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Created July 12, 2010 13:59
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class Domain
include MongoMapper::Document
# key <name>, <type>
key :domain, String, :required => true, :index => true
key :rate, Integer
key :max, Integer
key :deferred, Boolean, :index => true
# validate the domain name itself
validates_format_of :domain, :with => /\A((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\Z/i, :message => "You must enter a valid domain name."
# only validate if :deferred is not set.
validates_presence_of :rate, :if => lambda { not self.deferred? }
validates_presence_of :max, :if => lambda { not self.deferred? }
# make sure these are an integer, if deferred is not set.
validates_numericality_of :rate, :if => lambda { not self.deferred? }
validates_numericality_of :max, :if => lambda { not self.deferred? }
# if they are within these ranges its ok.
validates_inclusion_of :max, :within => 1..3600, :if => lambda { not self.deferred? }, :message => "Must be between 1 and 3600."
validates_inclusion_of :rate, :within => 1..3600, :if => lambda { not self.deferred? }, :message => "Must be between 1 and 3600."
# deferred items.
# Domain.deferreds.all
scope :deferreds, where(:deferred => true)
# find items where rate is great > x and < y
# Domain.by_rate(1200, 3600).all
scope :by_rate, lambda { |low, high| where(:rate.gte => low, :rate.lte => high) }
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