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Last active November 15, 2018 00:35
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RabbitMQ (relatively) reliable importer
import json
import http.client
import socket
import base64
import random
def b64(s):
# because erlang.
return base64.b64encode(s.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
def getrandomhost(hosts):
# this should get a list of hostnames
if isinstance(hosts, (list,)):
numhosts = len(hosts)
return hosts[random.randrange(0, numhosts, 1)]
# please don't give this a string
return hosts
def makehttprequest(hostname, path, port, timeout, username, password, body, method):
auth = f"{username}:{password}"
headers = {"Authorization": "Basic " + b64(auth)}
headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(hostname,
conn.request(method, path, body, headers)
except ConnectionRefusedError as e:
print(f"Connection Refused: {str(e)}")
except socket.error as e:
print(f"Socket Error: {str(e)}")
response = conn.getresponse()
except socket.timeout:
print(f"Request Timeout: {timeout} seconds")
except Exception as e:
print(f"General Exception getting response: {str(e)}")
# username - note if using remote hosts, this can't be guest
ruser = "guest"
# password
rpassword = "guest"
# host used for exchanges and binding creation
rhost = "localhost"
# list used to randomise queue creation location
rqhosts = ["localhost", "localhost", "localhost", "localhost"]
# api endpoint
rendpoint = "/api/definitions"
# rabbit management port
rport = 15672
# http request timeout in seconds
rtimeout = 10
# api method
rmethod = "POST"
# filename to read
filename = "rmqdata.json"
qjsonbeginning = """{"rabbit_version":"3.5.6","users":[],"parameters":[],"policies":[],"queues":["""
qjsonending = """],"exchanges":[],"bindings":[]}"""
qexchangebeginning = """{"rabbit_version":"3.5.6","users":[],"parameters":[],"policies":[],"queues":[],"exchanges":["""
qexchangeending = """],"bindings":[]}"""
qbindingbeginning = """{"rabbit_version":"3.5.6","users":[],"parameters":[],"policies":[],"queues":[],"exchanges":[],"bindings":["""
qbindingending = """]}"""
jsdata = open(filename).read()
data = json.loads(jsdata)
queues = len(data["queues"])
exchanges = len(data["exchanges"])
bindings = len(data["bindings"])
print(f"Queues Present: {queues}, Exchanges Present: {exchanges}, Bindings: {bindings}")
print("Importing Queues")
for q in data["queues"]:
qbody = f"{qjsonbeginning}{json.dumps(q)}{qjsonending}"
resp = makehttprequest(getrandomhost(rqhosts), rendpoint, rport, rtimeout, ruser, rpassword, qbody, rmethod)
print("Importing Exchanges")
for ex in data["exchanges"]:
ebody = f"{qexchangebeginning}{json.dumps(ex)}{qexchangeending}"
resp = makehttprequest(rhost, rendpoint, rport, rtimeout, ruser, rpassword, ebody, rmethod)
print("Importing Bindings")
for bi in data["bindings"]:
bbody = f"{qbindingbeginning}{json.dumps(bi)}{qbindingending}"
resp = makehttprequest(rhost, rendpoint, rport, rtimeout, ruser, rpassword, bbody, rmethod)
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