# def proghasfunc(func, program):
# return any(list(map(lambda call: call['function'] == func, program)))
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