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Last active July 12, 2022 03:15
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Julia^2: Julia sets in Julia, using Interact. I'd like it faster.
using Plots, Interact, Base.Threads, BenchmarkTools
# only called by resize.
function batchify(maxIndex, numBatches)
if mod(maxIndex, numBatches) == 0
n = numBatches
n = numBatches - 1
batchSize = div(maxIndex, n)
lastBatch = batchSize*n+1:maxIndex
batches = [(i-1)*batchSize+1:i*batchSize for i in 1:n]
if length(lastBatch) > 0
push!(batches, lastBatch)
numThreads = Threads.nthreads() - 1
# scale should change with picture size
scale = 350.0 # the greater the more details
shift = 0.0+0.0im
function resize(w, h)
global width = w
global height = h
# Complex number grid, to compute Julia(., c) for.
# axis have odd numbers by construction. good?
# global xAxis = [1.0y/scale for y in -div(width, 2):1:div(width, 2)]
# global yAxis = [1.0x/scale for x in -div(height, 2):1:div(height, 2)]
# global valueGrid = [x+y*im for y in yAxis, x in xAxis]
# # Here we will put our function values.
# global dataGrid = [UInt8(0) for x = 1:height, y = 1:width]
# global batches = batchify(height, numThreads)
# start values for picture size
resize(800, 700)
const MAXITER = UInt32(255)
function julia(z0, c, maxiter) :: UInt32
z = z0
for i = UInt32(1):maxiter
z = z*z + c
if abs2(z) >= 4.0
return i
return UInt32(0)
# I'm not happy with the parallelization yet
function juliaSet(batches, valueGrid, dataGrid, c)
@threads for batch in batches
for x in batch
for y = 1:width
@inbounds dataGrid[x,y] = julia(valueGrid[x,y], c, MAXITER)
# juliaP and juliaSetP by Simon Danisch. May contain errors added by zenon ...
function juliaP(z0, c, maxiter)
z = z0
for i in 1:maxiter
abs2(z) > 4f0 && return (i - 1) % UInt32
z = z * z + c
return 0 % UInt32 # % is used to convert without overflow check
function juliaSetP(valueGrid, dataGrid, c)
Threads.@threads for i in eachindex(dataGrid)
@inbounds dataGrid[i] = juliaP(valueGrid[i], c, MAXITER)
return dataGrid
function j(c)
xAxis = [1.0y/scale for y in -div(width, 2):1:div(width, 2)][1:end-1]
yAxis = [1.0x/scale for x in -div(height, 2):1:div(height, 2)][1:end-1]
valueGrid = [x+y*im for y in yAxis, x in xAxis]
# Here we will put our function values.
dataGrid = [UInt8(0) for x = 1:height, y = 1:width]
batches = batchify(height, numThreads)
println("value : $(size(valueGrid))")
println("data : $(size(dataGrid))")
@btime juliaSetP($valueGrid, $dataGrid, $c)
@btime juliaSet($batches, $valueGrid, $dataGrid, $c)
# color = :ice ?
#heatmap(xAxis, yAxis, dataGrid, size=(width,height), nbins=256, aspect_ratio=1, title="c = $c")
j() = j(-0.62+0.42im)
# -0.62+0.42im
# 0.39+0.6im
# 0.0+0.64im
# 0.0+0.75im
# -0.512511498387847167+ 0.521295573094847167im,_plotted_with_Matplotlib.svg
function p()
xAxis = [1.0y/scale for y in -div(width, 2):1:div(width, 2)][1:end-1]
yAxis = [1.0x/scale for x in -div(height, 2):1:div(height, 2)][1:end-1]
valueGrid = [x+y*im for y in yAxis, x in xAxis]
# Here we will put our function values.
dataGrid = [UInt8(0) for x = 1:height, y = 1:width]
batches = batchify(height, numThreads)
@manipulate throttle = 0.1 for x in -1.0:0.01:1.0, y in -1.0:0.01:1.0
c = x+y*im
# @time juliaSet(batches, valueGrid, dataGrid, c)
@time juliaSetP(valueGrid, dataGrid, c)
heatmap(xAxis, yAxis, dataGrid, size=(width,height), nbins=256, aspect_ratio=1, title="c = $c")
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