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Created March 26, 2011 08:19
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(defpackage :infix
(:use :cl)
(:export #:add-operator
(in-package :infix)
(defconstant default-operators
'((1 ** expt :right)
(2 *)
(2 /)
(2 % mod)
(3 +)
(3 -)
(4 >> (lambda (x y) (ash x (- y))))
(4 << ash)
(5 <)
(5 <=)
(5 >)
(5 >=)
(6 == =)
(6 != (lambda (x y) (not (= x y))))
(7 & logand)
(8 ^ logxor)
(9 \| logior)
(10 && and)
(11 || or)
(12 = setf :right)
(12 += incf :right)
(12 -= decf :right)))
(defconstant default-infix-functions
'((sqrt 1)
(sin 1)
(cos 1)
(tan 1)
(log 2)
(loge 1 log)
(log10 1 (lambda (x) (log x 10)))
(! 1 not)
(~ 1 lognot)))
(defclass infix-function ()
:initarg :type
:accessor infix-function-type)
:initarg :clname
:accessor infix-function-clname)
:initarg :numarg
:accessor infix-function-numarg)
:initarg :priority
:initform 7
:accessor infix-function-priority)
:initarg :direction
:accessor infix-function-direction)))
(defconstant leastpriority 20)
(defvar *operators-priority* (make-hash-table :test #'equal) "優先順位毎の演算子")
(defvar *operators* (make-hash-table) "演算子と算術関数のデータ")
(defun single (x)
(and (consp x) (null (cdr x))))
(defun operatorp (op)
(multiple-value-bind (op* win) (gethash op *operators*)
(and win (eq (infix-function-type op*) :operator))))
(defun ifunctionp (op)
(multiple-value-bind (op* win) (gethash op *operators*)
(and win (eq (infix-function-type op*) :ifunction))))
(defun getnumarg (op)
(infix-function-numarg (gethash op *operators*)))
(defun getclname (op)
(infix-function-clname (gethash op *operators*)))
(defun apply-ifunction (exp)
(apply-ifunction '(sqrt a + sin cos b))
-> '((sqrt a) + (sin (cos b)))"
(let ((stack nil))
(dolist (i (nreverse exp))
(if (ifunctionp i)
(let ((polish))
(push (getclname i) polish)
(dotimes (j (getnumarg i))
(push (pop stack) polish))
(push (nreverse polish) stack))
(push i stack)))
(defun devide-infix (exp ops direction)
1: 演算子
2: 演算子より前の式
3: 演算子より後の式
(devide-infix '(1 + 2 * 3 - 3) '(left + -))
-> -
(1 + 2 * 3)
(labels ((rec (exp ops* stack)
(if (member (car exp) ops*)
(ecase direction
(:left (values (car exp) (reverse (cdr exp)) stack))
(:right (values (car exp) (reverse stack) (cdr exp))))
(rec (cdr exp) ops* (cons (car exp) stack)))))
(ecase direction
(:left (rec (reverse exp) ops nil))
(:right (rec exp ops nil)))))
(defun infix-polish (exp)
(if (single exp)
(car exp)
(do ((priority 20 (- priority (ecase dir (:left 0) (:right 1))))
(dir :left (ecase dir (:left :right) (:right :left))))
((zerop priority) nil)
(let ((ops (gethash `(,priority ,dir) *operators-priority*)))
(when (some (lambda (op) (member op exp)) ops)
(multiple-value-bind (op bef af) (devide-infix exp ops dir)
(return (list (getclname op) (infix-polish bef) (infix-polish af)))))))))
(defmacro infix (&rest exp)
(infix-polish (apply-ifunction exp)))
(set-macro-character #\} (get-macro-character #\)))
(set-macro-character #\{
(lambda (stream char)
(declare (ignore char))
(cons 'infix (read-delimited-list #\} stream t))))
(defun add-operator (priority op &optional clname (direction :left))
(unless clname
(setf clname op))
(setf (gethash op *operators*)
(make-instance 'infix-function
:type :operator
:clname clname
:numarg 2
:priority priority
:direction direction))
(push op (gethash `(,priority ,direction) *operators-priority*)))
(defun add-ifunction (fun numarg &optional clname)
(unless clname
(setf clname fun))
(setf (gethash fun *operators*)
(make-instance 'infix-function
:type :ifunction
:clname clname
:numarg numarg
:priority nil
:direction nil)))
(defun initialize ()
(clrhash *operators-priority*)
(clrhash *operators*))
(defun install-default-operators-and-infix-functions ()
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (apply #'add-operator x)) default-operators)
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (apply #'add-ifunction x)) default-infix-functions)
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