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Last active December 28, 2021 01:51
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My ZFS cheatsheet

ZFS commands cheatsheet

Devices and Pools

List all devices in the server

```IN FREENAS '''geom disk list'''

### List all pools
```zpool list```

### Clear device errors from a pool and try to rebuild the pool
```zpool clear```

### Create a zpool called 'files' in RAID 0 using /dev/sd[b,c,d]
```zpool create -f files /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd```

*Optional Parameters*
 -m mountpoint
                     Sets the mount point for the root dataset.  The default mount point is /pool or altroot/pool if altroot is specified.  The mount
                     point must be an absolute path, legacy, or none.  For more information on dataset mount points, see zfs(8).

### Create a zpool called 'files' in RAID 1 (Mirrored) using /dev/sda and /dev/sdb
```zpool create files mirror /dev/sda /dev/sdb```
*used striped instead of mirror for RAID 5*

### Change the base mountpoint of an existing ZFS Pool called $POOL to $NEWPATH
```zfs set mountpoint=$NEWPATH $POOL```

### Kill a pool named $POOL
```zpool destroy $POOL```

## File Systems

ZFS file systems live 'inside' pools.  By default they are mounted under the parent pool.

For example:

zfs get mountpoint big NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE big mountpoint /var/lib/snapd/hostfs/big local

zfs create big/docker # docker is a filesystem in the pool named big

zfs get mountpoint big/docker NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE big/docker mountpoint /var/lib/snapd/hostfs/big/docker inherited from big

As you can see, ```big``` is mounted in ```/var/lib/snapd/hostfs/big``` and ```big/docker``` is mounted in ```/var/lib/snapd/hostfs/big/docker``` and it's that inherited from /big.

But what if we want big/docker to be mounted in /var/lib/docker?

zfs set mountpoint=/var/lib/docker big/docker

zfs get mountpoint big/docker NAME PROPERTY VALUE SOURCE big/docker mountpoint /var/lib/docker local

### List file systems

* `zfs list` shows all file systems
* `zfs list -r small` shows all file systems under small
* `zfs list -t snapshot` shows all snapshots

## Snapshots

Snapshots capture a point in time of a file system.  Snapshots can't be accessed directly, but you can clone them, back them up, and roll back to them.

### Create a snapshot

To create a filesystem snapshot, we use the `zfs snapshot` command.

We have a filesystem called test, mounted in my home directory.

zfs list -r big/test NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT big/test 96K 4.36T 96K /home/mrunkel/test

I create a snapshot of the filesystem.

zfs snapshot big/test@demo zfs list -t snapshot NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT big/test@demo 0B - 96K -

# Rollback a snapshot
Now let's create a file in there.

touch /home/mrunkel/test/afile.txt ls /home/mrunkel/test/ afile.txt

Now let's rollback to the snapshot.

zfs rollback big/test@demo ls /home/mrunkel/test/


Clone a snapshot

You can make a copy of a snapshot into a new filesystem..

Here we take the snapshot we created above big/test@demo and create a new zfs filesystem big/demobackup from it.

> zfs clone big/test@demo big/demobackup

Note: Snapshots that are used to create cloned file systems can't be deleted until the file system is deleted.

Clone a snapshot to another machine!

You can also 'send' your snapshot to another machine..

Here we're sending the big/test@demo snapshot to othermachine into the backup/test filesystem.

zfs send big/test@demo | ssh othermachine zfs recv backup/test

Obviously, the other machine will also need to have ZFS installed

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