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Created August 7, 2011 13:07
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grass interpreter in CL
(defpackage :grass
(:use :common-lisp
(:export :grass-eval
(in-package grass)
(defmacro with-grass-char (code env &body body)
(let ((type (gensym "type"))
(_ (gensym "_")))
`(destructuring-bind ( (((,type ,_ ,code) . ,_) ,_) . ,_) ,env
(declare (ignore ,_))
(if (and (eq ,type 'prim) (integerp ,code))
(progn ,@body)
(error "Wrong application of grass-char")))))
(defun grass-char (code)
`(((prim ,(lambda (env)
(with-grass-char code env
(if (= code code)
'( ((:abs 1 ((2 1)))) ((nil nil)) ) ;church-true
'( ((:abs 1 nil)) nil )))) ;church-false
,code)) nil))
(defvar *output* nil)
(defconstant +env0+ `((((:prim ,(lambda (env)
(with-grass-char code env
(progn (write-byte code *output*) (first env)))) "out")) nil)
(((:prim ,(lambda (env)
(with-grass-char code env
(grass-char (mod (1+ code) 256)))) "succ")) nil)
,(grass-char 119)
(((:prim ,(lambda (env)
(let ((c (read-char t nil nil)))
(if c
(grass-char (char-code c))
(first env)))) "in")) nil)))
(defconstant +cstack0+ '((((:app 0 0)) nil) (nil nil)))
(defun grass-eval (code &key (encoding :cp932))
(with-output-to-sequence (*output* :return-as 'string :external-format encoding)
(grass-eval* (str-to-grass code) +env0+ +cstack0+)))
(defun grass-eval* (code &optional (env +env0+) (cstack +cstack0+))
(multiple-value-bind (c e d) (grass-> code env cstack)
(if (and (null c) (null d))
(grass-eval* c e d))))
(defun grass-> (code env cstack)
(if code
(destructuring-bind ((type x y) . rest) code
(ecase type
(:app (values (first #1=(nth x env))
(cons (nth y env) (second #1#))
(cons (list rest env) cstack)))
(:abs (values rest
(cons (if (= 1 x)
`( ,y ,env)
`( ((:abs ,(1- x) ,y)) ,env))
(:prim (values rest
(cons (funcall x env) env)
(destructuring-bind ((code* env*) . cstack*) cstack
(values code*
(cons (first env) env*)
; reader-section
(defun str-to-grass (str)
(mapcan #'str-to-grass*
(split-sequence #\v (map 'string #'normalize-grass-char (remove-if-not (lambda (x) (member x '(#\w #\W #\v #\w #\W #\v))) str)))))
(defun str-to-grass* (str)
(if (zerop (length str))
(ecase (char str 0)
(#\w (register-groups-bind (n apps) ("(w+)(.*)" str)
(list (list :abs (length n) (str-to-grass* apps)))))
(#\W (register-groups-bind (m n rest) ("(W+)(w+)(.*)" str)
(cons (list :app (1- (length m)) (1- (length n))) (str-to-grass* rest)))))))
(defun normalize-grass-char (ch)
(ecase ch
(#\w #\w)
(#\W #\W)
(#\v #\v)
((#\w #\W #\v) ch)))
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